Day in the Life

Feb 11, 1898

Journal Entry

February 11, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Feb 11th I am much improved in my paaffected parts. Bro Nuttall attends to
me at the office and Bro A Smith at home. busy at the office all day
until 4 pm when I went home


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from William Masters, 11 February 1898
Manassa President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother i answer to yours of the 4th inst: Would say i axcept the call and the Lord being willing I will be on hand at the appointed time Your Brother in the Gospel Wm Masters Samuel Jackson Bishop
Letter from Noah Seander Pond, 11 February 1898
President Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother, Your favor of the 5th Inst to hand calling me to fill a mission to Scandenavia and to be prepared to leave Salt Lake Apr 16th. In reply will say it will be my pleasure to make my arrangements to be on hand, at your office at the appointed date. I Remain, Your Brother in the Gospel Noah S. Pond Carl J. Cannon Bishop
Letter from B. H. O'Bannon, 11 February 1898
president wilford woodruff. Dear Brother at present there are is quite a load on my mind and of no small matter to me: ever since I have been a member of the cChurch, which has been 6 or 7 years, I have had a desire to move to Utah, which you know is a natural consequence, and now the time set to go is neare at hand, and in as few words as posible I I will lay the case before you, and having much faith in you and also all the leaders of the Church, I believe your desision will be the will of the Lord. I wrote Bro Conen asking advice on this, but got no word. now I do hope and pray you will advise me in the matter, which is as follows and in as few words as I can tell it. I have here 20 acres of land not very good. I have some orther means of support a pension of $12, a store house I rent out at $2, pr. mo. I can live here. I am 51 years of age, very nervous, have polpitation of heart. I cannot do much work. I have 3 children all small, two of us have Catarak + throat trouble


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 11, 1898