Courtesy Of

Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number MS 1352
Collection Page 1-477
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Rights and Use Copyright and Use Information
Transcript View Full Transcript


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned in this document.

57 mentions
Scriptural Figure
32 mentions
Scriptural Figure
246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
297 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
26 Aug 1819 - 14 Dec 1861
20 mentions
Historical Figure
7 mentions
Historical Figure
14 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure

10 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
7 mentions
Scriptural Figure
31 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure, Native American
7 mentions
Scriptural Figure
88 mentions
Scriptural Figure
54 mentions
Scriptural Figure
76 mentions
Scriptural Figure
8 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Elizabeth Hendricks
abt. 1827-aft. 1850
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
7 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
48 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Ferdinand I of Austria
19 Apr 1793 - 29 Jun 1875
7 mentions
Historical Figure
Franz Joseph I of Austria
18 Aug 1830 - 21 Nov 1916
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
Frederick William IV of Prussia
15 Oct 1795 - 2 Jan 1861
6 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
9 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
101 mentions
Scriptural Figure
118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
171 mentions
Scriptural Figure
43 mentions
Scriptural Figure
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
25 mentions
Scriptural Figure
180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
85 mentions
Scriptural Figure
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
Scriptural Figure
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
23 mentions
Scriptural Figure
45 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Louis Philippe I of France
6 Oct 1773 - 26 Aug 1850
10 mentions
Historical Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
Scriptural Figure
24 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
78 mentions
Scriptural Figure
212 mentions
Scriptural Figure
abt. 570-632 AD
1 mention
Historical Figure
Napoleon III of France
20 Apr 1808 - 9 Jan 1873
10 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Scriptural Figure
18 mentions
Scriptural Figure
34 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Nicholas I of Russia
6 Jul 1796 - 2 Mar 1855
9 mentions
Historical Figure
105 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
159 mentions
Scriptural Figure
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Pliny Merrick
abt. 1795- 1867
Pope Pius IX
13 May 1792 - 7 Feb 1878
7 mentions
Historical Figure
9 mentions
Scriptural Figure
7 mentions
Scriptural Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Victoria of the United Kingdom
24 May 1819 - 22 Jan 1901
64 mentions
Historical Figure
28 mentions
Native American
6 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Lewis Abbott
30 Nov 1793 - 30 Nov 1850
John Adams
30 Oct 1735 - 4 Jul 1826
3 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
John Quincy Adams
11 Jul 1767 - 23 Feb 1848
2 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
William Britton Adams
14 Feb 1814 - 6 Jan 1861
94 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Amey Cecelia Cooper Aldrich
30 Jun 1804 - 13 Jul 1852
Joseph Aldrich
10 Aug 1801 - 17 Nov 1874
Randolph Alexander
22 Mar 1802 - 12 Mar 1879
56 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Andrew Jackson Allen
5 Sep 1818 - 18 Jul 1884
1 mention
Edward Allen
abt. 1825-1873
1 mention
Lewis Alling
abt. 1801-1877
James Allred
22 Jan 1784 - 10 Jan 1876
23 mentions
Zion's Camp
Betsey Cossett Alvord
19 Jan 1805 - 16 Feb 1884
103 mentions
Milo Andrus
6 Mar 1814 - 19 Jun 1893
40 mentions
Zion's Camp
Truman Osborn Angell
5 Jun 1810 - 16 Oct 1887
William Ivins Appleby
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870
John Christopher Armstrong
27 Nov 1813 - 7 Jun 1881
David Rice Atchison
11 Aug 1807 - 26 Jan 1886
Samuel Atherton
1815 – 1895
Dan Atwood
4 Nov 1787 - 17 Dec 1863
Millen Atwood
24 May 1817 - 17 Dec 1890
20 mentions
Miner G. Atwood
18 Mar 1823 - 21 Jul 1902
Polly Sawyer Atwood
12 Jun 1790 - 16 Oct 1875
Samuel F. Atwood
27 Feb 1825 - 1 May 1906
1 mention
Samuel Badham
15 Aug 1815 - 20 May 1868
17 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Alexander Badlam, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
William Bainbridge
7 May 1774 - 27 Jul 1833
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
John Banks
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862
1 mention
James Barnes
10 Feb 1815 - 28 Apr 1890
22 mentions
Apostle, 1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Lorenzo Dow Barnes
22 Mar 1812 - 20 Dec 1842
John Barry
2 mentions
Historical Figure
5 mentions
1 mention
Calvin Bebe
1 Jul 1800 - 17 Jul 1861
Charles Beers
abt. 1840-1848
Isaac Behunin
20 Oct 1802 - 10 May 1881
5 mentions
Marion Benbow Bell
10 Jul 1839 - 29 Mar 1915
3 mentions
1840 British Convert
Ann Bagley Benbow, b. 1801
18 Jan 1801 - 28 Aug 1880
11 mentions
1840 British Convert
Jane Homes Benbow
12 Jan 1792 - 27 Nov 1846
55 mentions
1840 British Convert
John Benbow
1 Apr 1800 - 12 May 1874
173 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Thomas Benbow
3 mentions
1840 British Convert
William Benbow
11 Feb 1803 - 19 Dec 1886
31 mentions
1840 British Convert
James Arlington Bennet
21 Dec 1788 - 25 Dec 1863
1 mention
Ezra Taft Benson
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
13 mentions
Historical Figure
John Milton Bernhisel
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
5 mentions
2 mentions
Justis W. Bickford
1 Oct 1816 - 14 Jun 1899
1 mention
Maine Mission
James Biddle
18 Feb 1783 - 1 Oct 1848
3 mentions
Historical Figure
John Bills
19 Sep 1819 - 19 Feb 1850
James Bird
18 May 1811 - 20 Apr 1896
Francis Gladden Bishop
19 Jun 1809 - 30 Nov 1864
Seth Millington Blair
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875
Lilburn Williams Boggs
14 Dec 1796 - 14 Mar 1860
Curtis Edwin Bolton
16 Jul 1812 - 6 Dec 1890
1 mention
Abraham Dodge Boynton
11 Mar 1814 - 1 Oct 1865
Samuel Brannan
2 Mar 1819 - 5 May 1889
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Jacob Brower
abt. 1770- aft. 1850
Daniel Browett
18 Dec 1809 - 27 Jun 1848
65 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
1 mention
Charles Brown
abt. 1805-1839
37 mentions
Family, Maine Mission
1 mention
Maine Mission
2 mentions
James Stephens Brown
4 Jul 1828 - 29 Mar 1902
Thomas Dunlop Brown
16 Dec 1807 - 20 Mar 1874
2 mentions
James Bruce
20 Jul 1811 - 20 Nov 1863
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Thomas Bullock
23 Dec 1816 - 10 Feb 1885
George Bundy
5 Jan 1788 - 29 Jan 1877
8 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
9 mentions
13 mentions
Zion's Camp
14 mentions
Maine Mission
John Bernard Burke
5 Jan 1814 - 12 Dec 1892
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Elihu Burritt
1 mention
Historical Figure
John Caldwell Calhoun
18 Mar 1782 - 31 Mar 1850
5 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Anson Call
13 May 1810 - 31 Aug 1890
Robert Lang Campbell
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
124 mentions
George Quayle Cannon
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
Albert Carrington
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
Dominicus Carter
21 Jun 1806 - 2 Feb 1884
30 mentions
Ephraim Carter
2 Nov 1693 - 26 Mar 1798
2 mentions
Ezra Carter (Jr.)
29 Apr 1804 - 11 May 1887
176 mentions
Ezra Carter, b. 1739
9 Jan 1739 - 20 Apr 1819
10 mentions
Ezra Carter, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Ilus Fabyan Carter
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Joseph Fabyan Carter
11 Dec 1798 - 30 Sep 1873
56 mentions
Judith Walker Carter
4 Dec 1807 - 18 Nov 1889
6 mentions
Martha Sloan Carter
abt. 1816-1893
33 mentions
Oliver Carter
abt. 1807 - 1863
Sarah Fabyan Carter
8 Apr 1775 - 24 Jul 1845
92 mentions
Simeon D. Carter
7 Jun 1794 - 3 Feb 1869
22 mentions
1 mention
Jane Allen Cartwright
10 Nov 1814 - 11 Jun 1888
Thomas Cartwright
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873
Darwin Chase
25 Feb 1816 - 4 Feb 1863
Eli Chase
9 Nov 1808 - 20 Feb 1851
1 mention
Haden Wells Church
29 Aug 1817 - 27 Sep 1875
Benjamin Lynn Clapp
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Mary Shultz Clapp
2 Apr 1815 - 13 Nov 1874
6 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Ezra Thompson Clark
23 Nov 1823 - 17 Oct 1901
Isaac Clark
abt. 1807-abt. 1854
John Bullock Clark
17 Apr 1802 - 29 Oct 1885
Thomas Henry Clark
31 May 1806 - 14 Oct 1873
44 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Hiram Bradley Clawson
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
Henry Clay
12 Apr 1777 - 29 Jun 1852
8 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Historical Figure
William Clayton
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
1 mention
Howell Cobb
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
1 mention
Maine Mission
John Colby
24 Nov 1809 - 19 Sep 1867
1 mention
Maine Mission
20 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Amos W. Condit
abt. 1804-abt. 1848
George Copway
18 mentions
Native American
Howard Coray
17 May 1817 - 16 Jan 1908
Alfred Cordon
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Thomas Cottam
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896
1 mention
Oliver Cowdery
3 Oct 1806 - 3 Mar 1850
132 mentions
Sarah Elizabeth Foss Cowley Fox
26 Dec 1827 - 14 Jun 1899
32 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
David Crocket
30 Dec 1806 - 12 Apr 1876
1 mention
Maine Mission
5 mentions
Robert Crow
1794-abt. 1876
3 mentions
Samuel Curtis
abt. 1785 - 1876
Alpheus Cutler
29 Feb 1784 - 10 Jun 1864
Moses Daley
16 Apr 1794 - 9 Dec 1865
2 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
Samuel Dam
abt. 1815 - 1868
William Horne Dame
15 Jul 1819 - 16 Aug 1884
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
Mary C. Davis
abt. 1818- aft. 1849
Lionel Nathan de Rothschild
28 May 1810 - 3 Jan 1876
3 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Andrew P. Delin
abt. 1823-1895
Albert C. Dewey
abt. 1825- 1900
Philo Dibble
6 Jun 1806 - 7 Jun 1895
2 mentions
Stephen Arnold Douglas
23 Apr 1813 - 3 Jun 1861
William Stuart Douglass
12 Dec 1799 - 16 Jun 1882
54 mentions
Maine Mission
William Draper
24 Apr 1807 - 28 May 1886
Henry Druce
5 Jun 1820 - 12 Mar 1896
John Druce
18 Jun 1818 - 7 Oct 1897
3 mentions
1 mention
3 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Joseph Egbert
10 Mar 1818 - 24 May 1898
Horace Sunderlin Eldredge
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
John Eldridge
bef. 1820-1850
4 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas F. Eldredge
23 Mar 1813 - 29 Aug 1891
2 mentions
Historical Figure
John Ennion
abt. 1808-unk.
Mary Taylor Ennion
abt. 1809 - 1893
6 mentions
Charles Wesley Fabyan
11 Mar 1813 - 23 Jul 1886
5 mentions
James Ferguson
23 Feb 1828 - 30 Aug 1863
Millard Fillmore
7 Jan 1800 - 8 Mar 1874
12 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Pliny Fisher
1775-aft. 1859
Calvin Ichabod Foss
10 Jan 1826 - 21 May 1908
36 mentions
Ezra Carter Foss
30 Jun 1833 - 3 Jul 1919
13 mentions
Ira Carter Foss
19 Jul 1824 - 17 Apr 1864
14 mentions
Phebe Carter Foss Sessions
2 Nov 1831 - 25 Jul 1913
22 mentions
Rhoda Harriet Foss Richards
19 Apr 1830 - 19 Nov 1881
24 mentions
Sarah Brackett Carter Foss
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions
Benjamin Franklin
6 Jan 1706 - 17 Apr 1790
14 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
John Charles Fremont
31 Jan 1813 - 13 Jul 1890
Burr Frost
4 Mar 1816 - 16 Mar 1878
Huldah Elvina Frost
abt. 1824-abt. 1856
David Fullmer
7 Jul 1803 - 22 Oct 1879
43 mentions
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Jacob Gates
9 Mar 1811 - 14 Apr 1892
73 mentions
Zion's Camp
Lewis Gaulter
28 Oct 1817 - 14 Feb 1913
David Gibson
abt. 1800-abt. 1878
1 mention
Maine Mission
1 mention
Maine Mission
Jacob Gibson
1 Jan 1814 - 1 May 1882
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Susanna Glover
29 Jan 1795 - 8 Jan 1853
2 mentions
Maine Mission
1 mention
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Sabra Granger
17 Feb 1794 - 17 Oct 2024
George Davis Grant
10 Sep 1812 - 20 Sep 1876
Jedediah Morgan Grant
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
282 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
William Gribble
abt. 1818-aft. 1860
5 mentions
Thomas Grover
22 Jul 1807 - 20 Feb 1886
Elisha Hurd Groves
5 Nov 1797 - 29 Dec 1867
Thomas Guymon
10 Mar 1787 - 20 Oct 1855
Jonathan Harriman Hale
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
154 mentions
Nathan Hale
16 Aug 1784 - 8 Feb 1863
Joseph Hall
1 mention
Joseph Hall, b. 1824
6 Aug 1824 - 1 Sep 1906
Joseph Hammer
1812-abt. 1849
Samuel Hammer
abt. 1780-1862
Francis Asbury Hammond
1 Nov 1822 - 27 Nov 1900
Levi Ward Hancock
7 Apr 1803 - 10 Jun 1882
35 mentions
Zion's Camp
Solomon Hancock
15 Aug 1793 - 2 Dec 1847
William Hand
aft. 1800-1849
Ebenezer Hanks
abt. 1815-abt.1884
5 mentions
John J. Hardin
6 Jan 1810 - 23 Feb 1847
Caroline Matilda Hardy
1 Jan 1848 - 3 Jul 1850
Leonard Wilford Hardy
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
234 mentions
Samuel Bradford Hardy
21 Sep 1804 - 9 Sep 1899
1 mention
2 mentions
Henry Harriman
9 Jun 1804 - 17 May 1891
1 mention
Emer Harris
29 May 1781 - 28 Nov 1869
1 mention
William Henry Harrison
9 Feb 1773 - 4 Apr 1841
8 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
5 mentions
1 mention
3 mentions
Historical Figure
Jesse Haven
28 Mar 1814 - 14 Dec 1905
James Hendricks, b. 1808
23 Jun 1808 - 8 Jul 1870
Simeon Hendrickson
abt. 1783-1859
13 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
John Herrett
abt. 1812-1840
2 mentions
Native American
Joseph Leland Heywood
1 Aug 1815 - 16 Oct 1910
William A. Hickman
16 Apr 1815 - 21 Aug 1883
1 mention
Whitten Hillman
abt. 1807-1869
2 mentions
Maine Mission
John Greenleaf Holman
18 Oct 1828 - 5 Nov 1888
Abigail Poor Holmes
29 Jan 1791 - 2 Feb 1860
Aphia S. Woodman Holmes
26 Feb 1810 - 5 Apr 1885
Milton Holmes
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission
Nathaniel Holmes
15 Aug 1775 - 20 Feb 1849
1 mention
Maine Mission
George Wurtz Hughes
4 mentions
Historical Figure
Isaac Hull
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Jefferson Hunt
20 Jan 1803 - 11 May 1879
Charles Walker Hyde
16 Jul 1814 - 15 Dec 1891
Heman Hyde
30 Jun 1788 - 11 Jun 1869
Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde
28 Jun 1815 - 24 Mar 1886
Orson Hyde
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
William Hyde
11 Sep 1818 - 2 Mar 1874
14 mentions
14 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Anthony Ivins
29 Sep 1818 - 23 Nov 1870
Israel Ivins
19 May 1815 - 16 Apr 1897
7 mentions
1 mention
Historical Figure
Thomas Jefferson
13 Apr 1743 - 4 Jul 1826
6 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
2 mentions
Aaron Johnson
22 Jun 1806 - 10 May 1877
6 mentions
Luke Johnson
3 Nov 1807 - 8 Dec 1861
74 mentions
Dan Jones
4 Aug 1810 - 3 Jan 1862
2 mentions
Thomas Leiper Kane
27 Jan 1822 - 26 Dec 1883
William Kay
11 Apr 1810 - 25 Mar 1875
1 mention
2 mentions
Heber Chase Kimball
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1465 mentions
Hiram Kimball
31 May 1806 - 27 Apr 1863
Thomas Kington
18 May 1794 - 1 Jul 1874
184 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Charles Kinkade
abt. 1832-unk.
Benjamin Knowlton
abt. 1818-1896
5 mentions
Maine Mission
Lajos Kossuth
2 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Tarlton Lewis
18 May 1805 - 22 Nov 1890
Walker Lewis
abt. 1800-1856
Jesse Carter Little
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Darius Lougee
1 Mar 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
Samuel D. Lucas
19 Jul 1799 - 23 Feb 1868
Daniel Grant Luce
12 Oct 1814 - 1 Nov 1897
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Ephraim Luce
30 Sep 1799 - 2 Mar 1880
35 mentions
Maine Mission
John Grant Luce
20 Sep 1817 - 28 Mar 1881
12 mentions
Maine Mission
Martin Luther
15 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Amasa Mason Lyman
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
3 mentions
William Charles Macready
3 Mar 1793 - 27 Apr 1873
William Warner Major
27 Jan 1804 - 2 Oct 1854
Stephen Markham
9 Feb 1800 - 10 Mar 1878
102 mentions
Moses Martin
5 mentions
Zion's Camp
1 mention
Joseph Matthews
9 Jan 1809 - 14 May 1886
1 mention
Maine Mission
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Alexander A. McKinzie
abt. 1795-aft. 1849
Mary McMinn
abt. 1817- unk.
David McMullin
6 Jul 1783 - 30 Nov 1855
3 mentions
Maine Mission
Henry McMullin
10 Jan 1815 - 2 May 1885
4 mentions
Maine Mission
John McMurray
abt. 1798-aft. 1850
3 mentions
1 mention
Valentine Merrill
8 May 1811 - 12 Jan 1875
1 mention
George Miller
1794- abt. 1856
Henry William Miller
1 May 1807 - 9 Oct 1885
1 mention
1 mention
David Moody
abt. 1787 - unk.
Isaac Moorhouse
abt. 1800-aft. 1869
Isaac Morley
11 Mar 1786 - 24 Jun 1865
1 mention
Freedom Moulton
31 Oct 1808 - 31 Jul 1857
40 mentions
Shuah Coffin Carter Moulton
20 Dec 1811 - 19 Jun 1905
89 mentions
John Murdock
15 Jul 1792 - 23 Dec 1871
11 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
3 mentions
Lewis Neeley
abt. 1805-1857
1 mention
Freeman Nickerson
5 Feb 1779 - 22 Jan 1847
Uriah Nickerson
abt. 1810 - 1888
Joseph Bates Noble
14 Jan 1810 - 17 Aug 1900
Ira Oviatt
abt. 1804-1868
John Pack
20 May 1809 - 4 Apr 1885
John Edward Page
25 Feb 1799 - 14 Oct 1867
125 mentions
John C. Park
abt. 1804-1889
Job Parkhurst
abt. 1794-1869
John Parkinson
2 mentions
Edward Partridge
27 Aug 1793 - 27 May 1840
David Wyman Patten
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
140 mentions
Priam Pease
abt. 1797-aft. 1859
7 mentions
Maine Mission
Hezekiah Peck
19 Jan 1782 - 25 Aug 1850
Robert Peel
6 mentions
Historical Figure
Asahel Perry
1784-aft. 1860
Paul Perry
29 Apr 1785 - 29 Jan 1873
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Albert Petty
10 Aug 1795 - 19 Jun 1869
78 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Robert C. Petty
abt. 1812-1856
William Wines Phelps
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872
Elizabeth Hudson Pierce
25 Jun 1771 - 6 Feb 1850
1 mention
Maine Mission
Josiah Pierce
21 Dec 1792 - 15 Aug 1867
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Thomas Pierce
3 Jul 1771 - 14 Apr 1851
1 mention
Maine Mission
1 mention
Ruth E. Carter Plummer
26 Jul 1831 - 25 Nov 1896
2 mentions
James Knox Polk
2 Nov 1795 - 15 Jun 1849
24 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Chauncy Warriner Porter
20 Oct 1812 - 3 Mar 1868
David Porter
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Sanford Porter
7 Mar 1790 - 9 Feb 1873
1 mention
Addison Pratt
21 Feb 1802 - 14 Oct 1872
Mary Ann Frost Pratt
14 Jan 1809 - 24 Aug 1891
Orson Pratt
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Parley Parker Pratt
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
549 mentions
Sarah Marinda Bates Pratt
5 Feb 1817 - 25 Dec 1888
1 mention
Historical Figure
Luke Provost
abt. 1809-abt. 1863
Charles Pulsipher
20 Apr 1834 - 20 Nov 1915
Zerah Pulsipher
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872
Miner L. Ray
abt. 1811-1879
1 mention
Thomas Foster Rhoads
abt. 1794 - aft. 1860
Charles Coulson Rich
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
355 mentions
Franklin Dewey Richards
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Levi Richards
14 Apr 1799 - 18 Jun 1876
Phineas Howe Richards
15 Nov 1788 - 25 Nov 1874
Samuel Whitney Richards
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909
Silas Richards
18 Dec 1807 - 17 Mar 1884
Willard Richards
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
Sidney Rigdon
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
Amos William Riley
24 Jun 1826 - 27 Mar 1908
Beri Lewis Robbins
8 Sep 1811 - 10 Feb 1864
1 mention
Historical Figure
Albert Perry Rockwood
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
John Rodgers
3 mentions
Historical Figure
Ann Rogers
abt. 1800-unk.
1 mention
2 mentions
2 mentions
Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff Ross
18 Feb 1818 - 25 Oct 1894
39 mentions
Shadrach Roundy
11 Jan 0789 - 4 Jul 1872
John Rowberry
16 Jan 1825 - 4 Apr 1884
34 mentions
1840 British Convert
Joseph Russell
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
Oliver L. Sanborn
abt. 1808 - 1881
6 mentions
Abel M. Sargent
aft. 1799-aft. 1840
Ruth Daggett Vose Sayers
26 Feb 1808 - 18 Aug 1884
Sarah Ellen Carter Scamman Hoover
10 Mar 1840 - 19 Apr 1924
4 mentions
Luther Scammans
7 Dec 1808 - 10 Jul 1878
73 mentions
Rhoda Farnham Carter Scammans
13 Mar 1809 - 23 Dec 1896
63 mentions
Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
362 mentions
Andrew Hunter Scott
21 Aug 1815 - 11 Oct 1874
1 mention
Winfield Scott
13 Jun 1786 - 29 May 1866
3 mentions
Historical Figure
Perrigrine Sessions
15 Jun 1814 - 3 Jun 1893
William Henry Seward
16 May 1801 - 10 Oct 1872
9 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
4 mentions
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Elijah Funk Sheets
22 Mar 1821 - 3 Jul 1904
1 mention
Henry Garlick Sherwood
20 Apr 1785 - 24 Nov 1867
2 mentions
Charles Shumway
1 Aug 1806 - 21 May 1898
Ann Rose Shurrager
abt. 1801–1891
Mephibosheth Sirrine
10 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024
Jane Sloan
abt 1788-1863
Asa Smith
1 mention
Historical Figure
Bathsheba Wilson Bigler Smith
5 Mar 1822 - 20 Sep 1910
Charles Smith
1 mention
Historical Figure
Elias Smith, b. 1804
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
George Albert Smith
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Hyrum Smith
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Job Taylor Smith
2 Dec 1828 - 3 Jan 1913
10 mentions
1840 British Convert
John Lyman Smith
17 Nov 1828 - 21 Feb 1898
John Smith, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Joseph Smith (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
Lucy Mack Smith
8 Jul 1775 - 14 May 1856
Samuel Harrison Smith
13 Mar 1808 - 30 Jul 1844
Samuel Smith
11 Jun 1807 - 28 Jun 1850
65 mentions
Family, 1835 Southern Convert
William B. Smith
13 Mar 1811 - 13 Nov 1893
98 mentions
Abraham Owen Smoot
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
William Cochran Adkins Smoot
30 Jan 1828 - 2 Feb 1920
John Snider
11 Feb 1800 - 19 Dec 1875
Bernard Snow
22 Jan 1822 - 22 Feb 1893
Erastus Snow
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
704 mentions
Levi Snow
22 Jul 1782 - 2 Nov 1841
Lorenzo Snow
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions
Willard Trowbridge Snow
6 May 1811 - 21 Aug 1853
17 mentions
Zion's Camp
William Snow
14 Dec 1806 - 19 May 1879
Zerubbabel Snow
29 Mar 1809 - 27 Sep 1888
27 mentions
Zion's Camp
1 mention
Archibald Gamble Coombs Spear
25 Apr 1805 - 12 Feb 1889
2 mentions
Maine Mission
Claudius Victor Spencer
2 Apr 1824 - 5 Jan 1910
Daniel Spencer
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Orson Spencer
14 Mar 1802 - 15 Oct 1855
Howard Stansbury
abt. 1807-1863
1 mention
Historical Figure
Cyrus Starrett
21 Feb 1802 - 31 Dec 1879
31 mentions
Host, Maine Mission
Jabez Stewart
abt. 1800-1849
Levi Stewart
abt. 1812-1878
Thomas Stickney
abt. 1806-unknown
Dexter Stillman
abt. 1804-1852
John Jay Stocking
24 Apr 1806 - 23 Oct 1870
21 mentions
Nehemiah Stone
1793-bef. 1881
1 mention
Maine Mission
Hosea Stout
18 Sep 1810 - 2 Mar 1889
William Stout
abt. 1824-unknown
James Jesse Strang
21 Mar 1813 - 9 Jul 1856
Joseph Albert Stratton
11 Sep 1821 - 28 Oct 1850
2 mentions
Historical Figure
La Roy Sunderland
22 Apr 1804 - 15 May 1885
6 mentions
Historical Figure
John August Sutter
23 Feb 1803 - 18 Jun 1880
William Swett
abt. 1806-1876
John Taylor, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Leonora Cannon Taylor
6 Oct 1796 - 9 Dec 1868
Pleasant Green Taylor
2 Aug 1827 - 16 May 1917
Zachary Taylor
24 Nov 1784 - 9 Jul 1850
12 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Preston F. Thomas
15 Feb 1814 - 10 Jul 1877
1 mention
James Foss Townsend
20 Feb 1808 - 2 Apr 1886
1 mention
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Samuel Turnbow
16 Oct 1804 - 19 Nov 1890
David Sevey Turner
1836- aft. 1910
1 mention
Maine Mission
1 mention
Maine Mission
Smith Tuttle
12 Mar 1795 - 7 Mar 1865
John Van Cott
7 Sep 1814 - 18 Feb 1883
2 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
George Benjamin Wallace
16 Feb 1817 - 30 Jan 1900
1 mention
George Washington
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Dwight Webster
13 Apr 1814 - 19 Aug 1868
136 mentions
Eunice Hart Woodruff Webster
19 Jun 1821 - 14 Jun 1853
272 mentions
Daniel Hanmer Wells
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
802 mentions
32 mentions
3 mentions
Samuel Walker West
30 Mar 1804 - 22 Feb 1873
58 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
1 mention
44 mentions
Ann Wingrove White
abt. 1822-aft. 1881
James Whitehead
12 Apr 1813 - 27 Jul 1898
David Whitmer
7 Jan 1805 - 25 Jan 1888
51 mentions
4 mentions
Newel Kimball Whitney
3 Feb 1795 - 23 Sep 1850
Lyman Wight
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
198 mentions
Benjamin S. Wilber
1810–bef. 1854
1 mention
10 mentions
2 mentions
David Wilmot
abt. 1812-1868
William H. Wilson
25 Jan 1807 - 25 Nov 1867
14 mentions
Maine Mission
2 mentions
Aphek Lorenzo Woodruff
12 Aug 1827 - 15 Jan 1891
27 mentions
Aphek Woodruff, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Aphek Woodruff, b. 1811
30 May 1811 - 23 Dec 1860
5 mentions
Aphek Woodruff, b. 1853
26 Jan 1853 - 26 Jan 1853
3 mentions
Azmon Woodruff, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions
Azubah Hart Woodruff
31 Jul 1792 - 21 Mar 1851
269 mentions
Beulah Augusta Woodruff Beatie
19 Jul 1851 - 13 Jan 1905
261 mentions
Bulah Thompson Woodruff
22 Apr 1783 - 11 Jun 1808
76 mentions
Dinah Woodford Woodruff
1 Mar 1754 - 12 Jun 1825
23 mentions
39 mentions
Elizabeth Norton Hart Woodruff
14 May 1795 - 3 Jan 1851
25 mentions
Emma Smith Woodruff
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Ezra Woodruff
8 Dec 1846 - 10 Dec 1846
9 mentions
Joseph Woodruff
28 Jul 1845 - 12 Nov 1846
34 mentions
Mary Meeks Giles Webster Woodruff
6 Sep 1802 - 3 Oct 1852
20 mentions
Ozem Thompson Woodruff
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
222 mentions
Ozem Woodruff, b. 1787
3 Nov 1787 - 18 Feb 1871
160 mentions
Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Sarah Brown Woodruff
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Sarah Emma Woodruff
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions
Shuah Carter Woodruff
28 Oct 1847 - 22 Jul 1848
12 mentions
Wilford Woodruff (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions
4 mentions
Family, Historical Figure
Edwin Dilworth Woolley
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
126 mentions
Olive C. Foss Woolley
12 Apr 1835 - 7 Apr 1877
9 mentions
Samuel Amos Woolley
11 Sep 1825 - 23 Mar 1900
Thomas Woolsey
3 Nov 1806 - 5 Jan 1897
Sheldon Wooster
25 Aug 1785 - 19 Feb 1862
Rebecca Willard Turner Workman
18 Jul 1834 - 4 Sep 1885
1 mention
Maine Mission
William Jenkins Worth
1 Mar 1794 - 7 May 1849
3 mentions
Historical Figure
Caleb Wright
2 mentions
Peter Wycoff
abt. 1805-1854
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family
John Hayden Young
6 Mar 1763 - 12 Oct 1839
John Willard Young
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions
John Young (Jr.)
22 May 1791 - 27 Apr 1870
Joseph Watson Young
12 Jan 1829 - 7 Jun 1873
Joseph Young
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Lorenzo Dow Young
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions
Mary Ann Angell Young
8 Jun 1803 - 27 Jun 1882
Phineas Howe Young
16 Feb 1799 - 10 Oct 1879


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21st The following is a true copy of a Revelation given dated Winter Quarters Camp of Israel Jan 14th 1847 The word and will of the Lord concerning the camp of Israel In their journeyings to the west Let all the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and those who journey with them, be organized into companies with a covenant and promise to keep all the commandments and Statutes of the Lord our God: Let the companies be organized with Captains of Hundreds, Captains of Fifties, and Captains of Tens with a President & his two councillors at their head, under the direction of the Twelve Apostles: And this shall be our covenant that we will walk in all the ordinances of the Lord. Let each company provide themselves with all the Teams, waggons provisions, clothing, and other necessaries for the journey that they can. When the companies are organized let them go to with their might to prepare for those who are to tarry. Let each company with their Captains, and Presidents, decide how many can go next spring; then choose out a sufficient number of able bodied and expert men, to take teams, seeds, and Farming utensils, to go as Pioneers, to prepare for puting in spring crops. Let each company bear an equal proportion, according to the dividend of their property, in taking the poor, the widows, the fatherless, and the families of those who have gone into the armey, that the cries of the widow and the Fatherless come not up into the ears of the Lord against this people. Let each company prepare houses, and fields for raising grain, for those who are to remain behind this season, and this is the will of the Lord concerning his people; Let every man use all his influence and property, to remove this people to the place whare the Lord shall locate a stake of Zion;
~ Brigham Young
Go thy way and do as I have told you; and fear not thine enemies; for they shall not have power to stop my work. Zion shall be redeemed in mine own due time time, and if any man shall seek to build up himself and seeketh not my council he shall have no power, and his folley shall be made manifes[t] seek ye and keep all your pledges one with another and covet not that which is thy brothers. Keep yourselves from evi[l] to take ^not^ the name of thy God in vane; for I am the Lord your God, even the God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob. I am he who led the children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt and my arm is streched out in the last days to save my people Israel cease to contend one with another. Cease to speak evil one of another. Cease drunkenness, and let your words tend to edeyfing one another. If thou borrowest of thy neighbor, thou shalt restore that which thou hast borrowed, and if thou canst not repay, then go straitway, and tell thy neighbor lest he condemn thee. If thou shalt find that which thy neighbor has lost, thou shalt make diligent search, till thou shalt deliver it to him again. Thou shall be diligent in preserving what thou hast, that thou mayest be a wise steward; for it is the free gift of the Lord thy God, and thou art his steward If thou art merry, praise the Lord, with singing, with music, with dancing and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. If thou art sorrowful call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be joyful. Fear not thine enemies for they are in mine hands and I will do my pleasure with them. My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to recieve the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion. And he that will not bear chastizment, is not worthy of my Kingdom; Let him that is ignorant, learn wisdom by humbling himself, and calling upon the Lord his God, that his eyes may be opened that he may see, and his ears opened that he may hear, for my spirit is sent forth into the wor[ld] to enlighten the humble and contrite, and to the condemnation of the ungodly.
~ Brigham Young
Therefore marvel not at these things, for ye are not yet pure: thou canst not yet bear my glory, but thou shalt behold it, if ye are faithful in keeping all my words
~ Brigham Young

Therefore marvel not at these things, for ye are not yet pure: thou canst not yet bear my glory, but thou shalt behold it, if ye are faithful in keeping all my words
~ Brigham Young
Joseph Smith, whom I did call upon by mine Angels, my ministering servents and by mine own voice out of the Heavens, to bring forth my work; which foundation he did lay, and was faithful and I took him to myself. Many have marvelled becaus of his death, but it was needful that he should seal his tes- timony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned.
~ Brigham Young
Have I not deliverd you from your enemies, ownly in that I have left a witness of my name? Now, therefore, harken, O ye people of my church; and ye Elders, listen together you have received my kingdom, be diligent in keeping all my commandments, lest judgment come upon you, and your faith fail you, and your enemies triumph over you.
~ Brigham Young
The Lord gives to everry man all the power influence and authority that he can wield in righteousness and all that his goodnes[s] & faithfulness merits
~ Brigham Young
The Lord gives to everry man all the power influence and authority that he can wield in righteousness and all that his goodnes[s] & faithfulness merits
~ Brigham Young
prove himself worthy & show to his brethren & to God that he loves the cause & by his passive spirit that he is not ownly willing that others should should prosper & gain influence & that he actually loves to see them prosper for then he does all that he can through hims[e]- lf, he helps advance it through others although they recieve the honor of it and he still be aware of it such a man will never be forgotten and to his honor glory and exhaltation there shall be no end.
~ Wilford Woodruff
had the keys of the priesthood been retained & handed down from father to son throughout all generations up to the present time then there would have been no nece[ssity] of the law of adoption for we would have all been included in the covenant without it & would have been legal heirs
~ Wilford Woodruff
Some say that a woman cannot be saved without a man, neither can a man without a woman.
~ Brigham Young
I dreamed last night we had arived at our journey end whare we were to build up a stake of Zion. As we came unto the place there was an open vision of a temple presented before me I asked some brethren that stood by me If they saw it they said they did not I gazed upon it & it was glorious it appeared as though it was built of white & blue stone the sight of it filled me with Joy and I awoke, & behold it was a dream
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young then addressed the camp in an Interesting manner, said he was satisfyed that the Lord was with us & Leading us had never seen a company of people more united than the camp had been thus far on the journey, that we should pluck the fruits of this mission to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
during the evening President Young called at my fire & seeing several of the brethering playing dominoes in a waggon near by began to teach by saying that the devil was getting power over the camp that for several days past nearly the whole camp had drank into a spirit of card, checker, & domino playing & dancing & the spirit of folley & if they did not spedily repent their works, labours, & journey would be in vain that we should not accomplish the object for which we had come but should be thwarted in it. He said the Camp did not quarel any to be shure for the devel would not set them to quarreling as long as he could draw them away gradually from duty & fill them with nonsens & folley, for the devil was vary cuning in dra- wing away the people of God.
~ Brigham Young
Br Young wrote some of the word of the Lord concerning the camp & expressed his views & feelings concerning the camp that they must spedily repent or they would be cursed, that they were forgetting their mission & he had rather travel with 10 righteous men who would keep the commandments of God than the whole camp while in a carless manner & forgetting God
~ Brigham Young
I am about to revolt from travling with this camp any further with the spirit they now possess, I had rather risk myself among the savages with ten men that are men of faith, men of mighty prayer men of God, than to be with this whole camp when they forget God & turn there hearts to folley & wickedness, yea I had rather be alone, & I am now resolved not to go any further with the camp unless you will covenant to humble yourselves before the Lord & serve him & quit your folley & wickedness, for a week past nearly the whole camp has been card playing, chequres & dominnoes, have occupied the attention of the brethren
~ Brigham Young
President Young said unto the Twelve If you are willing to humble yourselves before the Lord & covenant to do right & walk humble before him, make it manifest by raising the right hand when each one raised their hand, the same question was put to the High Priest, Seventies, Elders & Members & all universally covenanted with uplifted hand to humble themselves before the Lord repent of their sins & keep his commandments.
~ Brigham Young
He then spoke of the standard & ensign that would be reared in Zion, to govern the Kingdom of God [FIGURE] and the nations of the earth for evry nation would bow the knea & evry tongue confess that JESUS was the Christ and this will be the standard. The Kingdom of God & his Laws & Judgment in {the hands of his servants Ahman Christ} And on the standard would be a flag of evry nation under heaven so their would be an invitation to all Nations under heaven to come unto Zion, the Saints would have to keep the Celestial law, and all nations & religions would have to bow the knee to God and accknowledge that Jesus was the Christ, but they would not be under the necessity of being baptized or embracing the Gospel of Christ, but they must acknowledge the right & reign of Christ
~ Brigham Young
if they felt disposed to reject the gospel & be damned they had a right to, & the Saints or inhabitants of Zion had no right to take from them their religion or persecute them on account of it or trample upon their rights any way, neither should other nations or religions trample upon the rights & privileges of the Saints who serve & obey the Lord of [and] Keep his Commandments neither would that be suffered as it has been in times past. And upon this principle all men or religions may dwell with us in peace, if they will keep the outward laws of the kingdom of [God] so as to acknowledg his name & his right to reign & let us keep the law of the gospel & obey his commandments undisturbed.
~ Brigham Young
O Pratt followed & said that if the Saints had leasure hours that they could spend them to much better advantage than playing Cards as there was a world of Knowledge to be obtained & evry leasure moment should be improved in storeing the mind with some sciensce or learning some good principle and acknowledged the teachings we had recieved to be of the Lord
~ Orson Pratt
W. Woodruff arose & said he had some things in his heart he wished to say, that a burned child dreaded the fire. He had not forgotton his journey in the Camp of 1834 and should he live to the age of Matheusala he should not forget the hour when the Prophet & Seer Joseph Smith stood upon the waggon wheel & addressed that Camp & said that because they had not harkened to his Councel but disobeyed, & transgressed from time to time, that the die was cast & Judgment must come that we should be visited by the destroying Angels And so we were & more than twenty of our numbers fell by the stroke & we all suffered much in our feelings And I pray the Lord I may not see another such a time And I would now advise my brethren to be careful in keeping the Coven[an]t ywe have made lest by & by the word of the Lord come unto us as in the days of Joseph & we cannot escape his judgment. I would advise all the Brethren who have got cards to burn them up for also checkers & dominoes, for if you keep your covenants you have made you will have no time to use them & they will be useless lomber on your hands. if you keep them for your children they will ownly prove, a curse to them. And my prayer to God is thayt we all may be enabled to keep all our covenants with the Lord & each other I rejoice that the watchman upon the walls or in our mids are quick to comprehend & warn us of evil & reprove us when wrong that we may de saved & do the will of God
~ Wilford Woodruff
May 30, 1847 ~ Sunday 30th Sunday we set this day apart for Prayer & fasting, in the morning I shaved & washed all over & anointed my head & put on clean clothing, read a chapter in the Book of Mormon & humbled myself before the Lord & poured out my soul in prayer before the Lord & his spirit desended upon me & I was blessed.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Br Young who spoke upon the liberty of the gospel, showed what it done for us, saved us daily, exhaulted us to glory immortality & eternal life brought us evry good thing, but in doing this it did not do away with the law of God or the dictation of the Almighty Some thought they wanted their liberty to curse, swear, stray whare they were a mind to, run over the mountains, not regard the laws & rules of the Camp, but would that be liberty, not it would lead to death & not life, the man that left the camp & went to the mountains last night, had he have met a bear he would have had the liberty to have run for his cli life, clumb a tree or been destroyed The way to worship God the most acceptable is to do each day the vary things that will bring the most good to the human family
~ Brigham Young
Saints if faithful though they should suffer some privations here will ultimately inherit the earth & increase in dominion power & glory untill the Lord shall say to them, go to now make your thousands of worlds & people them & make such laws to govern them as you are a mind to for I Know you have no disposition to make any laws but those that are good, for you always desired to do good on the earth
~ Brigham Young
O Pratt who exhorted us to give head to the teaching we had herd & to improve our time in treasuring up usful knowledge that we ought not to spend a moments time needlessly.
~ Orson Pratt
I have taken great delight of late in reading the book of Mormon seeing the great & glorious things revealed & recorded in that book & that we are now trying to fulfill the great things or some of them that Lehi Nephi Alma, Moroni, Isaiah and many other prophets had in view in the last days in building up Zion, redeeming Israel, warning the Nations & sealing salvation upon the meek of the earth & laying a foundation that the earth may be prepared for the coming of the Mesiah.
~ Wilford Woodruff
the Lord is determined to esstablish his kingdom in the last days & He will have a faithful diligent & obedient people and He chastizes the Saints to keep them humble & make them do thereir duty if we had not been mobed & afflicted but always been in prosperity we should have been lifted up in the pride of our hearts & not gathered together & built up Zion as we ought to have done, so that these trials will work together for our good.
~ Brigham Young
Instructions was also given to the Brethren who were to tarry to keep to gether & be united, divide the means equally among yourselves according to your labour, let each essteem his brother as himself. In no wise retain that which belongeth to the traveller, steal not at all, be careful of the lives & property of those you ferry over, & forget not your prayers keep together & come up with the next company of Saint
~ Brigham Young
Instructions was also given to the Brethren who were to tarry to keep to gether & be united, divide the means equally among yourselves according to your labour, let each essteem his brother as himself. In no wise retain that which belongeth to the traveller, steal not at all, be careful of the lives & property of those you ferry over, & forget not your prayers keep together & come up with the next company of Saints
~ Brigham Young
we got upon this rock & offered up our prayers according to the order of the priesthood, we prayed earnestly for the blessings of God to rest upon President Young & his brethren the Twelve & all of the Pioneer Camp & the whole Camp of Israel & House of Israel, our wives & children, & relatives the Mormon Battalion, all the Churches abroad and that the Lord would hasten the time of the fulfillment of his prom- ises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Lehi, Nephi, Alma, & Moroni and all the sayings of the Lord of the Lord concerning the building up of Zions in the last days and avenging the blood of the Prophets and while offering up our prayers the spirit of the Lord desended upon us and we truly felt to rejoice
~ Wilford Woodruff
July 24, 1847 ~ Saturday [FIGURE] JULY 24th 1847 This is an important day in the History of my life and the History of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. On this important day after trav[eling] from our encampment 6 miles through the deep ravene, valley, ending with the canion through last creek we came in full view of the great valley or Bason [of] the Salt Lake and land of promise held in reserve by the hand of GOD for a rest- ing place for the Saints upon which a portion of the Zion of GOD will be built, we gazed with wonder and admiration upon the vast rich fertile valley which lay for about 25 miles in length & 16 miles in wedth clothed with the heaviest garb of of green vegitation in the midst of which lay a large lake of salt water of [blank] miles in extent in which could be seen large Islands & mountains towering towards the clouds also the glorious valley abounding with the best fresh water springs rivlets creeks & brooks & rivers of various sizes all of which gave animation to the sporting trout & other fish while the waters were wending there way into the great salt lake; our hearts were surely made glad after a hard journey from Winter Quarters of 1200 miles through flats of Platt Rivers & steeps of the Black Hills & the Rocky mountains and burni ng sands of the eternal sage regions & willow swails & Rocky canions & stubs & stones, to gaze upon a valley of such vast extent entirely surrounded with a perfect chain of everlasting hills & mountains coverd with etrnal snow with there innumerale peaks like pyramids towering towards Heaven presen ting at one view the grandest & most sublime scenery Probably that could be obtained on the globe. Thoughts of pleasing meditations ran in rapid succession through our minds while we contemplated that not many years that the House of GOD would stand upon the top of the Mountains while the valleys would be converted into orchard, vineyard, gardings & fields by the inhabitants of Zion & the Standard be unfurled for the nations to gather there to President Young expressed his full satisfaction in the appearanc of the valley as a resting place for the Saints & was amply repayed for his journey.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
~ Brigham Young
I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
~ Brigham Young
After we arived in camp President Young called a Council of the quorum of the Twelve there being present B Young H. C. Kimball, O. Pratt, W. Richards, W. Woodruff G. A. Smith A Lyman & E. T. Benson. we walked from the north camp to about the centre between the two creeks when Prest. Young waved his hands & said here is the forty acres for the Temple (we had conve- rsed upon the subject of the location for the Temple previous to this) & the city can be laid out perfectly square North & South, east & west.
~ Brigham Young
President Young in his address to the Saints remarked that he was determined to have order in all things & righteousness should be practized in this land. That we had come here according to the direction & council of Br Joseph Smith before his death
~ Brigham Young
He informed the Brethren that there going into the Armey proved our temporal salvation at the time for the Governor of Mo had already recieved orders not to let our people pass the Mo river if we did not enlist, the goverment intend to diestroy us from off the face of the earth but through the blessing of God we are here and I thank my Heavenly father for it and He knew we should prevail Zion would arise the Judgments of God would be poured out the Blood of the Prophets would be ave[nged] & their cup would be filled double unto them. And if we were fait[h] ful we should yet have Brs Joseph & Hiram & many of the Sain[ts] in there resurrected bodies with us on earth & when we died
~ Brigham Young
Br O Pratt preached a discourse upon the Prophecies of Isaiah & others concerning the building up of Zion in the la[st] [page covered] days & thought many of those prophesies alluded to us in our pres ent position such as Zion should be a city sought & not forsa[ken] [page covered] & that the munition of rocks should be a defence unto them the Lord sware that their corn & wine should no more be given to their enemies, & that the house of God should be built up[on] [page covered] the tops of the mountain &c he had the spirit of preachi[ng] [page covered] & we were all edifyed,
~ Orson Pratt
we considerd this a duty & privlege as we come into a glorious valley to locate & build a temple & build up Zion we felt like renewing our covenant before the Lord and each other. We soon repaired to the water & President Brigham Young went down into the water & baptized all his Brethren the Twelve that were with him by burying them in the water He also confirmed us in the Church & sealed upon us our apostleship & all the keys, powers, & blessings belonging to that office Br Heber C. Kimball baptized & confirmed President Brigham Young the following are the names of those present on this occasion B. Young H. C. Kimball O. Pratt W. Richards W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A Lyman
~ Wilford Woodruff
exercise Patience & not be weary in well doing for we have the greatest work to perform & blessings promised accordingly. The day has come when the Lord has set his hand with full pur- pose of heart to esstablish his Kingdom on the earth, gather Israel build up Zion & Jerrusalem make an end of sin & cause all nations to bow the Knee & every tongue to confess tha[t] Jesus is the Lord & has a right to reign on the earth and ye are the people ye Elders of Israel & Latter Day Saints that are moved upon & called & chosen to do this work
~ Wilford Woodruff
we are also moved upon by the Holy Ghost to accomplish the great work of the last days & fulness of times in preparing the ear[th] [page torn]
~ Wilford Woodruff
[gr]ace [page torn] for grace. when Brother Joseph received the Priesthood he did not recived all at once, but he was a prophet Seer & Revela[tor] [page torn] before he recieved the fulness of the Priesthood & keys of the kingd[om] [page torn] he first recieved the Aronick Priesthood & Keys from under the hand of John the Baptisk. He then had not power to lay on hands to confirm the Church but afterwards he recieved the Patriarchal or Melchisidick Priesthood from under the hands of Peter James & John who were of the Twelve Apostles & were the Presidency when the other Apostl[es] were absent, from those Apostles Joseph Smith recieved every key [FIGURE] power, blessing, & Privilege of the highest authority of the Melchezedick Priesthood ever committed to man on the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
when Brother Joseph received the Priesthood he did not recived all at once, but he was a prophet Seer & Revela[tor] [page torn] before he recieved the fulness of the Priesthood & keys of the kingd[om] [page torn] he first recieved the Aronick Priesthood & Keys from under the hand of John the Baptisk. He then had not power to lay on hands to confirm the Church but afterwards he recieved the Patriarchal or Melchisidick Priesthood from under the hands of Peter James & John who were of the Twelve Apostles & were the Presidency when the other Apostl[es] were absent, from those Apostles Joseph Smith recieved every key [FIGURE] power, blessing, & Privilege of the highest authority of the Melchezedick Priesthood ever committed to man on the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elijah is spoken of in the Bible that he should come in the last days to sta turn the hearts of the fathers to the children & the children to their fathers, the fulfillment of this scripture is manifest in esstablishing the kingdom of God & Priesthood on the earth in the last days & those who hold the keys of the priesthood & sealing power have the spirit & power of Elijah & it is necessary in order to redeem our dead & save our children
~ Wilford Woodruff
There is a reality in eternal things as much as in the things of time which we daily see with our eyes when a man has a dream or [v]ision of eternal things it is an evidence of its truth as much as [t]hough he saw it with his own eyes in one sens of the word. The Lord has hid from man the things that He knew before He [c]ame in the flesh that he might walk by faith & prove himself [w]hile here. The Lord converses with men on the earth in the [f]orm of a servent & by visions & dreams &c but He never appea[rs to] man in the flesh in the fulness of his glory, for He is as a [c]onsuming fire & a mortal body would perish in an instant
~ Brigham Young
God promised to Abraham that his seed should be as numerous as the stars of Heaven & the sands of the seashore & to his seed there should be no end this of course would continue through all Eternity, the same blessing is upon our heads if we are faith ful for our eyes have not seen, our ears herd neither entered into our hearts the great things that God has in store for us.
~ Wilford Woodruff
God promised to Abraham that his seed should be as numerous as the stars of Heaven & the sands of the seashore & to his seed there should be no end this of course would continue through all Eternity, the same blessing is upon our heads if we are faith ful for our eyes have not seen, our ears herd neither entered into our hearts the great things that God has in store for us
~ Brigham Young
a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity
~ Brigham Young
a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity & many other good instructions were given
~ Brigham Young
a husband should be a righteous man a man of God & rule his houshold in righteousness & govern his wife with kindness & love & not with a rod, club, or his fist, his conduct to his wife should be such that she will love him with all of her heart and he should pray to God that his wife & children which are jewels given him might be saved & not taken from him that not any thing need be lost which the father hath given him. He said that many men through their con- duct would have taken from them that which they had & given to another. He said that when a man had a jewel given to him he ought to prize it & treasure it up & take good care of it & in process of time other jewels might be given him of the Lord, but he should not undertake to steal them for he could not keep them, and a man should not be in a hurry to obtain any blessing or exhaltation that is not for him & when he has proved himself faithful in all things before God there is no good thing that will be withheld from him in time or Eternity & many other good instructions were given
~ Brigham Young
every thing that is calcula ted to fill the soul with Joy is ordained of God
~ Brigham Young
we mourn for the loss of our friends when they die but if they die in the Lord they are better off than the living for they have gained one victory which the living have not they are beyound the reach of pain, sorrow, wicked men, devils, and devlish spirits which we are not, for we are daily in the midst of all the suffering that mortal man is heir to & when will this suffering end, when we die & not before, unless we should live untill Satan is bound but all must pass through death. Yet I would be glad to live to assist in binding Satan
~ Brigham Young
Adam fell that men might be, men are that they may have Joy, but if they knew no Joy they would have no sorrow, and if they did not know misery they would not know happiness" for man must experience one in order to comprehend & know the other Jesus had to descend below all things in order to ascend above all things, I am fully convinced that all our sorrows & troubles will work out for us a far more exeeding & eternal wait of glory, hence we ought nought to murmer or complain at our fate. It is true we mourn at the loss of friends but not as those with out hope
~ Brigham Young
what is the time of our suffering in this life in comparison with Eternity After we have spent millions of ages in Eternity & we look back upon our time here & it will ownly look like the twinkling of an eye in comparison and so it will be in the waiting for the resurrection of our bodies it will be for a moment
~ Brigham Young
We have power here through the Priesthood to lay hands upon the sick & they recover, to cast out devils open the eyes of the blind & unstop the ears of the deef according to the faith of the chil- dren of men. It is just as easy to raise the dead for one who is ordained unto this power as it is for us to administer in the ordinances of the House of the Lord here. Some times we lay hands upon the sick & they are healed instantly other times with all the faith & medicine they are a long time getting well, & others die.
~ Brigham Young
when we consider how little time we have to spend in this life in comparison to Eternity we ou[gh]t not to consider it a hard matter to be faithful to God & keep his commandments for when we obtain Celestial glory we shall have to exclaim that it is through the grace of God after all, for the glory far exceeds our sufferings in this life.
~ Brigham Young
e. I had one of the most interesting dreams of my life during the night most of it was taken from me when I awoke I flew through the air from state to state & escaped from the hand of my enemies I went to HEAVEN and saw the Saints in their employment I saw Joseph & Hiram Smith & many others who had died of the Latter Day Saints, the innumerable company of saints which I saw seemed to be prepairing for some grand & important event which I could not understand many were busily ingaged in making crowns for the Saints one crown did not suit the artist so they cut it into in the middle to make it over new the saints were all dressed in white robes both male and female, my soul was filled with Joy & glory while I gazed upon the scenery that surrounded me but I awoke and behold it was a dream
~ Wilford Woodruff
a hard thunder storm was approaching us. my Mules were tied to a large oak tree on the opposite side of the street I felt impressed to move my Mules away to another place I did so I also removed my Children out of the house Carriage & made them a bed in the house I also moved my Carriage one rod down to the house in which Mrs Woodruff myself & one child slept, we had just retired to bed when the storm reached us with great fury in a moment the large oak tree came thund- ering to the ground with a mighty crash had I not have moved my Mules it probably would have killed them had I not have moved my Carriage it would have crushed it to atoms and killed us dead for the body of the tree fell whare my Carriage stood & just missed Br Kingleys waggon I considerd it an i[n]ter position of Providence to save our lives
~ Wilford Woodruff
JAN 1st 1849 Monday this is the first day of 1849 we have traversed in our minds and recorded some things which has transpired during the past year what the present year will bring to pass time must determin. But I have no boubt [doubt] but the peresent year will chronicle events of equal importance with the past As the crices has commenced with the past it will progress with the future untill all nations will be constrained to acknowledg their is A God in Heaven whose hand is stretched out to perform A great and marvellous work in the Earth in the last days
~ Wilford Woodruff
4th Sunday I had A meeting in the fore part of the day with my family [FIGURE] my wife And cheildrin come together once A week. We sing And Pray And I teach them the things of the kingdom of God And I break bread And partake of the sacrament with them. My ownly son living was baptized when he was Eight years old. He is now most nine year of Age He is A good youth And seems to be under the influence of the spirit of the Lord He obeys his Parents in all things I ordained him this day to the office of A Priest to officiate in that office in his Fathers houshold untill He shall Arive At A suitable Age to officiate in the Church. When I Am abroad away from my family Attending to the Affairs of the Church Phebe W. Woodruff my wife & Mother of my children calsls them together And teaches & instructs them to pray And to understand the principles of faith And the gospel And Wilford Woodruff Jr Now ordaind A Priest can bless the bread And wine And Administer it to the family who Are members of the Church from time to time inasmuch As they have not A chance to Attend meeting in Any branch of the church
~ Wilford Woodruff
11th Sunday In company with my Brother & Sister in Law Ezra Carter Jr & Sarah B. Foss I met with the Saints at Br Birds And I preached to them more than one hour from the [blank] ch of Heb I had freedom in speaking it was the first time that Father Ezra Carter Jr ever attended A Mormon meeting His prejudice which has been strong against the Latter Day Saints was perfectly broaken down to day. He expressed his entire satisfac- tion at what he herd. And I find the prejudice of many men are breaking down at the present time throughout the world
~ Wilford Woodruff
I Also filled A sheet of letter paper to the Historian of the Church on the signs of the times. I spoke of forwarding the Herald to him, made An extract from my Journal concerning the leading features of the signs of the times of 1848. Spoke of the revolutions of France, Jermany Prusia, Austria Russia, the fall of the papal crown & power, the restorati[o] n of the Jews, opening the way for the spread of the gospel, progress of the work in the British Isles, the situation of the American Gover[n] ment, foundation for dissolving the Union, the blindness of the people And increase of crime. I closed by making An address concern[ing] Zion in the following words
~ Wilford Woodruff
March 1st 1849 This is my Birth Day Also the first day of the spring of 1849. I am 42 years old this day, how such figures look to A man while counting up his years. As the Lord has preserved me through another year of my life, I Pray my Heavenly Father to keep me safe through the year which I am now Entering. O God the Eternal Father I ask the in the Name of thy Son Jesus Christ, & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood to preserve me blameless through this year of my life life which I am now Entering. Keep me from evry temptation, from Entangling my feet with sin, let the Holy Ghost be my constant compa nion & teach me my duty in all things. Give me favor in thy sight O Lord & in the sight of thy Son Jesus Christ, in the sight of Angels And in the sight of All Prophets, Apostles, Patriarchs, & Saints both in Heaven, & on Earth. Preserve my wife & children in safety & all appartaining unto me. Bless thy servant Brigham His council, the Twelve, seventies High Priest, with all the saints of the Most High God in all the Earth. Bless the seed of Abraham, And gather them Home. Favor Zion, O Lord, Break in peaces every weapon formed against her. I Ask all these Blessings with all others which thou seest I need in the Name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff
I arose early while all nature was wraped in sleep And commenced writing in my Journal.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Cambridgeport March 1st 1849 Elder Pratt, Beloved Brother, As this is my birth day Also the first day of Spring, my mind is led this morning more than usual to reflect upon the signs of the times of the Globe upon which we dwell And while meditating upon Zion And Her messengers my mind flits across the Ocean & runs over the wall And takes A view of A large co- mpany of swift messengers who are the Horns of Joseph used to push the people together from the ends of the Earth, these meditations create A desire to convers A few moments with Br Pratt. So while all Nature is locked fast in sleep before the dawn of day is broke to start man from his slumber I seat myself to say A few words to you. I said this was my birth day, yes I am 42 years old this day. How such figures look to a man while counting up his years in this probation. The vary sight of them croud into the mind A flood of thought even more than tongue can utter or pen can write. The last sixteen years of my life has been spent in endeavouring to preach the Gospel & build up the Kingdom of God in connexion with my brethren. The past is gone, I have no desire to recal it, I would would not wish to live my life over if I could. I feel like looking forward & not backward I have a great desire that I may spend my future days doing the works of righteousness, Honoring the Priesthood & my calling, saving the souls of men, & building up the Kingdom of God that I may have a place with the faithful at the end of the race. Turn my eyes which way I will Either towards Babylon or Zion And I find the mov- ements & signs of Either of them at the present day Are fully keep- ing pace with the wheels of time. It is deeply interesting to see hear, feel, & live in this age and gaze upon the scenery of the whole Earth rushing like A Mighty cataract to finish its work while the high minded Jew in the highth of his pride was exha- usting his talents & oratory to prove to the Roman and the world their right to independance greatness & power. The Son of God was in Lamb like meekness bowing to the ordinance of Baptism And all the rites of the gospel & commandments of his Father looking forward to the day when He should make his second visit to his brethren with his reward upon his head. So at the present day while the Emperors, Kings, Princes, Lords, Nobles, Presidents Governours, Statesman with all the great men of Babylon have been making A desperate Effort to maintain their dignity And appear to a good Advantage before the whole Earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
I met A congregation of saints And many strangers at Brother Birds for A meeting At 2 oclok Elder Whipple from the Valley of the Salt Lake was present. Elder J P Haven from the Bluffs Also And A vary full House. I Addressed over one hour & had much of the Spirit of God resting upon me And bore A strong testimony unto the People preached the first principles of the gosple And spoke of the general Bareings of the work of God in the present Dispensation. In speaking of the body of Christ And members in particular I told them I had seen men in my travels without Arms, legs, some without eyes, &c but I had never seen A man going about without A head. And As A natu- ral body without A head would dye so the Church without ^a^ Head would die.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Br Whipple followed me & made some vary good remarks And edeyfying He said notwithstanding the Jews had Apostitized the right of the kingdom belonged to them & Jesus came & set up the kingdom among them they rejected it He took the kingdom from the Jews gave it to the Gentile all that were in the kingdom went to the gentiles with the Kingdom of God. The Gentiles in like manner have Apostitized And have not continued in the goodness of God still they have A rightt to have the kingdom of God set up among them in the last days And Joseph Smith being warned & commanded of God has recieved the gospel from the hand of an Angel, preached it to the gentiles set up the kingdom for the last time among them they have rejected it, it will now again be taken from them & given to the Jews & all in the kingdom will go to the Jews with it & many will come from E. W. N. S. & sidt down with A[b]ram &c while the ^gentiles^ children of the Kingdom will be cast out
~ Wilford Woodruff
March 22, 1849 ~ Thursday 22nd [FIGURE] There are certain days of my life which contain events of marked interest to me and my posterity an account of which I record in my Journals, these events are in fulfillment of ancient or modern prophecy & revelation from God this day was one of them. When Joseph Smith sen The first Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints laid his hands upon my head to give me my Patriarchal blessings he said I should have my Father & Houshold standing with me in the covenant of the Gospel and that I should have power to bring them into the kingdom I afterwards visited my Fathers Household preached the Gospel to them and baptized my father, step Mother, sister & every member of his household & several other relatives. Also Phebe W. Woodruff, who[se] Maiden name was Phebe W. Carter before her Marriage also recieved a promise that she should have her Father & Household with her in the New & Everlasting Covenant. Her Mother was baptized before her death two of her sisters have been baptized Her brothers are now vary friendly. And this day I walked thro- ugh the City of Boston ^with^ my wife's Father which is my Father in Law Ezra Carter sen & Calvin Foss his Grand son we went through the ship Areatus in which Calvin Foss is going to Calafornia we visited the common and many parts of Boston we then returned home and had a meeting iat my own hired house I opened by praye[r]s Br J C Little addressed the meeting and Wm Page spoke a few moments I then arose and addressed my friends for an hour in great plain ness and expressed my feelings to them in Great plainness. At the Close of the Meeting I led my father in Law Ezra Carter sen with two others down into the sea and baptized them, Mrs Woodruff accompanied her Father to the water and back again we both felt to rejoice that the words of the old Patriarch was fulfilling upon our heads
~ Wilford Woodruff
I spoke a few moments upon the power & influence of the spirit & work of God in heaven & on Earth. In heaven the Lord had power over Lucipher son of the Morning & on Earth the Lord has power over the devil & so has his servants when they have the spirit of God in them and if a man does his Duty his house will be a house of salvation. All men the righteous & wicked that come beneath his roof will feel the influence of the spirit that reigns in that house.
~ Wilford Woodruff
all the Earth seems to be in confusion & commotion with war, savord, plague pestilence fire earthquakes & storms the Bible Doctrin & Covenants, & Book of Mormon are truly being fulfilled.
~ Wilford Woodruff
their is great destruction at the present time of life & property by flood, fire, plague pestilence & war in all the Earth war is begining to be poured out upon the Whore of all the Earth in fulfillment of the word of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I should feel more like fasting & praying on the 4th of July than making a display of Celebration untill the Latter Day saints and all people could have the privilege of worshiping God according to the dictates of their own conscience
~ Wilford Woodruff
July 16, 1849 ~ Monday 16th I left Mr Eldridge & sho^o^ld shouldered my travelling bag & walked and walked 7 miles to MCCorrells & waited 3 Hours for the stage to go to St Johns when it came along it was loaded down & could not take me. Here I was 42 miles from St Johns on foot & no conveyance with A Heavy travelling bag with A vast burning forest to go through I did not stop to meditate or complain of my situation but swung my carpet bag over my shoulder again & started on my journey on foot, in good spirits
~ Wilford Woodruff
August 5, 1849 ~ Sunday 5th Sunday A Hard rainy morning I took the parting hand this Morning with Brother Joseph Russell He is truly a man of faith & great kindness we have had an interesting time together wehen we parted He gave me A suit of New clothes & other presents paid all my expenses while together & gave me money to help me home May the Lord bless him & reward him fourfold.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Sister Baldwin was attacked at our house this morning with sumthing like the cholera we laid Hands upon her & rebuked the desease & she was healed almost instan- ly got up dressed herself eat breakfast & went into Boston.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The spirit of industry which has ever characterized the saints of the Most High God has been brought to bear with wonderful effect upon the burning & Arid desert. The Next time that you encounter The hardships privation & toil of A Journey over the plains & mountains you will meet with a vary different reception from what attended your first arival Here Friends will greet your Arival and the products of the Earth will administer to your comfort.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The spirit of industry which has ever characterized the saints of the Most High God has been brought to bear with wonderful effect upon the burning & Arid desert. The Next time that you encounter The hardships privation & toil of A Journey over the plains & mountains you will meet with a vary different reception from what attended your first arival Here Friends will greet your Arival and the products of the Earth will administer to your comfort.
~ Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, Willard Richards
October 5, 1849 ~ Friday 5th Dr Burnhisel spent the Afternoon with me & walked through the city of Boston together As He had lived with President Joseph Smith & his family for years was with him in prision the morning He was masacreed, our conversation turned upon the subject of his life & death. Among other remarks he inform- ed me that Brother Joseph Addressed his remarks to him alone when He said "I am going as A Lamb to the slaughter, yet I shall diye with a concience void of offence towards god and man. I feel as calm as A summers morning (And the expr- ession of his countenance showed that he was so) "He said it will yet be said of me that He was murdered in cold blood," other remarks were made concerning the saints building up the kingdom of God & there reward for so doing.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I sent A copy of the New York Herral Weekly of Oct 13 to Orson Pratt, Orson Hyde, Allexander Badlam, & Joseph Russell. This Paper contained An account of the Saints organizing themselves into An Independent sovreign state called the state of Deseret And appointing their Govornor & other officers. Brigham Young was Elected Governor. This is certainly an important erie in the History of the Church & kingdom of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
"The true use of gold was for paving streets covering houses & makeing culinary dishes & when the saints shall have preached the gospel raised grain & built up cities enough the Lord will open up the way for a supply of gold to the perfect satisfaction of his people. They hadve laid the foundation for a perpetual fund for the purpose of gathering all the poor saints to Zion who cannot gather them selves untill all the poor ar gatherd from Council Bluffs, the United States and all the World
~ Wilford Woodruff
February 21, 1850 ~ Thursday 21st [FIGURES] I Recieved one letter from George H. Russell & wrote one to I. F. Carter. Brother Wallace called upon me to day on his mission to England, we conversed upon things in the valley, and all the news all the brethren bring from the Valley is cheering to the soul the time to favor Zion is in vary deed come the saints are prosipering in all things
~ Wilford Woodruff
And they are full of Alarm concerning the doings of Congress it has become A hotbed of political warfare and most all parties are looking for the exploding of the union the war spirit is increasing in the hearts of the people And deep judgment awaits the people nation, the hearts of men are failing them for fear of those things that are coming on the Earth, the Lord has said that in his fury he would vex the Nation And He is about to fulfill it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I felt the spirit of God like fire shut up [in] my bones as I spoke upon the things of the kingdom of God
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridge- port He had been gone one year to that country He was truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He broug- ht me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837. He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elder E. Snow Addressed the meeting in an inter- esting manner gave an account of the dealings of the Lord with them in the valley the faith of the saints was tried to the utmost in the valley by the cricket war & other things they had to encounter but the Lord had deliverd them out of all their troubles.
~ Erastus Snow
Sister Allexander was taken in a fainting fit & Appeared as though she would die I laid hands upon her with prayer & she began to recover & was well in the morning
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elder Hyde made many remarks upon each item as they came up before the people Among other things said that the Priesthood & Saints Held the keys of Blessings in there own hands & said we have not had but one shower of rain this year or since last fall & we have not seen the bow in the Heavens at all this season the earth is parched up & dry now if you want rain open your doors & receive the poor And you will have the Blessings the people said they would do it & Elder Pratt Prayed for rain.
~ Orson Hyde
As there had been much said about the poor coming to kanesville Elder Woodruff remarked that He had recieved council from the Presidency in the valley to stretch out his arms and gather all He possibly could to Zion. And when the Lord tells me to do any thing or I receive council through the proper sourse I go at it with all my might And I can neither eat Drink or sleep in peace except the work that is requ- ired of him me to be performed is progressing about right I have laboured hard to gather out the people according to the instructions given me.
~ Wilford Woodruff
As there had been much said about the poor coming to kanesville Elder Woodruff remarked that He had recieved council from the Presidency in the valley to stretch out his arms and gather all He possibly could to Zion. And when the Lord tells me to do any thing or I receive council through the proper sourse I go at it with all my might And I can neither eat Drink or sleep in peace except the work that is requ- ired of him me to be performed is progressing about right I have laboured hard to gather out the people according to the instructions given me.
~ Wilford Woodruff
the conference was dismissed & though there had not been a shower of rain but once since last fall & the bow had not been seen since last year yet as soon as meeting was dismissed the clouds gatherd the rain poured down the Bow appeared And it was a matter of observation with many of the world as well as Saints.
~ Wilford Woodruff
As soon as I got the horse out of the carriage I went through the encampment to see who was dead & maimed and I was asstonished to find that no one was killed & but one badly wounded & but little damage done to waggons or oxen and to look it all over it looked like a miriacle to see how so many escaped I had to shoot my horse to get him out of his misery which was painful to me but I was thankful my wife children & friends were well & their lives preserved
~ Wilford Woodruff
September 29, 1850 ~ Sunday 29th [FIGURE] We left Fort Bridger this morning I went forward with my Division to day and the first Division or some of the[m] complained or murmured much about it & their was sin committed by so doing I called them together at night & gave them a sharp rebuke & reproof for I was constrai[ned] by the spirit of God so to do.
~ Wilford Woodruff
September 29, 1850 ~ Sunday 29th [FIGURE] We left Fort Bridger this morning I went forward with my Division to day and the first Division or some of the[m] complained or murmured much about it & their was sin committed by so doing I called them together at night & gave them a sharp rebuke & reproof for I was constrai[ned] by the spirit of God so to do.
~ Wilford Woodruff
October 20, 1850 ~ Sunday 20th Sunday I met with the saints in the Bowery was called upon to address the meeting I gave an account of my mission to the East I spoke of my dream I dreamed of diying & going to the place of the departed spirits I saw Brother Joseph & Hyram Smith & many of the Saints who had died they all appeared to be in a hurry I thought strange to find them in a hurry and I enqiuired the cause they informed me that the time was set for Christ to come as the great Bridegroom to the Earth to meet the Bride the Lambs wife & they had not had time to prepare as those of other dispensations & had to be in a hurry in order to get ready. And when I awoke I was overwhelmed with a peculiar sensation at the view of the work ofthe Latter Day Saints Had to perform in order to prepair the Bride for to meet the Bridegroom
~ Wilford Woodruff
P. P. Pratt preached his funeral sermon & spoke much to our edifycation tracing the state of man from his birth to his deth at which period of his life he would be transplanted in a field whare he could act in a far wider sphere than he could do in this life
~ Parley P Pratt
November 24, 1850 ~ Sunday 24th Sunday I attended meeting President Young addressed the meeting in an interesting manner much to our edifycati[on] said even those who were keeping the celestial law had their imper- fections were found in a fault here & there yet they would pray to God Angels & men that they were willing to sacrafize all things for the sake of the kingdom of God He exhorted all men to do right as they would wish to be done by for the saints would judge the world
~ Brigham Young
Thus ends the Time & labour of another half centaury AD 1850 Yes Eighteen hundeed & fifty has gone to make anoth[er] link in the great chain of this Earth probation. It has been an important year in many respects the revolutions & changes & signs of the times among the Nations of the Earth indicate the fulfillment of the word of God & the preparation for the coming of the son of Man. It has been a year of blessings upon Zion & her children. The Lord hath preserved my life to lead one of the camps of Israel out of the midst of the gentiles to mingle with their Brethren in Zion now building up cities in the rich vallies of the mountains of Israel. The Saints have been abundantly prospered & blessed during this year in all they have put their hands unto some thousands have emigrated this year to Zion from the States
~ Wilford Woodruff
The ground wants to be laid off for a Temple & garden & materials prepared this season A font wants to be built & the Endowments commence as soon as possible those who went through the Temple at Nauvoo know but vary little about the Endowments their was no time to learn them & what little they did learn they have most of them forgotton it many other interesting remarks were made by the president and he called upon the congregation to raise their right hand towards Heaven as a token & covenant that they would help him build a Temple and it was one unanimous vote.
~ Brigham Young
many have arisen in these last days professing to be Elijah the prophet but they have bro- ught forth Nothing of interest to the people will any one tell me what the office of Elijah the prophet was to be to the Earth when he come the answer is to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers & the fathers to the children lest I come & smite the whole Earth with a curse the answer
~ Brigham Young
these keys of Elijah confirmed upon the president of the church are to seal the fathers to their children the children to their fathers, & to assist in welding the great link connecting evry gospel dispensation togeth- er
~ Brigham Young
I see the wheat growing in this dispensation ripening for the harvest I see the tares also growing for the burning I saw [say] to the wheat & tares grow on I sawy to the Goats & sheep both to go ahead unto the End, the Saints of God are increasing in knowledge fast but they have got to be a hundred times better, wiser & advance in knowledge befor the end
~ Brigham Young
I know the spirits of men & the invisible spirits that affect men & operate upon them better than I do the faces of men I want to speak a little upon natural philosophy we sow the grain it dies, rots in the ground & then it brings forth a hundred fold the elements which surrounded us produce these effects if we had a correct knowledge of the elements & knew how to control & separate them we could make bread as well out of the elements as Jesus did when He fed the multitude.
~ Brigham Young
February 4, 1851 ~ Tuesday 4th ^[FIGURE]^ According to adjournment the Legislature met today to transact business for the state I spent the day with them An ordinance was passed granting a liberal charter to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints protecting them in their religious rights. During the pasage of this ordinance many interest ing remarks were made by the president or Govournor of the state He says we do not want the church to pass laws to punish crime ownly to try members on church fellowship if the members shall transgress the laws of the Land turn them over to the Laws of the Land but we want to protect the church in their right of worship & so we will evry other sect that comes here when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ will they all be members of the Church of Jesus Christ & obey the gospel
~ Brigham Young
March [FIGURE] 1st 1851 This is my birth day I am 44 years old this day may the Lord Preserve me in rightousness in all my future days & help me to build up his kingdom
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young while speaking of the Resurrection said that we should receive the same bodies that we lay down if our dust was blown to the four winds of Heaven
~ Brigham Young
B Young addressed the meeting in an interesting manner said his faith was that the Earth would not have produced for the Gentiles as it has for us & if we had faith & power with God to have the curse taken off instead of the sage brush & other useless shrubs we should have the apple pear peach grape & evry good fruit but if this people do not take a different course from what they do in some things their blessings will prove a curse & wo will be unto them
~ Brigham Young
A meeting was called at 4 oclock to ascertain the minds of the Brethren it was found about 30 wished to go home 15 to get their families & the other 15 to remain at the great salt Lake each one made there excuse President Young then addressed them & said he would express his feelings upon the subject to those who wished to go home If you were now on a mission to France England or any other part of the Earth preaching the gospel you would not sit down & council together about going to get your families or go home untill your mission was ended. this is of quite as much importance as preaching the gospel for the time has now come when it is required of us to make the wilderness blos- som as the rose. Our mission now is build up stakes of Zion & fill these mountains with cities & when your mission is ended you are at Liberty to go & be free & ownly do right. When I go on a mission I leave my affairs in the hands of God.
~ Brigham Young
I went home to my family & found them all well and we found on our return the Lord had given our crops a plenty of rain it had rained 12 days in succession and the people were blessed.
~ Wilford Woodruff
"If a man does right he shall have the spirit of God to enlighten his mind in all things yet all men will be tryed, buffeted, & tempted more or less in this probation & he that governs himself is wise.
~ Brigham Young
The Lord directs things according to his own will, I know my feelings & zeal would make my words like a sharp two edged sword so that they would seperate the sins from this people that they should practice sin no more not be tempted with it but this is not the will of God the people still must have their warfare & trial & if the storms & waves overwhelm the ship still all is well for we have a good captain at the helm.
~ Brigham Young
the Lord turns many things for good which the world means for Evil the whole Earth is filled with misery, sin & wickedness I could find no worse Hell than to be confined among them I labour for the welfare of this whole people I wish my Brethren to be a happy free people that their course of life may be such as to get an Eternal & temperal salvation
~ Brigham Young
I endeavour to do right in all things & then leave the event in the hands of God & am satisfy with the result.
~ Brigham Young
the set time has come to favor Zion to build it up in strength power & glory to gather Israel to build Jerrusalem & Zion to fight for our liberty & freedom. we have sent the Gospel forth & preached the Book of Mormon and the minstry of Jesus on this continent in Ancient days Now the time is come to gather Israel & polish them.
~ Brigham Young
Shall we lay a foundation for Negro Slavery No God forbid and I forbid. I say let us be free.
~ Brigham Young
we will be rich but we must be rich in faith first or we shall be rich in no other way.
~ Brigham Young
we must lay a foundation to manufacture our own goods if we do not we shall be slaves to our enemies we must stop being so much dependant oupon our enemies & a foreign market or it will make us trouble
~ Brigham Young
I want the saints to adorn themselves first their hearts with faith & grace then their bodies with the workmanship of their own hands if it is silk & satin all the better it will show your art
~ Brigham Young
the greatest warfare is with ourselves if we can gain a victory with ourselves so as to have peace with ourselves our wives & childn we shall do well.
~ Brigham Young
June 8, 1851 ~ Sunday 8th Sunday President Young addressed a full assembly of the Saints as follows. I want to speak such things as are in my heart. All that are acquainted with me know that my religion embraces all things that belong to the duties of life The Religion I have embraces all the principles of present future, progressive & Eternal Salvation in evry sens of the word. I labour for the salvation of myself & my Brethren I would be glad to speak to thousands even the whole world if they could hear
~ Brigham Young
When I contrast the present with the past situations of the Saints I[t] gives me a great variety of feelings, both good & bad Joyful & sorrowful I have seen this people waiding through a school of affliction they then were prayful & had faith their trying situation made them remember the Lord their God. But now prosperity is heaped upon you and as this people are to be tryed in all things when prosperity comes some forget God wax fat & rich do not realize the blessings they are enjoying.
~ Brigham Young
I told them I would not wait on the devils for loads of gold I would rather stay here & serve the Lord. All I want of property is to serve the Lord & build up his kingdom with it.
~ Brigham Young
I will tell you what to do, do all you can to day & let the rest go untill to morrow do your duty to day and all will be right what good would it do you to have 999 years to search & hear the revelations & commandments of God if we have no time to carry one of them out.
~ Brigham Young
I will not cast of[f] any man untill he cast himself off I will not reject any man untill he rejects himself, I will hold on to any man as long as he has any prospect of salvation.
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Richards remarked Evry man makes his own Hell or Heaven if we keep the commandments & do right we have a Heaven within us all the time 40 Men & all the devils in Hell cannot make a Hell for us if [we] do right but if you stop to parley with the devil he will soon get the advantage over you & make a Hell for you
~ Willard Richards
let us do right & keep the commandments of God in all things.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our knowledge comes by experi[ence] it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of all kinds in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our high stations to become Gods Organize worlds & controle them. All our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but condescended to take a body in its impure state was married to it will continue with it through time in mortality through Eternity in Immortality.
~ Wilford Woodruff
In speaking of the married state sayes if man & wife become alliniated from each other it is in one sens the spirit of adultery
~ Wilford Woodruff
we may know by the spirit of God what is in a mans heart before he speaks, at all times listen to the still small voice of the spirit of God and it will save the saints from many snares.
~ Brigham Young
If you get angry dont sin nor let the sun go down upon your wrath
~ Brigham Young
I do not expect perfection in men not what the world calls perfection I have seen a perfect prophet and perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had been as perfect as the people wished him to be he could not have lived with the people nor stayed this side of the veil as long as he did, we co[u]ld not have herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to been veiled Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord exp- ects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we shall be Angels or Goods we shall their advance to the God head if we do right.
~ Brigham Young
If we do not infringe upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time & Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other being we shall become Gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven does
~ Brigham Young
It is a startling Idea to think we are worshiping a God that once was once in the situation that we are in ourselves they had to pass through a probation of pain, suffering & the fall like ourselves & He made perfect through sufferings. The Son of God passed through it & the Father would not require of a son what He would not do Himself. All our sufferings will exhalt us in the presence of God if we endure them patiently.
~ Brigham Young
if all men would do right & were saints but the net has gathered all kinds good bad & worse let twelve men get drunk in this community & it ruins the place in the estimation of of good men we have to bear the character of the drunkard a few stinking fish in the net defile it. & the whole net stinks and it creates a prejudic against it.
~ Brigham Young
it is now but I say unto all men who are saints put to your hands & help build up Zion & the Kingdom of God we are scholars in the great school & must learn we are a kingdom & must bring the kingdom in subje[c]tion to the will of God
~ Wilford Woodruff
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near.
~ Brigham Young
Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
~ Brigham Young
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion
~ Brigham Young
Apply our hearts to wisdom & it will produce peace, health, wealth & evry good thing.
~ Wilford Woodruff
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near. Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion on us
~ Wilford Woodruff
If I am going to do a thing I ask is it the will of God if I cannot get the will of God upon it I refuse to do it lest I do a thing wrong, we want to do right then we prosper.
~ Brigham Young
Give us the kingdom of God instead of the glories of the world.
~ Brigham Young
when the Father appointed Jesus Christ the first born to come & redeem the Earth there was contention got up the second brother Lucipher the son of the morning He wanted the honour to come & redeem the Earth but Christ was the Appointed one it was his right by appoin tment & birthright. But the war & contention became so hot & the influence of Lucipher was so great that he got one third of the hosts of Heaven to Join his standard & when he was hurled down to Hell like lightning from Heaven one third was cast down with him whare is he & those that were cast down, with those spirts that accompanied him they are here on this Earth and they have blinded the child ren of men & still seeking to overthrow the kingdom of God He is a thorn in the flesh to the children of God but this is all right & we should be contented with what God sees fit to grant unto us & to contented with our lot. If the devil had been contented & acted in his place he would not have been thrust down to Hell. Any man who seeks to do a thing that he cannot do & should not do it cast him into Hell & makes a Hell for him when men ask for things that does not belong to him & it makes him unhappy.
~ Brigham Young
be contented with the lot in which God has placed you then you will be happy & blessed.
~ Brigham Young
Now remember this that we will have Zion when all wickedness is gone. we have got to fight fight fight untill we gain the victory over ourselves.
~ Brigham Young
Jesus Christ was the first Born of the Father & He was the candidate & elected to redeem the world. Lucipher set up as a candidate to run against Jesus Christ but He was overcome & thrust down to Hell with all that followed him and we will have no more division henceforth & forever in Israel we will have but one candidate for office but No opposition.
~ Heber C. Kimball
Just look into the Book of Nature & evry thing whether it looks up or down points to God. God is seen in it all. Evry substance is surrounded with an atmosphere & in some respects shows what is within
~ Orson Hyde
I am prepared for Mormonism there was no better man than Joseph Smith ever lived on the Earth. Hear it O ye Heavens O ye Earth and all men this is my testimony that he is theas good a man as ever lived save Jesus. The world will not vote for a man because his religion governs they will not have God govern them because of their cursed meanness but if God did not or can not dealedout Justice & rule in righteousness who can
~ Brigham Young
Do the Latter day Saints wish the Nations of the Earth any Evil No we would save them all if we could. But it was a mercy anciently to cut off the wicked from the Earth that their posterity should not inherit the Earth to follow the wickedness of their fathers Gog & Magog will ere long gather to fight against the Saints of the Lamb of God and when hope is almost fled Christ will come and End the scenery.
~ Orson Hyde
the liberty of the Holy Gospel was peace & righteousness we had no liberty to take away another mans rights but the first principle of liberty was resignation & submission for go whare you will to Heaven or Hell you have to submit to laws we are at liberty to adobt evry Holy principle to all Eternity go East North or South keep evry thing you want for yourself wife children houses cattle & create out of the elements evry thing you can yet you are not at liberty to infringe upon the rights of men you may have the privilege to do all things that is done in heaven. Organize the elements give commands & rule over kingdoms but be subject to such laws as you are under the law of liberty is to do right for God to all Eternity the opposite principle is to be discontented with things to be different from what they are this is Hell & all the Hell their is I dont care how things are if I do right we shall find the law of liberty to be Eternal life light & peace which will increase to all Eternity we ought not to do an Evil to cause pain to any crea- ture
~ Brigham Young
God will increase his kingdom to all Eternity so shall we increase our kingdom to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
It is the general Idea that we are destined to become a great people & a Mighty Nation (is this treason) we are a strong people & destined to be stronger untill our News reaches the utmost parts of the Earth so that when the Mail comes the question will be asked what News do you hear from that mighty people in the Mountains as the emigration increases & ship arive It will all increase the work & it will be as impossible to hide it from the world as it would for the shining of the sun to be hid & Zion will be terrible to the Nations of the Earth I feel as great a desire to help bear up the kingdom as a man can I am willing to spend my life & all I have to build up this kingdom I am willing to stay here or go back tomorrow I presume this is the feelings of the Elders here in this body their is Nothing so Joyful as to build up the kingdom
~ Orson Pratt
the work is of all importance to the Human family the Brethren are all willing to do right & they say Lord not my will but thine be done. If the Lord should say come & preach to us we would say Amen to it the Lord has his means to carry on his work and also his own means to do it when the peoples hearts are prepared to do the will of God the victory is ours if we come to understanding so as to have the organization of the kingdom of God so that evryone acts in unison like a beautiful peace of machiner
~ Brigham Young
the keeping of the word of wisdom has done much good I will be exceding glad when we arive at wisdom in all things the word of wisdom was given in Kirtland 20 years ago for the benefit of all Saints when we live 20 or 50 years longer we shall see that we do not understand much of the word of wisdom we are but babes in understanding wisdom who understands it, was all spoken that might be spoken their is but one ysystem of explaining any Revelation & that is the Rev- elation of Jesus Christ in the heart of man when he possesses the Holy Ghost
~ Brigham Young
untill the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our God we shall fight battle after battle untill the victory is won we have to fight & lay down our lives for Christ sake
~ Brigham Young
Jesus descended below all things before He ascended above all things we have got to sacrafice ever freely in order to be exhalted before God.
~ Brigham Young
he did not believe any man capable or qualifyed to speak acceptable to God no matter what his abilities were unless he had the spirit of the Holy Ghost
~ Orson Pratt
I should be glad to live to see the day when their should not be a Kingdom or government on Earth ownly that ordained of God
~ Orson Pratt
I should be glad to live to see the day when their should not be a Kingdom or government on Earth ownly that ordained of God to govern the world
~ Orson Pratt
If I knew I could be translated to all the glory of the Celestial Kingdom in an instant I would rather live & suffer with my Brethren through all their troubles untill the coming of Christ
~ Orson Pratt
we all have weaknesses & much to contend with this is that we may increase & arive at Great Glory by getting the mastery over the devil & much evil if we were not tempted & tryed & overcome we should not get the glory that we otherwise shall. How could God trust a man who would be overcome by temptation it would take him a long time to get confidence in him again Jesus was a fair sample subject as He was to temptation in all things He overcame so can we & follow in the steps of our Elder Brother
~ Orson Pratt
we have the gifts of the Gospel to heal the sick to speak with New tongues, to cause the blind to see lame to walk deaf to hear, & cast out devels & with these gifts some have been so lifted up taken honor & glory unto themselves they have fallen. I thank God for sparing his gifts any further than they prove beneficial to us if God gave us all things at once it would kill us but if we were proven in all things then we could endure all things
~ Orson Pratt
If the Lord had given all men all they have asked for they would many of them been out of the Church now I have herd many say I have Asked the Lord to reveal certain principls unto me & He did not do it but this is because it was not wisdom to give it unto you but if you are faithful the day will come when God will give any man what he asks for if he asks for it in righteousness. I believe the Lord loves this people & is preparing us to recieve all good things
~ Orson Pratt
If we find anything that is good lovely, virtueous, good, exhalted then let us lay hold of it untill we are exhaulted then the spirit will adorn the body & do away with many of the Evils of the fall their is sumthing in the countena[n]ce of a man who takes care of his spirit that is glorious & good the Lord made the spirit of man according to the plan devised in his wisdom but this was made of Eternal substance
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
many thing may be said about the object of our bodies & spirits they are destined to arise in glory Exhaltation And Eternal life then let us take care of our bodies & spirits
~ Orson Pratt
it seems to be the object of God that we should earn our bread by the sweat of the brow if this was not the case we might be Idle which would produce more evil than it would to labour if we improve our time we shall get glory that we should not get if we were Idle
~ Orson Pratt
we cannot get a fulness of Glory while our spirit & body is seperated we may think reflect & know right from wrong but we cannot act as in the body we shall look for the resurrection of the body with much interest & great anxiety
~ Orson Pratt
those who kept the celestial law will be redeemed from all sin & death restored to God and all blessings their is for man such will have Joy in paradice.
~ Orson Pratt
I believe the Saints will arise out of their graves as Ezekiel said they would. The Resurrection will take place before the son of Man comes as the scriptures declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the Zion of Enoch will also appear & dwell on the Earth the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher itances
~ Orson Pratt
I believe the Saints will arise out of their graves as Ezekiel said they would. The Resurrection will take place before the son of Man comes as the scriptures declair. Before He comes their shall be a great sign appear in Heaven all the Nations of the Earth shall see it together An Angel shall sound his trump that all Nations will hear it saying that Babylon will be burned then after half an hour of silence the veil of the covering will be taken off the face of Heaven will be revealed & the face of the Lord will be unveiled and the graves of the Saints will be open & the Saints on the Earth will be caught up to meet the Lord this is the first Resurrection the Zion of Enoch will also appear & dwell on the Earth the Saints will then receive their Everlasting inher itances
~ Orson Pratt
then comes the time when Joseph and all will receive their keys & turn them to the saints in this dispensation & reveal the mysteries of Eternity to the Saints who have their celestial bodies they will be qualifyed to receive a fulness of celestial glory & spirit & will receive all they can Endure but they will grow to all Eternity in knowledge & power
~ Orson Pratt
Jesus will have a Throne in Jerrusalem & the Saints will have thrones on the Earth but they will go to other worlds or in the Heavens & all will be free Adam will give instructions concerning the garden of Eden we will go on foreign missions to visit other worlds we shall also remember our works in this life & inasmuch as they have been good it will be a consolation to reflect upon them
~ Orson Pratt
If a person is sick & have not faith to be healed give them herbs the product of the Earth & it will cure you until it is time to die
~ Brigham Young
it is as much our duty to know how to cure our system as to feed our body
~ Brigham Young
After you receive your reserrected bodies you will bring forth spirits to all Eternity who will go to some world & take a tabernacle or body the same as we have
~ Brigham Young
if one man knows more than another let him tell his knowledge & if a man knows more than all the rest let him be a Father unto the people & teach them
~ Brigham Young
the Lord will govern the helm of the States & Nations for the final good of the world & to his honor & glory & for the benefit of the Saints
~ Wilford Woodruff
January 1, 1852 ~ Thursday Jan 1st 1852 Govornor B. Young Next made a proclamation of thanksgiving for the inhabitants of the Territory of Utah to set apart the 1st day of Jan for the purpose of thanksgiving & prayer the following is a portion of the proclamation "And I recommend to all good citizens of Utah that they abstain from evry thing that is calculated to mar the or grieve the spirit of their Heavenly Father on that day that they rise early in the morning of the first day of the New Year and wash their bodies with pure water that all men attend to their flocks & herds with carefulness & see that no creature in their care is hungry thirsty or cold while the women are preparing the best of food for their housholds & their children [are] ready to receive it in cleanliness & with cheerfulness then let the head of each family with his family bow down upon his knees before the God of Israel and acknowledge all his sins & the sins of his household call upon the Father in the name of Jesus for evry blessing that he desires for himself his kindred the Israel of God the univers of man praying with full purpose of heart & united faith that the union of the United States may be preserved inviolate against tall the devises of wicked men untill truth shall reign triumphant & the glory of Jehovah shall fill the whole earth then in the name of Jesus ask the Father to bless the your food and when you have filled the plates of your houshold partake with them with rejoiceing & thanks- giving & if you feel to make merry in your hearts sing a song of thanksgiving and lift up your hearts con- tinually in praise & acknowledgement of the unbounded mercies you are momentarily receiving
~ Brigham Young
A man cannot sin against the Holy Ghost untill the Holy Ghost has revealed unto him the Father & Son & a knowledge of Eternal things in a great degree degree when he has a knowledge of these things with his eyes open he rebels against God & defys his power
~ Brigham Young
are the people prepared to make a covenat to dedicate themselves & their hearts to God from this hour I feel to urge all the Brethrn & Sisters to dedicate themselves unto the Lord. If we can gain the victory & say I will do the work of the Lord in all things. If He will make his will known I will perform it. Not ownly say but perform it dedicate our our affections unto the Lord.
~ Brigham Young
it is a truth revealed from Heaven that we are to be saviors upon Mount Zion to redeem the living & the dead this is the subject that is given to me I am determined to trust in God who will give any man their portion in due season the responsibility of preaching this go[s]pel to all the world & redeem the dead we must live before the Lord in such a manner that we can have his appro- bation what says the Book of Mormon upon this subject those that assist in building up Zion & shall do it by faith shall have the blessing of the Lord upon them
~ Orson Pratt
dont be alarmed God rules our destiny & will rule the world & if we do our dooty their is no power that can harm us for we will make God our ref uge
~ George A. Smith
Let us contend with ourselves & disipline ourselves untill evry thing that is within us is brought in subjection to the Law of Christ
~ Brigham Young
we should keep the Sabbath it is not right to spend this day in Hunting cattle & labouring but should spend the time in the worship of God
~ George A. Smith
knowledge is power the Lord will help those who help themselves. the English by the knowledge they possessed conquered 200,000000 of people & brought them in subjection to there own Laws what we learn we shall carry with him us the mobs will burn our homes & destroyed our property but they cannot burn or destroy the knowlede of our hearts.
~ George A. Smith
the Lord has called upon this people & ordained them to preach the gospel & make war upon the powers of darkness & continue that warfare untill the Earth is redeemed & the name of God honored am[on]g men who should spend all of his life in preaching the gospel & should ownly bring in one man into the kingdo of God who should be saved with an Everlasting salvation that man would have cause to rejoice through all Eternity over the redemption of that one Soul & if He brings ^m^any souls into the kingdom of God His Joy will be still greater.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The warfare of the saints is great in the Earth in this dispensa tion & we should all take hold of it with a determination to conquer & never scease untill our warfare is accomplished and evry man will be satisfyed with his reward in the End.
~ Wilford Woodruff
if I step onto the Devils ground He controlls it. remember then at all times that what you do do it in the name of the Lord & let all your acts be to do the will of God
~ Brigham Young
when the VIRGIN MARY was begotton with child it was by the Father and in no other way in no other way ownly as we were begotton I will tell you the Truth as it is in God. The world dont know that Jesus Christ Our Elder Brother was begotton by our Father in Heaven Handle it as you please it will either seal the damnation or salvation of man He was begotton by the Father & not by the Holy Ghost.
~ Brigham Young
Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation but when you do wrong the Angels of the Lord will leave and the Angels of the devil will take there place & keep their company then you are on dangerous ground & if you will not hear the prophets that God sends unto you you would not hear the Angels of God
~ Heber C. Kimball
the Hunny moon should last always & the Husband should gratify the wife in all things that she righteously wishes as far as he can
~ Albert Carrington
if all the world fight against me I will not deny my religion or my God
~ Brigham Young
The little stone cut out of the mountain without hands that was to roll forth untill it became a mountain & filled the whole Earth & broke in peaces & subdued all other kingdoms & was to stand forever as seen by the prophet Daniel has commenced its work. that Church & Kingdom of God is now on the Earth & is being esstablished which must endure & the world are gaziong upon it, it is now located in these vallies of the mountains like a city set upon a hill which cannot be hid.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Now is the time to get your salvation & exhaltation it has to be done here your words thought acts & deeds are daily either Exhalting or debasing you if you are not geting your exhaltation here you will not get it hereafter then try to improve your time here & get salvation daily if you pay strct attention to yourselves in all things you will not have much time to attends to the faults of your neighbors
~ Brigham Young
In order to set up a kingdom & gov[ernme]nt in the last days to gather the 10 Tribes of Israel the Jews & gentiles & all Nations break down the Romon power build up esstablish Zion & maintain it. it must be sumthing diff[ere]nt from any Human government or device of man it must originate from the heavens be governed & controlled by the God of heaven led by inspiration & Revelation in all of its undertakings & it must contain within itself all the blessings & covenants which God made to Abraham concerning his seed & posterity. This Kingdom is here in the valley of the mountains it has been esstablished by the hand of God and it embraces all that God has promised, or that is necessary to perfect the great work or all that Jew or Gentile can look for it embraces the whole of the New & everlasting covenant the fulness of the gospel, with all the power & Authority of the same the Keys of the Kingdom the endowments sealing powers the patriarchal Matrimony & the foundation laid for gathering all Israel.
~ Parley Pratt
I also spoke upon the kingdom of God said that none of the words of the Lord spoken would retu- rn unto him void but would accomplish all that he had declaired that the Elders were gaining more strength & confidence & power, in declairing the Kingdom of God to the world.
~ Wilford Woodruff
February 6, 1853 ~ Sunday 6th Sunday I attended meeting Elder Lorenzo Snow preached He spoke vary well exhorted the saints to faithfulness the young men to study the different languages that they might be useful among the Nations He exhorted the saints that was expetg [expecting] to stay in the valley to do all they could to forward the work of God He said if any of the brethren wanted to be marterd or lay down their lives for Christ sake they can have a chance by going to Europe or some of those foreign Nations He said that after the Danish Government had banished the Amarican Elders from the Kingdom that the native brethren said to the poliece the seed is sown the truth is here it is in our hearts & we are here ourselves & shall defend the truth
~ Lorenzo Snow
President B Young followed & said the organization of man is one of the deepest subjects that the phylosopher of the day attempt to investig[at]e the mystery of man in his organiza tion has been a study for ages it has been a mystery but it is because of ignorance their is no such thing as mystery or miracle ownly to the ignorant any intelligent being that knows the caus & effect of things it is no myracle or mystery it is our privilege to asspire after that knowledge that the greatest intel igance possesses we should take that course that we may ever increase in knowledge than we are sure of exhaltation
~ Brigham Young
I am like the rest of you that when the light of truth shines upon me my mind enlightened and I am asstonished to look at the world of mankind their actions are like little Children you look at your children about the House & you will see pe[r]fect pattern of the world
~ Brigham Young
firstly I would say let us observe the mormon creed let evry mind their own business evry one has weeds enough in his own guarding to attend to without attending to the weeds in his Neighbors garden for while you are attending to the weeds of your Neighbor those in your own will grow vary thick & tall & will finally spoil the good seed
~ Brigham Young
firstly I would say let us observe the mormon creed let evry mind their own business evry one has weeds enough in his own guarding to attend to without attending to the weeds in his Neighbors garden for while you are attending to the weeds of your Neighbor those in your own will grow vary thick & tall & will finally spoil the good seed
~ Brigham Young
Follow the counsel of Brother Snow and improve your time in study & treasureing up knowledge
~ Brigham Young
I want to know all their is on Earth in Heaven & Hell so that no person shall know more than I do but in obtaining this knowledge I do not wish to sin their is no need of singing.
~ Brigham Young
what is there here in this valley that should hendor this people from being happy I am happy because I do not fret about any thing that I cannot do. I wont fret about any thing what henders your praying & praising God No body but your own selves if you are seeking to weed your neighbors garden you will have business enough. but this is a happy people I wish they would prize their blessings. You have not got to mourn as did the Ancients because their children would Apostitise turn from God & be cursed Our children will not Apostitze they will not have time but will have all they can do to perform the work of God as it rolls upon them to prepare the kingdom for the coming of Christ gather up the Nations &c Then be happy & do the things required of you
~ Brigham Young
When the spirit enters the body it enters a dark sell and is left to sorrow & to be tried in all things but when the spirit leaves the body if a saint it enters into the brilliant light and glory of God like taking a prisioner out of a dark sell whare he could see a little glimmer of light through the grates & put him into the blaze of the mid days sun.
~ Brigham Young
when we go to the house of mourning we mourn as it were in spirit and our minds are called to serious truths but what would really be a case of mourning it would be to follow a person to the grave who had not improved their day of salvation had an oppertunity of being saved & exhalted & had neglected it that would be a case of mourning but a person that had done the best they could & improved their oppor- tunities of salvation we have no cause to mourn
~ Brigham Young
upon no other principle can I warrant anybody salvation exsept upon the principle of doing good & obeying the Lord do good to your families & to each other.
~ Brigham Young
February 13, 1853 ~ Sunday 13th Sunday Meeting was addressed in the morning B[y] Brother Joseph Young He spoke of the blessings of the people it was not wealth & riches that made men happy but it was by having the truth & obey- ing
~ Joseph Young
we should trust all our affairs in the hands of god we should do right & follow the counsel of those that are set over us & carry out their views & the blessing of God will attend us & we shall be happy
~ Joseph Young
their is no other kingdom like this on the Earth the Ancient Apostles had no more of the spirit of God to prepare them for their work then our Apostles have for the work which they have to perform in our day I would say that the dispensation of Moses & Christ & the Apostles looks like this dis- pensation though this dispensation will eclips all other dispensations for it is the finishing up of the building Moses never began to do what we have to do. I am of the opinion that men that are our prophets Apostles & leaders that have laid the foundation of this Church & kingdom & are building upon it were reserved forom Eternity to come forth in this dispensation to accomplish the great work which is to be done neve[r] did men live with more nerve desission of character perseverance faith & power than those that lead this dispensation
~ Jedediah M Grant
President Young Kimball followed & said he believed we had more to do than other dispensations yet they had the Keys of the kingdom if they had not had them they could not have given them to us Jesus says my sheep hear my voice & will follow me if they dont pray I think they are not the sheep of Christ if you dont ask the savio saviour for what you want how do you expect to get it then ask the Lord for what you want Brother Brigham holds the Keys of this Kingdom & no body els holds them as he does others hold keys but they hold them under him He holds the keys that Peter held.
~ Heber C Kimball
we are going to build up a Temple I expect the devil will kick up a fuss by & by to try you well Let it come I hope the chaff will be blown away but when Brother Brigham says build this Temple let us go to it rit up.
~ Heber C Kimball
B Young followed & said if the people will be on the Temple ground to morrow at 11 oclok we will break the ground for the commencement of the foundation of the Temple. I do not believe that Enoch & his people eincreased in wrighteousnes faith & obedience & improved any faster than this people have since the commencement of this Kingdom I said this in the days of Joseph I have no doubt but God expects us to improve more than any other people that ever lived on the Earth then let us double our dilligence & let the parents both men & women never scease untill they govern themselves in all things and if we are tempted to do wrong never scease untill we conquor that spirit & bring it in subjection under your feet that you may ere long become rulers Kings & Priest unto God
~ Brigham Young
We shall now again attempt to build another Temple we have tried it many times bet have not been able to finished them so as to occupy them for any length of time we may not now but we will triy it we may Just as well build a Temple that will cost a Million of dollars as well as not & we would be just as well off & better to than before And I would just as well build a Temple that would cost a million of Dollars if I knew we should be driven from it in a month by our enemies as though we should occupy it a Thousand years it is all the same with me for when the Lords Commands us to do any thing we should do it just as freely without asking the whys & wharefore whether we have the privilege of enjoying it or not. If you ask if it is the will of God for us to build a Temple I answer yes it is the will of God we should build a Temple we cannot attend to the ordinances of the House of the Lord without it. If you ask if I have received a revelation or vision upon the subject I would answer yes I have been in vision much of the time upon the subject I knew it was the will of God that we should build a Temple on thise same ground when I first came into the valley and while the brethren were exploring out I said all the time this is the place for the City & Temple
~ Brigham Young
I will relate some of the sayings of Joseph while in Kirtland He said conserning the building of that Temple that it grieved him & also the spirit of God to think that the saints were not willing to build a Temple by the counsel of the priesthood without a written revelation & commandment from God that was it not for the penurious feelings of the people the Lord would not give revelations & commandments as he does whenever the Lord finds the people willing to do good build up his Kingdom & do good without being commanded He will be more pleased with them
~ Joseph Smith
I wish to ask if you want a commandment evry year to require you to pay your Tithing when it is a standing law unto Israel & has been from the days of Abraham you all know this well if you dont want to pay your tithing or any portion of you I dont want you should it is for your good not mine I dont want a Temple to get my endowments in For I got my Endowments and all the blessings appertaining thereto under the hands of Joseph before his death & before the Temple was built in Nauvoo & so did so my counsellors and a part of the Tweleve get theirs before the Temple was built. Brother Joseph seemed urged by the spirit of God to perform this work had he not have done it he might have died without conferring the Keys upon others. if this people pay their tithing we shall have an abundance in the store house to build a Temple
~ Brigham Young
the Seventis were to go out under the direction of the Twelve & build up the Kingdom of God & regulate all the affairs of the same in all the world who of the seventies are prepared for all this we should improve all our time in treasuring up Knowledge & instruction & dont spend it foolishly for we shall want all the knowledge we kan obtain in filling our mission to the Nations of the Earth
~ Harrison Burgess
I never saw a time in any age of my life when I have had more desire to live than at the present time I want to see the work progress, the kingdom rise that it may become esstablisd in all the Earth & the Effects that will follow. yes the Elders should improve their time in treasuring up knowledge & counsel for you will want it when you go the Nations of the Earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
improve the time to the best advantage & seek to conquer yourselvs & preside over yourselvs & bring all your passions in subjection to the law of Christ
~ Wilford Woodruff
I wish to exhort the 70s & Elders to keep a Journal & History of their lives for the record & history of this Church & Kingdom will be wanted in a future day ther has been no dispensation on Earth the procedings of which will be more interesting than the one in which we live. Should we ever have the privilege in our resurrected bodies of visiting other planits & the inhabitants of the same we should want to learn the history of that people if they had kept no records of their lives, & the dealings of God with them so we could get their History we should feel much disap- pointed so would they should they visit us.
~ Wilford Woodruff
a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Wilford Woodruff
a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Ezra T Benson
it is better to wear out than to rust out
~ Erastus Snow
the Seventies are the bone & sinnew of Israel the Battle Ax of the Almighty what a mighty influence they must wield in Israel & the world we are begining to become one as a people Joseph said he had got a lever under the earth & he ment to turn it over that it might be right side up the seventies I expect will do much towards turning it over it is for our best interest to build up the Kingdom of God & do his will
~ Erastus Snow
what henders your enjoying all that you anticipated I can answer it for myself if I dont have all the light truth Joy & happiness & glory that I anticipated [it] is because of my vary self and my will prevents me. All hell cannot hender me if I am right from enjoying all that I expect.
~ Wilford Woodruff
what henders your enjoying all that you anticipated I can answer it for myself if I dont have all the light truth Joy & happiness & glory that I anticipated [it] is because of my vary self and my will prevents me.
~ Brigham Young
Who has got power to che[a]t me out of my crown, Glory, Heaven, Kingdom, &c who is it that has an influence over you who is it ^[â—Š]^ will deprive you of all that you expect nobody but yor own selves And any body that does not know enough about salvation to judge what to do when you are instructed continually are not capable of receiving a Celestial Kingdom they are not worthy of it No one that cannot preside over themselves is not worthy of it but it is those who are valient in the Testimony of Jesus Christ & bring themselves in subjection to the Law of Christ & say I will serve God let others do as they may.
~ Brigham Young
We talk of sacrafize do we sacrafize in the building of this Kingdom If I had millions & used it in the building of this Kingdom bwould it be sacrafize No If I was called to go & preach the gospel all the days of my life & never see my family again it would not be sacrafize what is our reward for our labour & faithfu- lness it is Thrones, Kingdoms, principalities Eternal Lives & a seat among the Gods then is it sacrafice No
~ Brigham Young
then from your families let this principle go through your neighborhood & throughout the whole Kingdom of God pay all men what you owe them fulfill your promises and if your Neighbors Horse ox cow or any thing that he has is suffering by your door feed it & save its life as you would if it was your own
~ Brigham Young
do right in all things & you will have all the Heaven & Zion that you can enjoy in this world
~ Brigham Young
He said again some men had a desire to stick to the work because it made them kings & priest so they could sway a great septer & rule with a rod of Iron & damn men here & curse them there &sc and had not in view the principles of Justice Jud[g]ment mercy truth &c but they cou[l]d not arise upon such principle even God himself should He act upon this principle He would scease to be God for the principls that sustain him & his Throne would forsake him & he would scease to be God for light & truth & evry other good principle cleaves unto itself
~ Brigham Young
who should have women sealed to them those men who have proved to God Angels & man that they are willing to do any thing that God requires of them at the sacrafice of all their own private interest or feelings & have been faithful all the day long such should have women sealed to them for they will be saved.
~ Brigham Young
President Young ascended the stone & gave his benediction as follows. Brethren & Sisters I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth & pray my father in heaven to encircle you in the arms of his love & mercy protect us untill we have finished the Temple receve the fulness of our endowments therein & then build many more. And I pray also that we may live to see the great Temple in Jackson County Missouri you are now dismi ssed with the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ upon your heads Amen.
~ Brigham Young
A Lyman spoke told a dream said Joseph came to him & told him to dip a large lake dry & gave him a spoon to do it with said he could not have any impression upon it with a spoo[n] he thought but still would obey counsel & went to dipping & soon lowerd the lake 5 feet than Joseph told him he could not always Judge of things by appearances but the Lord would do all for us that our hearts could desire
~ Amasa Lyman