Oct 23 We sent a paper home to Maine. Rode 15 miles & camped {distance} 15 miles
~ Wednesday
24 Rode to mome & spent the night [FIGURE] Orwel myself wife & child was sick {distance} 15
[sideways text]
^On the 24 Oct T B Marsh made his Affidavit^
[end of sideways text]
~ Thursday
25 Rode to Sayryacuse to Camalias & spent the night. Brother Brown broke an axletree yesterday
he broke an other we seem to be impeded in our progress we had a hail storm to day 20 m
~ Friday
26 [FIGURES] This was a trying day to me I broke open my barrel Phebe was much tried rode 10 miles 10
~ Saturday
27 We have troublesome times in the camp several of the children are vary sick one of Br Thomas
children is at the point of death we travel ^slow^ & have many hindrences. We rode to the free bridge
& camped 2 miles west of it we had a vary bad road about 4 miles near the bridge 12
~ Sunday
28 {Sunday} We travled through Phelps a beautiful township of land & to Manchester & spent the
night at the house of Joseph Sawyier within six miles of Palmira whare the Book of Mormon was found 20
~ Monday
29 A cold day we had some snow our babe was still sick we rode to Canandagua to east &
west Broomfield to Lima & spent the night {Distance} 25
~ Tuesday
30 we travled to Avon to La roy & to the centre of Stafford & spent the night at the Inn 26
~ Wednesday
31 A cold winter's day snow 2 inch deep our horses draged the waggons all day through mud
& water we passed through Batavia and Rukville and spent the night 21
~ Thursday
Nov 1st We had a bad road for 15 miles we travled to williamsville & spent the night within 5 miles of Buffalo. Distance of the day 20
~ Friday
2nd We rode into Buffalo & spent several hours in the city Elder M Holmes took the steam boat Erie for Fairport we left Buffalo & travled to Hamburg & put up for the night at the farmers hotel {Distance} 19
~ Saturday
3rd Here we parted with some of our company. Brother Cyrus Sterrett & his family & Mr Whitley & family
stoped & returned to Buffalo to spend the winter as the expenses was so great it was thought we
could not all get to Zion this winter so they stoped to labour & Br Thomas let them have a span of horses
& a waggon to help them up in the spring. After taking the parting hand with these friends we rode through
the rain to Evens & spent the night with David Cook{distance} 17 miles
~ Tuesday
Oct 23 we sent a paper home to Maine. Rode 15 miles & camped {distance} 15 miles
~ Wednesday
24 Rode to mome & spent the night. Orvel myself wife & child was sick {distance} 15
~ Thursday
25 Rode to Syracuse to Camalias & spent the night. Brother Brown broke an axletree yesterday
he broke an other we seem to be impeded in our progress we had a hail storm today 20 m
~ Friday
26 FIGURES This was a trying day to me I broke open my barrel Phebe was much tried rode 10 miles 10
~ Saturday
27 We have troublesome times in the camp several of the children are vary sick one of Br Thomas
children is at the point of death we travel slow & have many hindrences. We rode to the free bridge
& camped 2 miles west of it we had a vary bad road about 4 miles near the bridge 12
~ Sunday
28 {Sunday} We travled through Phelps a beautiful township of land & to Manchester & spent the
night at the house of Joseph Sawyier within six miles of Palmira whare the Book of Mormon was found 20
~ Monday
29 A cold day we had some snow our babe was still sick we rode to Canandagua to east &
west Broomfield to Lima & spent the night {Distance} 25
~ Tuesday
30 we travled to Avon to Laroy & to the centre of Stafford & spent the night at the Inn 26
~ Wednesday
31 A cold winter's day snow 2 inch deep our horses draged the waggons all day through mud
and water we passed through Batavia and Rukville and spent the night 21
~ Thursday
Nov 1st We had a bad road for 15 miles we travled to williamsville & spent the night within 5 miles of
Buffalo Distance of the day 20
~ Friday
2rd We rode into Buffalo & spent several hours in the city Elder M Holmes took the steam boat Erie for
Fairport we left Buffalo & travled to Hamburg & put up for the night at the farmers hotel {Distance} 19
~ Saturday
3rd Here we parted with some of our company. Brother Cyrus Sterrett & his family & Mr Whitley & family
stoped & returned to Buffalo to spend the winter as the expenses was so great it was thought we
could not all get to Zion this winter so they stoped to labour & Br Thomas let them have a span of horses
& a waggon to help them up in the spring. After taking the parting hand with these friends we rode through
the rain to Evens & spent the night with David Cook{distance} 17 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," October 23, 1838 - November 3, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kkX