Even the duty of the Twelve Apostles and all the faithful Elders of
Israel and the following is a portion of the will of the Lord made
manifest to me while dwelling in a shepherds tent in the wilderness
surrounded by the drifting snows of the mountains while wraped
in the visions of the night
For the want of room in this Journal I shall omit copying this
revelation given to Wilford Woodruff in the wilderness Jan 26, 1880
As a copy can be found in my Book from which this Journal
is taken also a copy is in the hands of the Presidency of the Church
~ Tuesday
Jan 27, 1880 I arose in the morning after the visions of the night
with my heart filled with Jowy and gratitude for the manifestations
of the spirit of God unto me. I have written the revelation of God
unto me as it was given by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. I had
read the revelations in the Doctrine & Covenants and Prayed
earnestly unto the Lord to show me his mind & will concerning
myself and my brethren the Apostles and the Lord gave me that
revelation in answer to my Prayers I spent the day in reading
~ Wednesday
Jan 28. We had a hard snow storm it snowed all day I was again wraped in vision during a good
deal of the night concerning the destiny of our Nation and
of Zion It was strongly manifest to me the duty of the Apostles
and Elders to go into our Holy places & Temples and wash our feet
and bear testimony to God & the Heavenly hosts against the wicked
ness of this Nation My pillow was wet with the fountain of ftears
that flowed as I Beheld the Judgments of God upon the wicked
~ Thursday
Jan 29. It was clear this morning but vary cold. We left camp
and rode 8 miles to a dry gulch went 8 mils up the gulch and camped
under a cedar in the open canopy of heaven with our beds covered with drifting snow 16 m[iles]
Jan 26, 1880
Even the duty of the Twelve Apostles and all the faithful Elders of
Israel and the following is a portion of the will of the Lord made
manifest to me while dwelling in a shepherds tent in the wilderness
surrounded by the drifting snows of the mountains while wraped
in the visions of the night
For the want of room in this Journal I shall omit copying this
revelation given to Wilford Woodruff in the wilderness Jan 26, 1880
As a copy can be found in my Book from which this Journal
is taken Also a copy is in the hands of the Presidency of the Church
~ Tuesday
Jan 27, 1880 I arose in the morning after the vision of the night
with my heart filled with Joy and gratitude for the manifestations
of the spirit of God unto me. I have written the Revelation of God
unto me as it was given by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. I had
read the Revelation in the Doctrins & Covenants and Prayed
earnestly unto the Lord to show me his mind & will concerning
myself and my brethren the Apostles and the Lord gave me that
Revelation in answer to my Prayers I spent the day in reading
~ Wednesday
Jan 28. We had a hard snow storm it snowed all day
FIGURES I was again wraped in vision during a good
deal of the night concerning the destiny of our Nation and
of Zion It was strongly manifest to me the duty of the Apostles
and Elders to go into our Holy places & Temples and wash our feet
and bear testimony to God & the Heavenly hosts against the wickedness of this Nation My pillow was wet with the fountain oftears
that flowed as I Beheld the Judgments of God upon the wicked
~ Thursday
Jan 29. It was clear this morning but vary cold. We left camp
and rode 8 miles to a dry gulch went 8 mils up the gulch and camped
under a cedar in the open canopy of heaven with our beds covered with drifting snow 16 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 26, 1880 - January 29, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yr57