Br Whiting arived last Evening and spent the night with us
A vary cold morning Br Judd drove the team some 10 Mils
further into the Mountains to a camp in the gulch while Br Whiting
and mysel mounted our horses & rode some 10 miles North through
the heards of cattle and it was vary cold our beards & faces was covered
Ice from our breath we rode in the saddle about 20 miles and
camped with the Brethren in the gulch. 20 Mils
~ Saturday
31. We aros in the morning with a heavy snow storm upon us and
I felt that it was time for me to get out of the Mountains lest
I get snowed in with an Alpine winter so we could not get out
with our teams so we got our Breakfast had our prayers and
hitched our horses to our waggons and with the help of the brethren
and two more horses we wallowed through the snow out of the
gulch and reached the level country above I mounted my horse
and rode in the saddle 8 hours with the Northern blast blowing
the snow into my face and I reached the shepherds tent at
4 oclok but the waggon did not arive for more than an hour 20 Miles
~ Sunday
Feb 1, 1880. It was a clear plesant Morning we drove 25 Mils
to Sunset. Thus I have spent 11 days in the Mountains in the
Midst of the Driving snow making my bed on the ground in the
shepherds tent and in the open air surrounded with the drifting
snows of a riged winter I eat my bread & meat twice a day with
thanksgiving and drank the cold snow water and Enjoyed the best
of health. When I left sunset I had a severe cold on my Lungs and after
being 2 days in the Mountains it Entirely left me and although I
was several Days in the saddle from 8 to 10 hours with the cold
North wind and snow blowing in my face, I would naturly have
supposed that I would have frozen yet I did not suffer but vary little
~ Friday
Jan 30, 1880
Br Whiting arived last Evening and spent the night with us
A vary cold morning Br Judd drove the team some 10 Mils
further into the Mountains to a camp in the gulch while Br Whiting
and mysel mounted our horses & rode some 10 miles North through
the heards of cattle and it was vary cold our beards & faces was covered
Ice from our breath we rode in the saddle about 20 miles and
camped with the Brethren in the gulch. 20 Mils
~ Saturday
31. We aros in the morning with a heavy snow storm upon us and
I felt that it was time for me to get out of the Mountains lest
I get snowed in with an Alpine winter so we could not get out
with our teams so we got our Breakfast had our prayers and
hitched our horses to our waggons and with the help of the brethren
and two more horses we wallowed through the snow out of the
gulch and reached the level country above I mounted my horse
and rode in the saddle 8 hours with the Northern blast blowing
the snow into my face and I reached the shepherds tent at
4 oclok but the waggon did not arive for more than an hour 20 Mils
~ Sunday
Feb 1, 1880. It was a clear plesant Morning we drove 25 Mils
to Sunset. Thus I have spent 11 days in the Mountains in the
Midst of the Driving snow making my bed on the ground in the
shepherds tent and in the open air surrounded with the drifting
snows of a riged winter I eat my bread & meat twice a day with
thanksgiving and drank the cold snow water and Enjoyed the best
of health. when I left sunset I had a severe cold on my Lungs and after
being 2 days in the Mountains it Entirely left me and although I
was several Days in the saddle from 8 to 10 hours with the cold
North wind and snow blowing in my face, I would naturly have
supposed that I would have frozen yet I did not suffer but vary little
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 30, 1880 - February 1, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,