Feb 2nd. A cold Morning I spent the day reading & writing I wote a letter to A M Tenney
~ Tuesday
3 I wrote a letter to Samuel E Lewis, it was a cold night
~ Wednesday
4 I spent the day in writing in my Journal the revelation given me
in the Mountains. The Thermometer showed the cold 6 degrees below
0 zero, the coldest morning of the season I spent the Evening in council
~ Thursday
5 I attended the fast day meeting and heard the people bear Testimony I spoke a short time I wrote a letter to President John
Taylor and the Twelve Apostles I gave them an Account of
the revelation the Lord gave unto me in the shepherds tent in the
wilderness and I sent them a copy of the same
Feb 2nd. A cold Morning I spent the day reading & writing I wote a letter
[FIGURE] to A M Tenney
~ Tuesday
3 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Samuel E Lewis it was a cold night
~ Wednesday
4 I spent the day in writing in my Journal the Revelation given me
in the Mountains. The Thermometer showed the cold 6 degrees below
0 zero, the coldest morning of the season I spent the Evening in council
~ Thursday
5 I attended the fast day meeting and heard the people bear Testimony
FIGURES I spoke a short time I wrote a letter to Presidet John
Taylor and the Twelve Apostles I gave them an Account of
the Revelation the Lord gave unto me in the shepherds tent in the
wilderness and I sent them a copy of the same
~ Friday
6. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter of 18 Pages to Georg Reynolds who was in
Prision giving him an account of my visit in Arizona my visit to
the Islata, 7 villages of Moquis and Petone and Pedro, the purchase
of St John & my visit to the Mountains
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 1, 1880 - February 7, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/APoO