to light, iniquity must be purged out, then the veil will
be rent and the blessings of heaven will flow down
they will roll down like the Mississippi river. This Society shall have power to command Queens in their
midst. I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten
years shall roll round the Queens of the earth shall
come & pay their respects to this Society. they shall
come with their millions & shall contribute of their
abundance for the relief of the poor—If you will
be pure, nothing can hinder.
After this instruction you will be responsible
for your own sins. it is an honor to save yourselves
all are sresponsible to save themselves.
Prest. Smith after reading from the above
mentioned chapt. continued to give instruction respect
ing the order of God, as established in the church,
saying every one should aspire only to magnify his
own office &c.
He then commenced reading the 13th chapt
"Though I speak with the tongues of men &c"; & said
dont be limited in your views with regard to your
neighbors virtues, but be limited towards your
own virtues, & not think your selves more righte-
ous than others. you must enlarge your souls to-
wards others, if you would do like Jesus, & carry your
fellow creatures to Abrahams bosom.
He said he had manifested long suffering
& we must do so too—Prest Smith then read
"Though I have the gift of prophecy" &c. [1 Corinthians 13:2] He then
said though one should become mighty, do great
things, overturn mountains &c & should then turn
to eat & drink with the drunken; all former
deeds would not save him, but he would go
to destruction!
As you increase in innocence & virtue
as you increase in goodness let your hearts
expand, let them be enlarged towards others
you must be long suffering & bear with the
faults & errors of mankind. How precious
are the souls of men! The female part of
community are apt to be contracted in their
views. you must not be contracted,
to light, iniquity must be purged out, then the veil will
be rent and the blessings of heaven will flow down
they will roll down like the Mississippi River. This
Society shall have power to command Queens in their
midst, I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten
years shall roll round the Queens of the earth shall
come & pay their respects to this Society, they shall
come with their millions & shall contribute of their
abundance for the relief of the poor - if you will
be pure, nothing can hinder.
After this instruction you will be responsible
for your own sins, it is an honor to save yourselves
all are Responsible to save themselves.
Prest. Smith after reading from the above
mentioned chapt. continued to give instruction respect
ing the order of God, as established in the church,
saying every one should aspire only to magnify his
own office &c.
He then commenced reading the 13th. chapt
"Though I speak with the tongues of men &c"; & said
dont be limited in your views with regard to your
neighbors virtues, but be limited towards your
own virtues, & not think your selves more righteous than others, you must enlarge your souls towards others, if you would do like Jesus, & carry your
fellow creatures to Abrahams bosom.
He said he had manifested long suffering
& we must do so too - Prest Smith then read
"Though I have the gift of prophecy" &c, He then
said though one should be come mighty, do great
things, overturn mountains &c & should then turn
to eat & drink with the drunken; all former
deeds would not save him, but he would go
to destruction!.
As you increase in innocence & virtue
as you increase in goodness let your hearts
expand, let them be enlarged towards others
you must be long suffering & bear with the
faults & errors of mankind How precious
are the souls of men! The female part of
community are apt to be contracted in their
views. You must not be contracted,
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," April 28, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,