Prest J. Smith arose & called the attention of the meeting
to the 12th Chap. 1st Corinth "Now concerning spiritual gifts" &c,
said that the passage which reads "no man can say Jesus is
the christ but by the Holy Ghost," should be translated, no
man can know, &c. [1 Corinthians 12:3]
He contind to read the chapter & give instructions re-
specting the different offices, & the necessity of every individu-
al acting in the sphere allotted him or her, & filling the several
offices to which they were appointed—spoke of the disposition
of men, to consider the lower offices in the church dishonorable
& to look with jealous eyes upon the standing of others, that
it was the nonsense of the human heart, for a person to be aspiring
to other stations than appointed of God—that it was better
for individuals to magnify their respective callings, & wait
patiently till God shall say to them to come up higher.
He said the reason of these remarks being made, was, that
some little thing was circulating in the Society, that some
persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick &c.
said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the
sick could be healed, that the time had not been before that
these things could be in their proper order that the church
is not now organized into its proper order, & cannot be until
the temple is completed
Pres Smith continued the
subject by adverting to the commision given to the ancient apos-
tles "Go ye into all the world &c"—no matter who beleiveth;
these signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &c,
should follow all that beleive wether male or female. [Mark 16:15-18]
He asked the society if they could not see by this Sweeping
stroke that wherein they are ordained it is the privilege
of those set apart to administer in that authority which is
conferred on them & if the sisters should have faith to heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, & let every thing
roll on.
He said if God has appointed him, & chosen him as
an instrument to lead the church, why not let him lead
it through? Why stand in the way, when he is appointed to
do a thing? Who knows the mind of God? Does he not
Prest. J. Smith arose & called the attention of the meeting
to the 12th Chap. 1stCorinth "Now concerning spiritual gifts" &c,
said that the passage which reads "no man can say Jesus is
the christ but by the Holy Ghost", should be translated, no
man can Know. &c, 1 Corinthians 12:3
He contind. to read the chapter & give instructions respecting the different offices, & the necessity of every individual acting in the sphere allotted him or her, & filling the several
offices to which they were appointed - spoke of the disposition
of men, to consider the lower offices in the church dishonorable
& to look with jealous eyes upon the standing of others, that
it was the nonsense of the human heart, for a person to be aspiring
to other stations than appointed of God - that it was better
for individuals to magnify their respective callings, & wait
patiently till God shall say to them to come up higher.
He said the reason of these remarks being made, was, that
some little thing was circulating in the Society, that some
persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick &c,
said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the
sick could be healed, that the time had not been before that
these things could be in their proper order that the church
is not now organized into its proper order, & cannot be until
the temple is completed - - - Pres Smith continued the
subject by adverting to the commision given to the ancient apostles "Go ye into all the world &c" [Mark 16:15] no matter who beleiveth;
these signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &c,
should follow all that beleive wether male or female.
He asked the society if they could not see by this Sweeping
stroke that wherein they are ordained it is the privilege
of those set apart to administer in that authority which is
conferred on them & if the sisters should have faith to
heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, & let every thing
roll on.
He said if God has appointed him, & chosen him as
an instrument to lead the church, why not let him lead
it through? Why stand in the way, when he is appointed to
do a thing? Who knows the mind of God? Does he not
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," April 28, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,