Aug 29th Preached at the North schoolhouse, spent the night at Malatiah Luce 8 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
30th Elder Hale Preached at the east schoolhouse I followed him. stay'd with Carver 4 m[iles]
~ Thursday
31st Last day of summer I visited many friends. I retired in company with
Elder Hale to a grove & sat down under a fir tree and sung a song composed
by Elders Marsh & Pratt on the last day of summer in 1835. The sun that
declines in the far western sky, &c. We then knelt down and worshiped
GOD. We preached in the south schoolhouse. We spent the night at Capt Justus Eames distance of the day 7 miles
~ Friday
Sept 1st I preachied at Mr Levy Dyers. Spent the night at Mr Dyers 4 miles
~ Saturday
2nd Elder Hale preached at Mr Sterretts I followed him spent the night with Kent 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached at Capt Justus Eam's, & delivered two discourses
after I closed, I opened a door for baptism and two offered themse-
lves as candidates, which whas Capt Justus Eames & his wife. We
immediately walked to the sea shore and Elder Jonathan H. Hale, lead
them down into the sea & baptized them. These were the first Elder
Hale ever baptized, & the first baptized upon the Islands of the
sea (to my knowledge) in these last days by an Elder of Israel. I
gave out an appointment for next Sabbath at Brother Eames. I adminis-
tered in the confirmation of Brother & Sister Eames. I spent the night
with Stephen Luce Esq distance 4 miles.
~ Monday
4th We walked to Brother Eames & found them rejoicing in the Lord {I was attacked
with a cold.} A young man came in to enquire what he should do to be
saved. I taught him as Peter did on the day of Pentecost, the spirit of
of God is like leaven through the Island. [Acts 2] We walked to the Post Office
took sa sail boat to cross to South fox Island, we had a plesant
time & sung on the way, The gallant ships &c. It was about 1 1/2 miles
across tho the place of our landing, on the neck. I felt to rejoice
to stand upon another Island of the sea to preach the gospel. May
God bless us and give us access to the hearts of the people & sou-
ls as seals of our ministry. We immediately gave out an appoi-
intment at school house No 1. Elder Hale preached on the gospe[l]
I followed him. The spirit of God rested upon us. We spent the
night with Mr James Babbidge{my cold increased and lungs very sore} distance 7 mil
~ Tuesday
5 [FIGURE] We walked about a mile from Mr Babbidge and went to the top of
a high ledge and stop'd on a smooth granite rock covering two acres, some
of the face of it was covered with a light soil out of which grew the pine, the
whoretlebury & wintergreen. We sat down under the shade of a pine
for morning prayers, & O, what glorious contemplations vibrated our
souls. Elder Hale read the XVI ch of Jeremiah that spake of the hunters
and fishers that God should chuse in the last days to gather Israel. And
of a truth here we were on an Island of the sea standing upon a rock
whare we could survey the gallant ships, and also the Island, which
was as full of rocks, holes, & caves perhaps as any part of the earth.
But what had brought us here? Ah to search out the Blood of Ephraim &
gather him from these Islands, rocks, holes, & caves, which were numerous
While the sun shed his beams to gladden earth, the spirit of God caused,
our souls to rejoice. I sat down in company with Elder Hale, we read,
and sung, and prayed, and rejoiced. We spake of the ancient Prophets &
Apostles in Jerusalem and Asia, Also of Nephphi, Alma, Mormon & Moroni
in America. We Also spake of Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, & of the twelve
~ Tuesday
Aug 29th Preached at the north schoolhouse, spent the night at Malatiah Luce 8 miles
~ Wednesday
30th Elder Hale Preached at the east schoolhouse I followed him, stay'd with Carver 4 miles
~ Thursday
31st Last day of summer I visited many friends. I retired in company with
Elder Hale to a grove & sat down under a fir tree and sung a song composed
by Elders Marsh & Pratt on the last day of summer in 1835. The sun that
declines in the far western sky, &c. we then knelt down and worshiped
GOD. We preached in the south schoolhouse. We spent the night at capt
Justus Eames distance of the day 7. miles
~ Friday
Sept 1st I Preachid at Mr Levy Dyers. Spent the night at Mr Dyers 4. miles
~ Saturday
2nd Elder Hale preached at Mr Sterretts I followed him spent the night with Kent 6 miles
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I Preached at capt Justus Eam's, & delivered two discourses
after I closed, I opened a door for baptism and two offered themselves as candidates, which was capt Justus Eames & his wife. We
immediately walked to the sea shore and Elder Jonathan H. Hale, lead
them down into the sea & baptized them. These were the first Elder
Hale ever baptized, & the first baptized upon the Islands of the
sea (to my knowledge) in these last days by an Elder of Israel. I
gave out an appointment for next sabbath at Brother Eames. I adminis
tered in the confirmation of Brother & Sister Eames. I spent the night
with Stephen Luce Esq distance 4. miles.
~ Monday
4th We walked to Brother Eames & found them rejoicing in the Lord {I was attacked
with a cold.} A young man came in to enquire what he should do to be
saved. I taught him as Peter did on the day of Pentecost, the spirit of
of God is like leaven through the Island. We walked to the Post Office
tooks a sail boat to cross to South fox Island, we had a plesant
time & sung on the way, The gallant ships &c. It was about 1 1/2 miles
across to the place of our landing, on the neck. I felt to rejoice
to stand upon another Island of the sea to preach the gospel. May
God bless us and give us access to the hearts of the people & sou
ls as seals of our ministry. We immediately gave out an appoi
intment at schoolhouse No. 1. Elder Hale Preached on the gospel
I followed him. The spirit of God rested upon us. We spent the
night with Mr James Babbidge{my cold increased and lungs very sore} distance 7 mil ~ Tuesday
5 [FIGURE] We walked about a mile from Mr Babbidge and went to the top of
a high ledge and stop'd on a smooth granite rock covering two acres, some
of the face of it was covered with a light soil out of which grew the pine, the
whoretlebury & wintergreen. We sat down under the shade of a pine
for morning prayers, & O, what glorious contemplations vibrated our
souls. Elder Hale read the XVI. ch of Jeremiah that spake of the hunters
and fishers that God should chuse in the last days to gather Israel. And
of a truth here we were on an Island of the sea standing upon a rock
whare we could survey the gallant ships, and also the Island. which
was as full of rocks, holes, & caves perhaps as any part of the earth.
But what had brought us here? Ah to search out the Blood of Ephraim &
gather him from these Islands, rocks, holes, & caves, which were numerous
While the sun shed his beams to gladden earth, the spirit of God caused,
our souls to rejoice. I sat down in company with Elder Hale, we read,
and sung, and Prayed, and rejoiced. We spake of the ancient Prophets &
Apostles in Jerusalem and Asia, Also of Nephhi, Alma, Mormon & Moroni
in America. We Also spake of Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, & of the twelve
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," August 29, 1837 - September 5, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,