June 6th Elders Patten & Parrish arived at Br Taylors
in the morning & I rode in company with them to James
Hendricks Elder Parish tarried & Elder Patten rode
with me to Br Lanes whare we spent the night {Distance} 20 m
~ Tuesday
7th Elder Parrish came to Br Lanes & we all rode to Br Clapps to attend meeting. Elder Patten Preached on
the Law of the Church & Elder Parrish on charity
& the gifts or body of Christ I {and Elder Wells} testified to the truth {Distance} 5 miles
9th Held a meeting at the meetinghouse Elder Patten
Preach at 11 oclock AM & Elder Parrish at 2 PM when
Elder Parrish closed Elder Patten arose bound the
Law & scealed the testimony & Prophesied upon
the heads of some of the ungodly People who were
Present. We then repaired to the water & Elder
Patten Baptized 2. one was Father Henry Thomas
A Revolutionary soldier & served under George
Washington Elder Patten was filled with the Pow
er of God numbers were healed of sickness
~ Friday
10th Took the Parting hand with Elders Wells & Boydstun
as on this morning Br Wells started for Kirtland
I also took the Parting hand with Elders Patten & Parish who was going to middle Tennessee while
I & Elder Smoot labour in KY & meet at the conference
~ Saturday
11th Spent the day at Br Thomases copying my Journal
Preached at Daniel Thomases a 5 PM & communed
with the Saints
June 6th Elders Patten & Parrish arived at Br Taylors
in the morning & I rode in company with them to James
Hendricks Elder Parish tarried & Elder Patten rode
with me to Br Lanes whare we spent the night {Distance} 20 miles
~ Tuesday
7th Elder Parrish came to Br Lanes & we all rode to Br
Clapps to attend meeting. Elder Patten Preached on
the Law of the church & Elder Parrish on charity
& the gifts or body of Christ. I {and Elder Wells} testified to the truth {Distance} 5 miles
9th Held a meeting at the meetinghouse Elder Patten
Preach at 11 oclock AM & Elder Parrish at 2 PM when
Elder Parrish closed Elder Patten arose bound the
Law & Scealed the testimony & Prophesied upon
the heads of some of the Ungodly People who were
Present. We then repaired to the water & Elder
Patten Baptized 2 one was Father Henry Thomas
A Revolutionary soldier & served under George
Washington Elder Patten was filled with the Pow
er of God numbers were healed of sickness
~ Friday
10th Took the Parting hand with Elders Wells & Boydstun
as on this morning Br Wells started for Kirtland
I also took the Parting hand with Elders Patten &
Parish who was going to middle Tennessee while
I & Elder Smoot labour in KY & meet at the conference
~ Saturday
11th Spent the day at Br Thomases copying my Journal
Preached at Daniel Thomases a 5 PM & communed
with the Saints
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," June 6, 1836 - June 15, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/3xx