16 June Rode to Paducah MCcracken Co[unty] KY Preached at night
at the court house to an attentive congregation.
Spent the night with Priest Isaiah Benton distance 10 m
25 Rode to & Preached in the court house at Dresden
from thence Mr MCclures Preached at his house 8 [miles]
~ Sunday
26 Sunday Preached at the court house in Dresden
Elder Smoot & Priest Clapp followed me then rode
to Mr John Bowers Preached at his house {Distance} 10 m.
~ Monday
27 Rode to the Baptist Meeting house on Thompson's Creek
in consequence of falshoods from Parson Browning
the Baptist shut the doors against us Parson Browning
appeared angry at me & my brethren for rectifying
his errors & falshood's I asked the privileg to speak
to the people either from the fence or a stump or
cart or in the stretet one man gave us liberty to stand
on his land opposite the meeting house we assembled
& Preached to the People & was blessed with the Spirit
of God we then rode to Randolph Alexande^r^s Weakly County Tenn[essee] distance of the day 15 m
June 16 Rode to Paducah Mccracken Co KY Preached at night
at the court house to an attentive congregation.
Spent the night with Priest Isaiah Benton distance 10 miles
25 Rode to & Preached in the Court house at Dresden
from thence Mr Mcclures Preached at his house 8 miles
~ Sunday
26 Sunday Preached at the Court house in Dresden
Elder Smoot & Priest Clapp followed me then rode
to Mr John Bowers Preached at his house {Distance} 10 miles.
~ Monday
27 Rode to the Baptist Meeting house on Thompson's Creek
in Consequence of falshoods from Parson Browning
the Baptist shut the doors against us Parson Browning
appeared angry at me & my brethren for rectifying
his errors & falshoods I asked the privileg to Speak
to the people either from the fence or a Stump or
cart or in the street one man gave us liberty to stand
on his land opposite the meeting house We assembled
& Preached to the People & was blessed with the Spirit
of God We then rode to Randolph Alexander'sWeakly County Tenn distance of the day 15 miles
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," June 16, 1836 - June 28, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4yn