5th March ^1860^
I spent the day in the office I attended O Pratts lecture upon Philosiphy
at the Tabernacle it was a dark rainy night there was quite a congregation
He treated upon light the two theories by which it is conveyed also its
velosity, also vibration music, sound, its velosoty in air & water and
showed whow the velosity of light was discovered by a swis Asstro-
nomer while taking an observation of the four moons of Jupiter
for one year he found a variation in the time of the eclipsis
of Jupaeters Moons according to the distance he was from Jupater
while standing upon the Earth in its different positions [FIGURE]
in its ordit in its revolutions around the sun. his lecture [FIGURE]
was vary interesting He was followed by John Taylor
concerning what the Lord says about his being the light of
the son and of all worlds & the power by which all things were formed
The Eastern Mail came in to day and brought a few papers
~ Tuesday
6* I spent the day in the officeathe evening at home we had a hard
snow storm throug the night Wilford came from Fort Herriman with his Horses to day
~ Wednesday
7 It is storming hard this morning I sspent the time
in the Endowment house this forenoon we gave Endowments to 28
15 men & 13 women among the Number was Capt Walter M. Gibson
& his Daughter also E R Young & wife I spent the afternoon in the office *In the afternoon of the 6th President Young came into the H. Office
and herd a letter read written in the Deseret Alphabet by a man in
the Creek Indian Nation by the name of Ireing it was a good
letter it showed the good intention of the man to preach the gospel to that People
President Young said if the United States annexed us to New
Mexico we would soon become an independent Nation and organ[i]ze
ourselves into a government. I attended Capt Gibson lecture in
the Tabernacle which was vary interesting
~ Thursday
8 I spent most of the day in the office I sold one of my ponies
to day to Brother Box for $75 in goods I Bought 7000 shingles
& paid $10 p[e]r thousand in trade
~ Friday
9 I spent the fore part of the day choreing for myself the afternoon
in the office Capt Gibson called in a short time I had some conver-
sation with him upon Temperal matters He told me that He once
helped a man in France a Frenchman a relative of King Louis
Philip who was imprisioned on some trifling offence and Capt
Gibson through money and influence helped him out of prision
~ Monday
5th March 1860
I spent the day in the office. I attended O Pratts lecture upon Philosiphy
at the Tabernacle it was a dark rainy night there was quite a congregation
He treated upon light the two theories by which it is conveyed also its
velosity, also vibration music, sound, its velosoty in air & water and
showed how the velosity of light was discovered by a swis Asstronomer while taking an observation of the four moons of Jupiter
for one year he found a variation in the time of the eclipsis
of Jupaters Moons according to the distance he was from Jupater
while standing upon the Earth in its different positions [FIGURE]
in its ordit in its revolutions around the sun. his lecture [FIGURE]
was vary interesting. He was followed by John Taylor
concerning what the Lord says about his being the light of
the sun and of all worlds & the power by which all things were formed
The Eastern Mail came in to day and brought a few papers
~ Tuesday
6* I spent the day in the office the evening at home we had a hard
snow storm throug the night Wilford came from Fort Herriman with his Horses to day
~ Wednesday
7 It is storming hard this morning I spent the time
in the Endowment house this forenoon we gave Endowments to 28
15 men & 13 women among the Number was Capt Walter M. Gibson
& his Daughter also E R Young & wife I spent the after noon in the
office * In the afternoon of the 6th President Young came into the H. Office
and herd a letter read written in the Deseret Alphabet by a man in
the Creek Indian Nation by the name of Ireing it was a good
letter it showed the good intention of the man to preach the gospel to that People
President Young said if the United States annexed us to New
Mexico we would soon become an independent Nation and organize
ourselves into a government. I attended Capt Gibson lecture in
the Tabernacle which was vary interesting
~ Thursday
8 I spent most of the day in the office I sold one of my ponies
to day to Brother Box for $75 in goods I Bought 7000 shingles
& paid $10 per thousand in trade
~ Friday
9 I spent the fore part of the day choreing for myself the afternoon
in the office. Capt Gibson called in a short time I had some conversation with him upon Temperal matters He told me that He once
helped a man in France a Frenchman a relative of King Louis
Philip who was imprisioned on some trifling offence and Capt
Gibson through money and influence helped him out of prision
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," March 5, 1860 - March 9, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pg3p