and while in Battle rather than to be saved by one of there servants they
would perish they would not owe there lives to a slave. We see a great
varity of& grade of intelligence I see right here in the midst of this
people some who do not know their right hand from there left
I see people freequently People who do not appear to have any underst-
anding they will also increas but they will be so far behind they
will never catch up, and they will never be any thing but serv-
ants. Such may be saved and get a good place. President Young said
I corrected O Pratt to day I did not say to him that God would incres
increase to all Eternity. But I said the moment that we say that God
knows all things comprehends all things and has a fulness of all that He
ever will obtain that moment Eternity ceases you put bounds to Eternity
space & matter and you make an End and stoping place to it. The people
or many say they cannot understand thies things. this is true No man
can understand the things of Eternity And Brother Pratt and all
men should let the matter of the gods alone I do not understand these
things Neither does any man in the flesh and we should let them alone
some men profess infidelity but when they go into Eternity they will
find all they see in this life upon the Earth is ownly a similitude of
what they will find in the next world. In speaking of the subject
of faith He said we will find but little faith but a good deal of belief
every body has that for it is an inherant principle in all. I have laid hands upon people when I knew they would be healed at other
times I have laid hands upon people when I did not feel that
way & still they were healed. I once laid hands upon a sister
Lake when she said she had No faith I told her I did not care
whether she had or not for I had and I knew she would be
healed I laid hands upon her & she was immiediately healed. I
dont know how it is or how faith comes ownly as the gift of God
I know No other way to get it John Taylor said Joseph told
him on[c]e to go & lay hands upon a person who was possessed of
a Devil & cast him out and leave the house & dont speak to
any person I did so & left the house without saying a word
& the devil left her.
The conversation turned upon Josephs children
Brother Taylor said it was a pity that Emma had such an influence over
them B Young said Bless your heart the Lord watches over them
& will take care of them.
March 4th 1860
and while in Battle rather than to be saved by one of there servants they
would perish they would not owe there lives to a slave. We see a great
varity& grade of intelligence. I see right here in the midst of this
people some who do not know their right hand from there left
I see people freequently People who do not appear to have any understanding they will also increas but they will be so far behind they
will never catch up, and they will never be any thing but servants. Such may be saved and get a good place. President Young said
I corrected O Pratt to day. I did not say to him that God would
increase to all Eternity. But I said the moment that we say that God
knows all things comprehends all things and has a fulness of all that He
ever will obtain that moment Eternity ceases you put bounds to Eternity
space & matter and you make an End and stoping place to it. The people
or many say thay cannot understand thes things, this is true No man
can understand the things of Eternity And Brother Pratt and all
men should let the matter of the gods alone I do not understand these
things Neither does any man in the flesh and we should let them alone
some men profess infidelity but when they go into Eternity they will
find all they see in this life upon the Earth is ownly a similitude of
what thay will find in the next world. In speaking of the subject
of faith He said we will find but little faith but a good deal of belief
every body has that for it is an inherant principle in all. I have
laid hands upon people when I knew they would be healed at other
times I have laid hands upon people when I did not feel that
way & still they were healed. I once laid hands upon a sister
Lake when she said she had No faith I told her I did not care
whether she had or not for I had and I knew she would be
healed. I laid hands upon her & she was immediately healed. I
dont know how it is or how faith comes ownly as the gift of God
I know No other way to get it. John Taylor said Joseph told
him once to go & lay hands upon a person who was possessed of
a Devil & cast him out and leave the house & dont speak to
any person I did so & left the house without saying a word
& the devil left her.
The conversation turned upon Josephs children
Brother Taylor said it was a pity that Emma had such an influence over
them B Young said Bless your heart the Lord watches over them
& will take care of them.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," March 4, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,