Day in the Life

Sep 5, 1836

Journal Entry

September 05, 1836 ~ Monday

Sept 5th Took the parting hand with the Presidents
& Elders & many Beloved Brethren & Sisters about
fifty in number with whom I have sat in conferenc
for the last three days which time was spent in a
cause of the greatest interest Wrote a Letter to
Br Samuel West & then rode to Waidsborough with
H Thomas & purchased a coat pattern then returned
to Br Thomas's distance of the day 14 miles

A true copy of a Bill from President Thomas B Marsh
and counsellor Elisha H Groves

Receieved Sept 5th AD 1836 of Willford
Woodruff fifty Dollars for the purpose of
entering land within the state of Missouri
Thomas B. Marsh
Elisha H Groves


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Groves, Elisha Hurd
5 Nov 1797 - 29 Dec 1867
Thomas, Henry (Jr.)
abt. 1797-1880
35 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
West, Samuel Walker
30 Mar 1804 - 22 Feb 1873
58 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
102 mentions


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
Sept 5th Took the Parting hand With the Presidents & Elders & many Beloved Brethren and Sisters about fifty in number With Whom I have sat in conference for the last three days Which time was spent in a cause of the greatest interest. Wrote a Letter to Br Samuel West & then rode to Waidsborough ^{shorthand}^ With H Thomas and Purchased a coat Pattern with the means contributed to me by the Brethren at the Conference then returned to Br Thomases distans of the day 14 miles 6 A true copy of a Bill from President Thomas B Marsh & counsellor Elisha. H. Groves Receieved Sept 5th AD 1836 of Willford Woodruff fifty Dollars for the Purpose of entering land within the State of Missouri Thomas B Marsh Elisha H Groves


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Sep 5, 1836