Day in the Life

Oct 25, 1836

Journal Entry

October 25, 1836 ~ Tuesday

25th For the first time in life I went aboard a steam
Boat to Journey I took a birth [berth] with my colleagues
aboard the AID at 8 o'clock AM names of the Islands
we passed through the day are as follows Tennessee
Cumberland, Three Sisters & the Golconda island
Town's past Smithland distance of the day 100 mile


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On the following I went for the first time in my life on board a steam boat to continue my jo^u^rney.
Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
the Messenger & Advocate. And on the in company with ^with^ A. O Smoot and Jesse Turpin For the first time in my life I went on board of a Steeam boat called the Aid and started upon our journey for Kirtland this was the first time I had ever travelled upon a Steem boat. We left the Steemer at Louisville on the
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
25 For the first time in life I wen[t] aboard a Steam Boat to journey I took a birth with my colleagues aboard the AID at 8 o'clock AM. Names of the Islands we Passed through the day are as follows Tennessee, Cumberland, Three Sisters, & the Golconda island Also Town's Smithland distance of the day About 100 miles


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Oct 25, 1836