Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1836

Journal Entry

November 25, 1836 ~ Friday

Nov 25th Took the parting hand with Elder Sherwood
I then set out in company with Elder S^m^oot on foot in a hard
snowstorm for Kirtland we came in sight of the
Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I
truly felt to rejoice at the sight as it was the first
time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord
built by commandment & Revelation. We soon entered
the village & I spent one of the happiest days of my life at
this time in visiting Kirtland & the House of the Lord &
the Presidents & Elders of the Church I was truly
edified to again strike hands with President Joseph
Smith Jr.
& many other beloved saints of God who are
rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after
being seperated from them for 2 1/2 years & amoung
the rest I was filled with joy with the priviledg of
again meeting with Elder Warren Parrish & also being
made acquainted with his companion Sister Parrish. Ther
is an enjoyment in meeting our brethren & companions
in tribulations that the world knows not off because it
flows from a celestial source. After spending a short
time in conversing with my friends A more important
scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever
saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation which
was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents
Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the
House accompanied by Elder Parrish & I must confess
the scenery is indisscribable When I entered the
threshhold of the house & Passed theinto athe lower room
their was great solemnity if not Awe immediately overwh-
elmed me I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the
Temple of the Lord After walking into the Pulpets, erected
for the Priesthoods & viewing the curtains all bespeaking
that grandure, solemnity & order that nothing short
of wisdom from God could invent. We then visited
the upper rooms & there viewed four Egyptian Mumies
& also the Book of Abram written by his own

hand & not ownly the hyieroglyphicks but also many figures
of the that this precious treasure contains are calculated
to make a lasting impression upon the mind which is not
to be erased many other important views I was Privileged
with in the upper story the school rooms, belfry &c.
all indicating great Architecture & wisdom we then
spent some time in visiting the Bank & Printing office
But wonder on wonder strikes my sense to look into
the casket of the great work of Israels God in these
last Days as the Prophet exclaims he does things
we looked not for [Isaiah 64:3]: Two & a half years since I left
Kirtland with my Brethren in their Poverty to go fourth
to visit our brethren in tribulation in Zion then our
Brethren in Kirtland were poor, despised, & even looked
upon dBy the pomp of Babylon with Disdain & disgrace
who stood waiting with eager eyes to beholbd them
sink into forgetfulness. But how changed the scene
now I behold a cheerfulness beaming upon every
countenance that indicates Prosperity & the noise
of the ax & the hammer & the sight of their walls &
dwellings newly erected & their Bank & market &
esspecially house of God speaks in language loud as
thunder that the Saints will have a city in prosp-
erity in spite of all the fals Prophets of Baal or
even earth or hell because God is with them &
his Temple stands in honor of his Kingdom while
babylon begins to wonder & will soon perish
we spent the day with Elder Parrish {Distance} 9 mile

The money I expended i expended in my travels
from Paducah KY to Kirtland Ohio fees aboard
steam Boats & stagees, board lodgings &c was
$16.65 Also I Paid $5.00 for a cloak making
$21.65 in all


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Sherwood, Henry Garlick
20 Apr 1785 - 24 Nov 1867
118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Parrish, Martha H. Raymond
1 Dec 1804 - 1 Jul 1875
Parrish, Warren Farr
10 Jan 1803 - 3 Jan 1877
186 mentions


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November 25, 1836 ~ Friday Nov 25th Took the parting hand with Elder Sherwood I then set out in company with Elder S^m^oot on foot in a hard snowstorm for Kirtland We came in sight of the Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I truly felt to rejoice at the sight as it was the first time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord built by commandment & Revelation
~ Wilford Woodruff
November 25, 1836 ~ Friday Nov 25th Took the parting hand with Elder Sherwood I then set out in company with Elder S^m^oot on foot in a hard snowstorm for Kirtland We came in sight of the Temple of the Lord before we reached the village & I truly felt to rejoice at the sight as it was the first time that mine eyes ever beheld the house of the Lord built by commandment & Revelation
~ Wilford Woodruff
I spent one of the happiest days of my life at this time in visiting Kirtland & the House of the Lord & the Presidents & Elders of the church I was truly edified to again strike hands with President Joseph Smith Jr. & many other beloved saints of God who are rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after being seperated from them for 2 1/2 years & amoung the rest I was filled with joy with the priviledg of again meeting with Elder Warren Parrish & also being made acquainted with his companion Sister Parrish. Ther is an enjoyment in meeting our brethren & companions in tribulations that the world knows not off because it flows from a celestial source.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Two & a half years since I left Kirtland with my Brethren in their Poverty to go fourth to visit our brethren in tribulation in zion then our Brethren in Kirtland were poor, despised, & even looked upon By the pomp of Babylon with disdain & disgrace who stood waiting with eager eyes to behold them sink into forgetfulness. But how changed the scene now I behold a cheerfulness beaming upon every countenance that indicates Prosperity & the noise of the ax & the hammer & the sight of their walls & dwellings newly erected & their Bank & market & esspecially house of God speaks in language loud as thunder that the saints will have a City in prosp erity in spite of all the fals Prophets of Baal or even earth or hell because God is with them & his Temple stands in honor of his kingdom while babylon begins to wonder & will soon perish
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

Returned to Kirtland, .

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

The interval from to was filled up with our jo^u^rney Zionward. During this time we held meetings called upon the friends and relatives of brother Smoot

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

I will here extract from my Journal a full description of this and my feelings and impressions upon visiting and ^the^ city and Temple as written by me at that date. The Temple of the Lord came in sight (first in importance to our view) before we reached Kirtland. I truly rejoy^i^ced as the House of the Lord rose in the view as we drew near this stake of Zion. It was the first time that I had seen the Temple built by the commandment of God in this generation We soon entered the place and I spent one of the most interesting and happy days of my life. The day was occuppied in looking around Kirtland visiting the Temple and calling on the Elders and Presidents of the Church After a seperation of two years and a half I was much rejoyiced to strike hands with the Prophet Joseph again and also of many others of the beloved ones engaged in rolling on the mighty work of God and of Israel. Among the rest I had the privilege of again meeting with Elder Warren Parrish and becoming acquainted with his companion and wife. This gave me much pleasure; for there is a joy in meeting our brethren and companions in tribulations that the world knows not of because it flows from a celestial source. I spent a short time in conversing with my friends and then a more important scene opened to my view than ever kings saw in this generation. It was that of the Temple of Israel's God. Our visit to that holy house was to us the crow[n]ing event of the day. I was accompanied by brothers Smoot and Parrish. Each appartment of the Temple was visited in turn. When we crossed the thresho[l]d of the house and passed into the lower room great solemnity amounting almost to a feeling of awe came over me for I felt indeed that my my footsteps were in the Temple of the Lord of Host^s^. Having walked into the pulpits errected for the Priesthoods and viewed the curtains we asscended into the upper rooms. And as we passed from view to view scenes met our eyes showing the grandeur solemnity and order that nothing short of wisdom from God could design In the upper rooms we saw four Egyptian mumies and the Book of Abraham written by his own [rest of page blank]

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

we arrived in Kirtland on the where I again had the happy privilege of striking hands ^meeting^ with the Prophet Joseph & many of the Elders with whom I was acquainted in the Camp of Zion. I went through each apartment of the temple, and felt to rejoice in the privilege of treading the course of the Temple of ^the Lord^ God which was built by Commandment & Revelation

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

Kirtland on the th, and had the happy privilege of meeting the prophet Joseph, and many Elders, with whom I was acquainted

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

Nov 25th Took the parting hand with Elder Sherwood I then set out in company with Elder Smoot on foot in a hard snow storm for Kirtland We came in sight of the temple before we reach'd the villedge this being the first sight I ever had of the house of the Lord I ecx^c^laimed I behold the glory of the Lord & the covering We soon entered the village & spent one of the happiest days of my life in visiting the house of the LORD & the Presidents & the Elders of the church I was truly rejoiced to again strike hands with President Joseph Smith Jn. & many other beloved Saints of God who are rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after being seperated from them about 2 1/2 years & amoung the rest I was filled with Joy with the Privilege of again striking hands with Elder Warren Parrish & also being made acquainted with his companion Sister Parish their is an enjoyment in meeting our Brethren & companions in tribulation that the world knows not off Because it flows from a celestial source After spending a short time in conversation with the friends A more important scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation which was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the house accompanied by Elder Warren Parrish & I must confess the scenery is indisscribable When I entered the threshhold of the house & entered the lower room their was a great solemnity if not of Awe immediately overwhelm'd me I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the Temple of the Lord after walking into the pulpets erected for the priesthoods & viewing the curtains all bespeaking that grandure, solemnity & order that nothing short of wisdom from GOD could invent we then visited the upper rooms & there viewed four Egyptian mumies & also the Book of Abram written with his own hand & not ownly the hyrerogriphyphics but also many figures that this precious treasure contains are calculated to make a lasting impression upon the mind yea indelibly stamped upon the memory as a nemonicle table not to be erased many other important views I was privileged with in the

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

upper story the school rooms belfry &c. all indicating great Architecture & wisdom we then spent some time in visiting the Bank, & Printing office. But wonder on wonder stricks my sense to look into the casket of the great work of Israels God in these last days as the Prophet exclaims he does things we looked not for Two & a half years since I left Kirtland with my Brethren in their poverty to go forth to visit our Brethren in tribulation in Zion then our brethren in Kirtland were poor dis^s^pised & even looked upon by the pomp of babylon with disdain & disgrace who stood waiting with e^a^gar eager eyes to behold them sink into forgetfulness But how chang'd the scene now I behold a cheerfulnes beaming from every countenance that indicates Prosperity & the noise of the ax & the hammer & the sight of their walls & dwellings newly erected & their Bank & market & esspecially house of God speak in language loud as thunder that they will have a city in prosperity in spite of all the fals Prophets of Baal or even Earth or hell because God is with them & his Temple stands in honor of his Kingdom while Babylon begins to wonder & will soon perish we spent the night at Elder Parrish'es distance of the day 9 miles The money I expended in my travels from Paducah KY to Kirtland Ohio fees aboard steem boats & stages & board lodgings &c was $16.65 & Also I Paid $5.00 dollars for a cloak making $21.65 cts in all

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

land on the , and had the happy privilege of meeting the Prophet Joseph, and many Elders with whom I was acquainted in the Camp of Zion.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

the , and had the happy privilege of meet- ing the Prophet Joseph, and many elders, with whom I was acquainted in the camp of Zion.


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Nov 25, 1836