Day in the Life

Oct 28, 1836

Journal Entry

October 28, 1836 ~ Friday

28th Raised the steam at Day light but soon run aground
but liberated without Damage the fog cleared at 8 oclock
we soon past a steam boat that had sunk she
struck a snag stove her hull & went Down. We
past many Boats through the day the Havana
broak her wheel against a flat Bottom Boat passed
New Albany at 2 P.M. entered the canal at the

Ohio falls passed through three locks arived at
Louisville at 6 P.M Paid $2.50 cts passage aboard
the Havana, KETON, Capt. The Havana run
about 10 miles Per hour distance of the day 100 ^[FIGURE]^ m
their was 12 steamers at anchor at Luisville
Priest Turpin went aboard a bout for Cincinnati
& Elder Smoot & myself left Luisville to visit
his kinsman in Owington that he had not visited
since he was five years of age we took the Fran-
turnpike rode walked 4 miles and put
up at a tavern for the night distance 4 ^[FIGURE]^ miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Turpin, Jesse
44 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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Related Documents

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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

And we spent 19 days in visiting the relatives of Elder Smoot and preaching among the people we visited the Big Bone lick in Kentucky from where the mamouth bones are taken which have been deposited in the various Museums in America & Europe

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

the , and spent 19 days visiting Elder Smoots relations and preach- ing among the people; we visited the big bone lick;

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

Oct 28 Raised the steam at Daylight but soon run aground but liberated without damage the fog cleared at 8 oclock. We soon past a steam boat that had sunk She struck a snag stove her hull & went Down we Past many boats through the day & the Havana broak her wheel against a flat bottom boat Passed New Albany at 2 oclock entered the canal at the Ohio falls passed through 3 locks arived at Luisville at 6 PM Paid $2.50 cts passage aboard the Havana KETON Capt Capt the Havana run about 10 miles. per. hour distance of the Day 100 miles their was 12 steamers at anchor at Luisville Priest Turpin went aboard a boat for Cincinnati & Elder Smoot & myself left Luisville to visit his Kinsman in Owington that he had not visited since he was five years of age we took the Frankford turnpike rode Walked 4 miles & put up at a tavern for the night {distance of the day} 104 mile

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

the , and spent nineteen days visiting Elder Smoot's relations, and preaching among the people; we visi- ted the Big Bone Lick. We arrived

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

the , and spent nineteen days visiting El- der Smoot's relations and preaching among the people; we visited the Big Bone Lick. We ar-


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Oct 28, 1836