Day in the Life

Nov 20, 1836

Journal Entry

November 20, 1836 ~ Sunday

20 Sunday Proceded up the River Past Homrily & stop'd
at Wheeling in Virginia It was the first time that I
ever was in the state from thence to Wellsville
distance of the day 137 miles


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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
220 Sunday travled from Parkersburg through Homridy 12 miles from thence to Wellsville I visited Wheeling during the day Wheeling is in Virginia this is the first time I ever was in the State distance of the day 137 miles the whole distance of the 3 above days travels from Cincinnati to Wellsville 417 miles
Daybook (Appointment Book with 1836 Daybook)
20th Sunday Travled from parkers burg fâ—Šâ—Šriâ—Šâ—Šy 12 m from thence to Welsville During the day & night Capt. ^thomas^ Clark was in wheeling Virginia 187 miles


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Nov 20, 1836