Day in the Life

Nov 24, 1841

Journal Entry

November 24, 1841 ~ Wednesday

24th [FIGURE] I commenced taking charge of
the provision store for the committee of the
Nauvoo House I also cut & drew two loads
of wood to my door


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Joseph said the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any Book on earth & the key stone of our religion & a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book
~ Joseph Smith

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the of this month I took charge of the Provision Store for the Committee of the Nauvoo House The next day about 200 Saints landed at Warsaw from England and there being a heavy snow storm I sympathized with them under the hard circumstances of their arrival The following Sunday was spent at Brigham Young's with the Twelve and Joseph conversing upon a variety of subjects. It was an interesting day Elder Joseph Fielding was present having been four years on mission to England. We also saw a number of the English brethren. Joseph the Prophet said that The Book of Mormon was the most correct as the word of God of any Book on Earth and that a man would get nearer to God by abiding in its precepts than by that of any other book. He said it is the key stone of our religion. Next Sunday with my wife and sister Kimball I spent a part of the day at brother Rushtons with a number of the Pottery Saints from Staffordshire. Indeed I was now in the midst of hundreds whom I had baptized in America the Islands of the Sea and in England and Wales who had now gathered to Nauvoo and I was occassionally receiving and paying them visits. Among these were Elders Kington Benbow Ockey Brewett Pitt and a number of others whose names are familiar in my history
Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
Committee of the Nauvoo House Dr to W. Woodruff for labour in the provision store Nov 24th I commenced labour in the provision store of the Nauvoo House this day was absent part of the day from this date to Jan 16th 1842 I attended on the store daily as circumstances required Jan 17th 18th & 19 I worked butchering cutting up hogs tending store &c 201 spent the day in the store 20 L Woodworth Dr to 178 feet of 1 1/2 inch plank at 2 1/4 cents a foot 119+59=178 3.56 25th to one days work in store Feb 1st to one days work drawing stone & in Store Care of the Store 2m & 7d W. Woodruff was called to take charge of the Printing Office in company with Elder Taylor on the 3rd of Feb 1842 which closed my labours in the Nauvoo provision store making two months & seven days from the times I commenced labour in the Store to the time of leaving spending as much time in the Store as was required but without any agreement on the price of labour


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Nov 24, 1841