Day in the Life

Nov 25, 1841

Journal Entry

November 25, 1841 ~ Thursday

25th I spent a part of the day at the store we have
a severe snow storm. About 200 Saints have
just landed at Warsaw from England it is bad for them
in this snow storm


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Joseph said the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any Book on earth & the key stone of our religion & a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book
~ Joseph Smith

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Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
Credit to the Committee for provisions received at their hands or at the store Nov 25 Cr for 7 lbs of pork of L Wight 2 1/2 per lb 17 1/2 Cr by 6 1/4 lbs beef 4 cts lb & 10 lbs Meat 1 ct (at store) 35 29th Do [by] 6 1/2 lbs beef 5 cts 32 1/2 Dec 1 1st Cr by 7 1/2 lbs beef 5 cts 35 1/2 2d Cr by 13 lbs pork 5 cts 65 cts Do 10 1/2 lbs lard 6 cts 63 4 Do 2 bushels bran 12 1/2 25 Do 4 shanks 8 76th Do 13 lbs pork 5 cts 3 lbs fat 6 83 7th Do 10 1/2 lbs Beef 5 cts 20 lbs meal 71 10 Do 5 1/2 lbs lard 6 33 13th Do 10 lb meal 10 15 Do 4 3/4 tallow 5 23 187th Do 9 1/2 Beef 5 47 19 Do 1 hogs head 25 22 Do 20 lbs meal 20 27th Do 16 pork 4 10 meal 74 29 Do 10 lbs salt 3 30 Total for 1841 $800 800 Jan 1st 1842 Do 3 shanks 6 5th Do 15 lbs Beef 75 7th Do 37 meal by Alread 37 8th Do 21 meal 21 13th Do by order of the $2 dollars on Josephs Store 2.00 187 Do by 21 meal 21 18 Do 10 lbs salt 30 Do Do 18 1/2 lbs pork, 4 74 25 to 21 meal 21 28 to 41 meal 41 cts one lb Iron 12 53 February 1st 1842 Cr to 19 1/2 lbs meat 45 ct. 87 1/2 Do 42 meal 42 Total $ 13.65 Feb 14th Cr by 18 lbs soap 6 cts 108 April 7th Cr By 25 lbs meal 21


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Nov 25, 1841