Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1853

Journal Entry

February 16, 1853 ~ Wednesday

16th Meeting commenced at 10 oclok Brother Greward who had
been to the Islands on a mission preached in the forenoon gave
an account of his mission & closed up by speaking & saying the
Lords prayer in the Tahitain language I was not present at
his discourse so I could not write it

A Lyman followed at some length said He had no Different
feelings abot the seventies than He had abot the Elders or High priest
He was no more partial to one than the other He did not know of any
ordination that was of any benefit to him aside from his own
exheriton He never boasted of any office he had He wished to live
in such a manner that I can say to all men follow me I dont
wish to be under the necessity of citing evry body to follow Broth
Young or Brother Kimball I want to be able to say to all follow me as
I follow Christ many other remarks were made by Brother Lyman

Brother Coleburn made some remarks said He was Baptize by Brother
Brigham Young in 1833 was ordained an Elder by Joseph Smith

Brother Joseph Young Addresed the meeting wished all might soon
be enabled to govern themelvs I am president of the Seventies
& the quorums were set in order by Joseph Smith & I suppose it
is right their is a president over each quorum of the seventies
And I want evry president to keep their quorums in order
it is the privilege & duty of evry president to try & cut off any
member of his quorum if they are worthy of it I dont want to
be to slow or two fast but as near the line as I can get. And I wish
others to do the same I wish All the seventies to take the Desarett News
& read it & let your children read it & put it in your library & preserve
it. I also want you to sharpen up your swords & keep your arm in
order & learn the art of war And I want all to do military duty
Joseph once said if we did not keep our arms in order An enemis
might come upon us as unawares & destroy us but if we are prepared we
need not fear I was at the slaghter at Hauns mill I dont want to see
any more of it. I Also want the Seventies to pay up their tithing
it has now become a matter of Church fellowship & I hope you will
not forget it

E T Benson followed was rejoiced to hear what he had it had warmed
up his hart I wich to obey the Lord & fulfill my calling we have had
good counsel & we will do well to follow it we are about to begin
another Temple I epect the devil will be mad I dont care if

we dont stay hare a month if the Lord wants we should go away
when I look back to the days of Nauvoo & compare them with
these days A [I] am satisfyed that evry move we make is for our
good many said then we could not travel but would be destroyed
Brother Brigham said we could Journey & not a man be lost & it
has proved true we are here & in a good situation yet if ye will live
godly in Christ Jesus ye shall suffer persecution this kingdom has
to be built up by manual labour I hope this people will soon be in
a situation to live by their own resources & not trust to the Gentiles some
dont pray but a man can no more live without praying than they can
without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil
with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith
ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret
as well as in the family circle any body that dont know that
mormonism is true is not fit to send on a mission the priest of
the day say they preach from the bible I tell them they dont know that
it is true it is true but I know that mormonism is true

Erastos Snow followed & said that He was glad to hear what was
said it was good I am glad to see the seventies together you have
as much of a calling as you can fulfill dont wish for any greater
calling the day has come when this body of men will be
called into immediate action & if evry one of you could be in
20 places at once you would find enough to do it is better to
wear out than to rust out the Seventies are the bone & sinnew
of Israel the Battle Ax of the Almighty what a mighty influence
they must wield in Israel & the world we are begining to
become one as a people Joseph said He had got a lever under
the earth & he ment to turn it over that it might be right side
up the seventies I expct will do much towards turning it over
it is for our best interest to build up the kingdom of God
& do his will

Erastus Snow followed Meeting continued through the eve[ni]ng
some two New quorums of seventies was organized during
the evening but I was not present & could not give particulars
but the evening closed up the meeting for business preaching &c


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
705 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1466 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881


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a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Wilford Woodruff
a man can no more live without praying than they can without bread if you dont keep the commandments of God the devil with use you for his deciple. Blessings will not stick upon an unfaith ful man but they will upon one that is faithful. let us pray in secret as well as in the family circle
~ Ezra T Benson
it is better to wear out than to rust out
~ Erastus Snow
the Seventies are the bone & sinnew of Israel the Battle Ax of the Almighty what a mighty influence they must wield in Israel & the world we are begining to become one as a people Joseph said he had got a lever under the earth & he ment to turn it over that it might be right side up the seventies I expect will do much towards turning it over it is for our best interest to build up the Kingdom of God & do his will
~ Erastus Snow

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Dr [debit] to Cash per I. F. Carter from S. B. Foss for 12 lbs Imperial Tea $1 & 12 lbs sugar Mrs Foss had 12 lb Tea & 12 lb sugar 15 00


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Feb 16, 1853