Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1857

Journal Entry

December 15, 1857 ~ Tuesday

15 Both Houses met in Joint session the Govornor Young appeared
12 minuts to 11 oc[l]ok made a few remarks then Presented his
Message to the Assembly which was read By the Chief Clerk of
the House James Furguson, it was the most sublime august
document that I heever heard


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Ferguson, James
23 Feb 1828 - 30 Aug 1863

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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
Both Houses were in Joint Session and Governor Young appeared at 12 minutes to eleven o'clock and made a few remarks and then presented his Message to the Assembly which was read by the chief clerk of the House James Ferguson. It was the most august document I ever heard Ben Simmons arrived in the city the next day and called upon President Young with D. Huntington. He said there was Divison of Parties in the Army One party was the military and the other was called fFrememen. There was a fight among them and 7 men killed. Johnson sent the military to quell the mob and Governor Cumming told them to go back that when he wanted them he would call for them. The Superintendant of Indian affairs said he had a million of gold to give the Indians of this Territory. One man gathered up one bag of salt that our men had thrown away which was sent by Governor Young but rejected by Col Johnson. The man sold it to the merchants for $20 and they sold it to the soldiers for 2 or 13 dollars per lb. Ben Simmons took out 900 lbs of salt and sold it for $2.50 ^100^ cts per lb making $2250 and $1 per lb for service berries. Livingston said he would give $500 for the privilege of coming into the city if he did not stop but one day. McGraw was the worse man in the army and he had the most to say against


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Dec 15, 1857