Day in the Life

Dec 16, 1857

Journal Entry

December 16, 1857 ~ Wednesday

Dec 16

Council met at 10 oclok But little business done speeches
made by G. A. Smith upon Military affairs and trade
agricultural & manufacturing. We adjoured thill next monday
Ben Simons arived in the city and called upon President Young
with D Huntington. He said there was two or three classes
of men now in the Armey One party was the military and
the other was called Freemen there was a Fight between
them and 7 men killed Col Johnson sent the malictia
to quell the mob & Gov Cumings told them to go back
that when he wanted his assistance he would call for
it. The superintendent of Indian affairs said he had
got a million of Gold to give the Indians of this Territory
One man gathered up 1 Bag of salt that our men
flung away which was sent by the Govornor but rejected
by Col Johnson. The man sold it to the merchants for
$20, and they sold it to the merchants to the soldiers
for 2 or 3 dollars per lb. Ben Simons took out 900 lbs of
salt & sold it for $2.50 cts per lb makeing $2250 and
$1 per lbs for service buries. Ben Simons offered to give to
President Young one half of the money He made. President
Young told him He did not want any of his money he had
Enough of his own but as he wanted to make some He let him
have the privilege. Livingston said He would give $500 for
the privilege of coming into the city if he did not stop but
One day MCGraw is the worst man in the Armey and
has the most to say against us. There was 500 men
who had left for the states several of which had frooze to death
John Bigler a great Gambler took out of the Army in
day by gambling $25000 and carried it off in a Buckskin
sack. Ben Simons wanted to continued the trade & has
another Cherekee to have a pass to go with him President Young
asked him if he had not made money enough He said he wanted
to make all he could. President Young told him that He
must not take the Enemy any thing to Eat. He might
sell them salt and Fir but nothing to Eat. They said
there was potatoes & turnips at Fort Supply a plenty
but Governor Cummings would not let them have it
President Young said He felt some of the time like giving them
Hell if they had power they would make this city a
perfect Bedlam and corrupt this people as far as
they could

[rest of page blank]

Lines Written to Miss E. R. Snow

Eliza had I the talent of a Poet, or the gifts which thou
Hast I would write to Thee and spread my thoughts on paper,
But like Anthony I am a plain blunt man. What I have to
say I speak right on without any regard to the Poets measure
or rhyme, or law, or order; Thou hast spread thy thoughts
on Paper for men to read: I have read them many an
hour, they have stired my soul with thoughts, deep thoughts,
thoughts which could not be born. Thy soul hath been
inspired with the spirit of God, and Eternal light and truth
and Noble sentiment and God has given thee gifts to utter
them. Thy lamp hath been lit at Gods Holy altar whare
the oil was pure and the spirit free so thou couldst weigh
Eternal truth and tell it unto men. AndWhy hath this talent
this choice gift been given unto thee Eliza. Ah the spirit whispers
it was to cheer the heart of aA Prophet A Patriarch, An Apostle
in the dark hours of Gloom. It was to give the Lords Anointed
a ray of light, and a consoleing thought while Hells dark Billows
rolled around in the midst of wicked men and Devils who continually
cry out and say that no kingdom on the Earth shall belong
to God. [FIGURE] It was to tell the assassins of Missouri and Illinois
in streams of Living fire that the Judgments of God awaited
their guilty souls and that there Judgment had begun. It was
to tell the wicked Nation who now Pollute the sacred soil of
Joseph that when their cup was full they would find a
grave there to remain untill called to Judgment by the trump
of God. Hast thou not been faithful in thy mission to Earth. Yes
the spirit whispers Yes. Many an hour has Joseph spent in gloom
and sorrow because of Fals Brethren and wicked men, even the
hearts of the saints were so barred by fals tradition that He
could not unbosom his soul in the House of his Friends. This caused
him pain. Then thou dist comfort him. Thy frendly thoughts
and acts and words inspired by Gods Eternal truth was like
a flaming shaft though launch by a female hand, that hand
was nerved by faith and power that it pierced the walls of
Darkness fear and death and gave the Prophet Joy. But who
can tell the best deeds of a true friend in time of need, None
They are not told in time, but like gold in the mine are
concealed from vhuman view, if known at all the Judgment
must reveal them. Thou hast been a true Friend and com-
forted the Heart of Joseph, Hiram, Brigham, Heber, Willard,
Jedediah, Thy Brother Lorenzo and thousands of the saints I need
not name them. Thy words and testimony will live and speak
in flames of Holy fire to inspire the Hearts of Prophets Apos-
tles and Holy men of God to noble Deeds, and steal [steel] the nerve
of many a Noble son of Zion, to avenge the Blood of the Prophets
and martyrs of Jesus Christ, long after thou art with thy Father
in heaven clothed with Immortality and crowned with Light
Thy Pen hath pierced many a wicked withheart with barbed
darts which no earthly power could remove. Thou hast freely
told the wicked their doom and warned them of approaching
Judgment. Thy garment are clear of the Blood of all men.

Thy testimony will remain on histories page and be
numbered among the prophets of God as one of the noble spirits
whom God has sent through the Loins of Abraham and Joseph
to fulfill a Noble mission upon the Earth in the last dispensation
and fulness of times. God Bless Thee Noble Muse. Thy soul
is as pure as the criystleal stream that flows from its snowy
bed. Out of the Heart the mouth speaketh. The thoughts of
thy soul are before the world to read Let them read. It will
live when they are Dead. Continue to let the inspiration
of thy soul be given unto men. Haste thy mission here upon
earth. For Eloheam, Jehovah, Michael Angels seraphs Apostles
Prophets Thy Father and Mother Brethren and sisters await thy
coming with Joy. Thou hast been true and faithful and
art sealed unto Eternal life and secured unto thyself a crown
of Glory. No Power shall take it. It awaits thy coming
Soon this Blessing will be thine. Ah what Joy, what consolation
who can comprehend it None but a saint. Soon will thou Enjoy
this Blessing. Did I say soon, Yes not because I expet thee to
leave us. But shouldst thou remain to see Zion redeemed
(which ma^y^ God grant) and her Enemies conquered and sin and
sinners find a grave, and Zions Land be cleansed and the
Temple of our God in Jackson County be reared, clothed with
the Power of God, with her towreers marked with a pillar of fire
by night and a cloud by day, And the way prepared for the coming
of the Son of Man, it will be soon.

Then Holy Muse continue for a short moment thy mission
upon the Earth. Pass through the Ills of life to still cumfort thy
Friends and administer salvation in the House of God and thy
Reward shall be doubled unto THEE. W. Woodruff

Great Salt Lake City July, AD 1857

To Elder Wilford Woodruff. By E. R. Snow

With true respect and as a tribute due
To friendship Brother Woodruff unto you
As one more Blessed than most your fellow men
I now address the Effusion of my pen

You was Appointed ere your mortal birth
To an Apostleship upon the Earth
The Lord Our God has had his Eye on thee
With watchful Care from earliest infancy

You was preserved mids't Babylonish night
From Atheistic and sectarian blight
From manly rectitude you did not swerve
The priests of Baal you never stooped to serve

From heav'nly courts the light that's shineing now
Shone on your path and mantled oe'r your brow
Eternal visions open'd to your view
You loved the truth and found salvation to^o^

You then with Joy the gospel Banner bore
To distant lands and on your native shore
In truth's defence most valiently you stood
And clear'd your garments of the gentiles' blood

One of the chosen Twelve who're called to stand
To turn the gospel Key for ev'ry land
Your name in honor as a faithful one
To future generations will be known

With heart inspired rich matter to indite
In Zion now your business is to write
With skill you wield the ready writer's pen
Tis yours to immortalize the deeds of men

Full many a righteous act and gifted word
By Saints performed—from lips of Prophets heard
Had slipe'd mem'ries of Judicious men
But for the promptings of your faithful pen

The Church Historians labours to divide
As his assistant coupled side by side
You write for Zion whare her Hist'ory known
Inscribing hers perpetuates your own

Faithful to God and to your Brethren true
Integrity has twin'd a wreath for you
Of never fading laurels which will be
A glorious coronet Eternally



In that blest world whare light and knowledge dwell
Your Blessedness no Earthly tongue can tell
Whare heaven's Effulgence will your Head surround
And you with everlasting glory crown'd

Fill'd with immortal majesty and might
Associated with the God's in light
With gifts and pow'ers of endless lives You'll be
Progressing on and on Eternally

G S L City Nov 23rd 1857


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
10 mentions
Scriptural Figure
10 mentions
Native American
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Huntington, Dimick Baker
26 May 1808 - 1 Feb 1879
Snow, Eliza Roxcy
21 Jan 1804 - 5 Dec 1887
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1448 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
428 mentions
11 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
282 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
1 mention
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
4 mentions
Historical Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Snow, Oliver (III)
18 Sep 1775 - 17 Oct 1845
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Thy soul hath been inspired with the spirit of God, and Eternal light and truth and Noble sentiment and God has given thee gifts to utter them. Thy lamp hath been lit at Gods Holy altar whare the oil was pure and the spirit free so thou couldst weigh Eternal truth and tell it unto men. Why hath this talent this choice gift been given unto thee Eliza.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Ah the spirit whispers it was to cheer the heart of aA Prophet A Patriarch, An Apostle in the dark hours of Gloom. It was to give the Lords Anointed a ray of light, and a consoleing thought while Hells dark Billows rolled around in the midst of wicked men and Devils who continually cry out and say that no kingdom on the Earth shall belong to God. [FIGURE] It was to tell the assassins of Missouri and Illinois in streams of Living fire that the Judgments of God awaited their guilty souls and that there Judgment had begun. It was to tell the wicked Nation who now Pollute the sacred soil of Joseph that when their cup was full they would find a grave there to remain untill called to Judgment by the trump of God. Hast thou not been faithful in thy mission to Earth. Yes the spirit whispers Yes. Many an hour has Joseph spent in gloom and sorrow because of Fals Brethren and wicked men, even the hearts of the saints were so barred by fals tradition that He could not unbosom his soul in the House of his Friends. This caused him pain. Then thou dist comfort him. Thy frendly thoughts and acts and words inspired by Gods Eternal truth was like a flaming shaft though launch by a female hand, that hand was nerved by faith and power that it pierced the walls of Darkness fear and death and gave the Prophet Joy. But who can tell the best deeds of a true friend in time of need, None They are not told in time, but like gold in the mine are concealed from vhuman view, if known at all the Judgment must reveal them.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Thou hast been a true Friend and com- forted the Heart of Joseph, Hiram, Brigham, Heber, Willard, Jedediah, Thy Brother Lorenzo and thousands of the saints I need not name them. Thy words and testimony will live and speak in flames of Holy fire to inspire the Hearts of Prophets Apos- tles and Holy men of God to noble Deeds, and steal [steel] the nerve of many a Noble Son of Zion. to avenge the Blood of the Prophets and martyrs of Jesus Christ, long after thou art with thy Father in heaven clothed with Immortality and crowned with Light Thy Pen hath pierced many a wicked withheart with barbed darts which no Earthly power could remove. Thou hast freely told the wicked their doom and warned them of approaching Judgment. Thy garment are clear of the Blood of all men.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Thy testimony will remain on histories page and be numbered among the prophets of God as one of the noble spirits whom God has sent through the Loins of Abraham and Joseph to fulfill a Noble mission upon the Earth in the last dispensation and fulness of times.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Continue to let the inspiration of thy soul be given unto men. Haste thy mission here upon Earth. For Eloheam, Jehovah, Michael Angels seraphs Apostles Prophets Thy Father and Mother Brethren and sisters await thy coming with Joy. Thou hast been true and faithful and art sealed unto Eternal life and secured unto thyself a Crown of glory. No Power shall take it. It awaits thy coming Soon this Blessing will be thine. Ah what Joy what consolation who can comprehend it None but a saint. Soon will thou Enjoy this Blessing. Did I say soon, Yes not because I expet thee to leave us. But shouldst thou remain to see Zion Redeemed (which ma^y^ God grant) and her Enemies conquered and sin and sinners find a grave, and Zions Land be cleansed and the Temple of our God in Jackson County be reared, clothed with the Power of God, with her towreers marked with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, And the way prepared for the coming of the Son of Man, it will be soon.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We spent the day in the office and in the evening we called upon President Brigham Young at his office. to make some enquiries upon certain teachings of Joseph concerning the Endowments Elder G. A. Smith said that Joseph taught that but one King & Priest could be anointed at one meeting in a private Room Dedicated by permission to Anointed in but one person could be anointed in a day but in the Temple several could be anointed in a day But ^at^ each anointing the meeting was dismissed and them came together President Young said Joseph taught him to take the Quorums of the Church in their order begining at the Oldest of Each Quorums & Anoint them Kings & Priest u^n^to God When I got through with that begin at the begining again to administer for the dead. When the Temple is finished & a place duly prepared we should not be confined to any particular Number in sealing and Anointing. the rooms next to the East pulpit or over it will be the place to attend to the 2nd Anointings. Under the pulpit in the west End will be a place to offer Sacrafizes there will be an Altar prepared for that purposes so that when any sacrafices are to be offered they should be offered there [FIGURES]
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 16, 1857