Day in the Life

Mar 3, 1893

Journal Entry

March 03, 1893 ~ Friday

3. Joseph Lyman Abram & McAllister visited the Temple I filled
six more cards for my family


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
278 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4149 mentions


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Letter from George Grau, 3 March 1893

Haifa . Pr. W. Woodruff, Dear Bro: I herewith forward to you 2 barrell's of Olive Oil for the use of the Salt Lake Temple. I anticipated to have been had the pleasure of being present at the dedicat[io]n but circumstances prevented me from doing so. May the Spirit of God be poured out upon you on that memorable day. The Elders have counseled me to emigrate to Zion, hence I have sold my business &

Letter from James Thomas Lovett, 3 March 1893

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: I received a call from you a short time ago, asking my services as a Missionary for Great Britain. My feelings are to accept cheerfully and do the best I can. I will be ready (D V ) to start at the time your letter specifies April 15th, 1893. Yours very respectfully, James T. Lovett. F Kesler Bishop good. J. F. S.

Letter from George Grau, 3 March 1893

Hafia, Herrn Wilford Woodruff Pressident der Kirche Jesu Christe der h. l. Tage. Lieber Bruder! Beifolgent sende ich auf Ihren wert- en Namen zwei Faß Olieven- öl für den Gebrauch im Salt lake Tempel als freue Gabe, der l. Gott möge seinen Segen dazu geben. Ich hatte den Wunsch bei Einweihung das Tempels auch Gegenwärtig zu sein, bin aber leider mit meinen Sachen nicht zeitig fertig worden; hoffe aber denoch in bälde hinzu- kommen um auch die Segnungen Gottes in seiner Kirche zu empf- pfangen; möge Gott durch die Kundthuung seines Geistes alle Heil- igen reichlich segnen. Da mir durch die Diener Gottes das ewig Evangelium gebracht, so fiehle ich

Letter from Edmund Ellsworth, 3 March 1893

Show Low, Apache Co March 3rd To President Wilford Woodruffe Dear Bro Feeling grieved at the course the Presidents of Seventies have taken with me of late I feel to ask your kind consideration of the case and if in your judgement I have been treated unkindly then a word from you will set the matter all right. about 13 years ago at a time when President Taylor said he would not call any more to go to Arizona but would call for volunteers. in com pany with 7 other Pioneers I asked br. Taylor if we could have his approbation and blessing to go to Arrizona without being appointed

Letter from Oliver C. Hoskins, 3 March 1893

Portage, Box Elder Co., Utah, Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: Our quarterley conferance convienes on the 12 inst. at Portage Box Elder co. Would be pleased to have a visit from some of the breathan, as we have not had a visit since last June. We have three vacencies in the High Council that we wish to fill. We also wish to organize a Ward in Cherry Creek, and reccomend Bro. John D. Jones for Bishop With kind regards I remain Your Brother O. C. Hoskins Prest. Hoskins, instructed to attend to this matter as soon as any one of the Apostles visits his Stake. J. F. Smith Aug. 11th 1893.


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Mar 3, 1893