find it. The people in the city of Nauvoo were much excite[d] [page covered]
from A report that Elder Hyde would preach in the Temple
that day they had made many threats upon the subject & som[e] [page covered]
came in waggons from the country to hear & see but the
excitement was all among themselves for Elder Hyde had
given out no such appointment. I returned to A. Babits & foun[d] [page covered]
A man who had come from Mishigan to enquire after the
gospel & to see the Saints I was introduced to him & told
his business. I preached the Gospel to him one hour He then
[went to the] river in Nauvoo And I Baptized him And we returned
to Br John Sniders in the House that G. A. Smith Built
we there confirmed him & I ordained him an Elder gave
him A license to preach the gospel & he went his way rejoicing
I spent the night with Br Snider
~ Monday
10th I called upon Elder Babbit & spent the morning I bought
the six volumns of the Times & seasons of Babbitt for $7
I then went down to Hiram Kimballs & dined with him
& visited his garding was the finest garding in the western
country. I then called upon JohDaniel Luce keeping school in the masonic Hall who seemed dejected I then crossed the river
to Montrose spent the night at Br Bowens
~ Tuesday
11th I sold my Mules carriage & Harness to Samuel Beverly
for $160 & Buffalo robe for $3.70 I then took passage for Keokuck
in the Hack, dined at Br Fishers & remained untill 8 oclok
then took passage on board the Lucy Bertram for St Luis
we went on deck but we did not sleep any at all for
it seemed as though the fleas Bedbugs & musketoes would
have destroyed us they bit ourselves & children in a dredful
~ Wednesday
12th We passed QuincyAlton & arived at St Louis at 11 oclok
at night. I spent the night fighting musketoes distance
from Keokuck to St Louis 26025 m
~ Thursday
13th I called upon Br Felt 93 South 3rd street He went
with us to 195 south 2nd street whare we took a room
to stop. the Heat was so excessive through the day & no
circulation of air whare we were that it seemed as though
we should die I took A severe cold & head ake & was sick
through the night
~ Friday
14th I was quite sick through the day I walked out in
the evening with Mrs Woodruff & bought two set of
Musketoe bars
~ Saturday
15 Moved to Br Gaulters 104 Washington Avennue, corner
of 5th & Washington street we were glad to meet we
talked over old times spoke of John Benbow I was better to day
than yesterday
~ Sunday
16th Sunday met with the Saints. A large congregation O Hyde addressed the Saints in the fore part of the day upon
the subject of the resurrection W. Woodruff Addressed the
meeting in the afternoon I saw many people I was acquainted with
find it. The people in the City of Nauvoo were much excited
from a report that Elder Hyde would preach in the Temple
that day they had made many threats upon the subject & some
came in waggons from the country to hear & see but the
excitement was all among themselves for Elder Hyde had
given out no such appointment. I returned to A. Babits & found
a man who had come from Mishigan to enquire after the
gospel & to see the Saints I was introduced to him & told
his business. I preached the Gospel to him one hour He then
went to the river in Nauvoo and I baptized him and we returned
to Br John Sniders in the House that G. A. Smith built
we there confirmed him & I ordained him an Elder gave
him a license to preach the gospel & he went his way rejoicing
I spent the night with Br Snider
~ Monday
10th I called upon Elder Babbit & spent the morning I bought
the six volumns of the Times & seasons of Babbitt for $7
I then went down to Hiram Kimballs & dined with him
& visited his garding was the finest garding in the western
Country. I then called uponDaniel Luce keeping school in the
masonic Hall who seemed dejected I then crossed the river
to Montrose spent the night at Br Bowens
~ Tuesday
11th I sold my Mules Carriage & Harness to Samuel Beverly
for $160 & Buffalo Robe for $3.70 I then took passage for Keokuck
in the Hack, dined at Br Fishers & remained untill 8 oclok
then took passage on board the Lucy Bertram for St Luis
we went on deck but we did not sleep any at all for
it seemed as though the fleas bedbugs & musketoes would
have destroyed us they bit ourselves & children in a dredful
~ Wednesday
12th We passed QuincyAlton & arived at St Louis at 11 oclok
at night. I spent the night fighting musketoes distance
from Keokuck to St Louis 225 m
~ Thursday
13th I called upon Br Felt 93 South 3rd street He went
with us to 195 south 2nd street whare we took a room
to stop. the heat was so excessive through the day & no
circulation of air whare we were that it seemed as though
we should die I took a severe cold & head ake & was sick
through the night
~ Friday
14th I was quite sick through the day I walked out in
the evening with Mrs Woodruff & bought two set of
Musketoe bars
~ Saturday
15 Moved to Br Gaulters 104 Washington Avennue, corner
of 5th & Washington street we were glad to meet we
talked over old times spoke of John Benbow I was better to day
than yesterday
~ Sunday
16th Sunday met with the Saints. A large congregation
O Hyde addressed the Saints in the fore part of the day upon
the subject of the resurrection W. Woodruff addressed the
meeting in the afternoon I saw many people I was acquainted with
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," July 9, 1848 - July 16, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 16, 2025,