for the night to await the light of day, we heard the barking of a dog and soon the Jingling of a cowbell we took
each of us a fire brand in our hand and we soon arived at a House occupied by a Mr Williams who was
in Jackson County during the mobings of the Saints. He & his family was in one room of an old log
cabbin about 12 feet square & one bed in the room, upon which lay his wife & children & several small
dogs He lay streached out upon the bare floor with his feet to a small fire there was no door to
the House but a ragged quilt Hung up in the door way I removed the blanket looked in & saw evry
thing people & dogs in a sound sleep I spoak 3 times & no one stired or answered I then steped to
the man & put my hand upon his shoulder & shook him to wake him up the moment he felt the
wait of my hand upon his shoulder he leaped to his feet & began to run around his room leaping
as high as He could evry stept in great Fright, I told him not to be alarmed that we were
friends & travelers & would not hurt him and asked the privilege to stay in his house over night
when He came to his senses he gave us permission to stop with him & lie upon the bare floor as He
did which we excepted off. He said the cause of his being Frightened was that a few evenings
before he had shot a large panther which stood in his door & he thought that his mate had lit upon
him. I asked him for sumthing to Eat as we had travelled 60 miles without Eating He said He had
nothing cooked to eat he lived by his rifle would have to hunt game for his breakfast so we
lay down upon the bare floor vary hungry & weary but we were vary thankful for that
plase for it soon began to rain & we had a vary hard rainy knight but we slept sound most
of the night finding it still raining when we awoke This was in Polk County
we arose this morning still Hungry & started in the rain upon our Journey we travled 12 miles
to a house which was the nearest one to whare we staid last night, this House was occupied
by one Mr Cornor He was also From Jackson County & was acquainted with the mobing
of the Saints He was an Enemy nevertheless he asked us to take sum breakfast as He knew
we were Hungry we ate a vary harty meal while he sat & swore at us vary severely
because we were mormons. when we stoped Eating we thanked him for our food for we felt
thankful for it as we had 72 miles without Eating we then went our way crossed a river
& travelled 18 miles & spent the night with Mr William Crisp in Polk County we preached
the gospel to him & family He seemed quite satisfied with it
we again crossed the river & travelled 15 miles & spent the night with Col Robert
Pollan who received us vary kindly we preached the gospel to him
Travelled across Spring River & on 15 miles to Mr. Fishers in Green County we gave out an appointment for Preaching on the morrow
We travled to Mr Nathan Turners in Green County whare we spent the night we gave out
an Appointment for Preaching on the morrow at Mr Turners house
I preached at Mr Turners house the first time that I ever attempted to preach to a public congregation
there was quite a snow storm during the time I had good liberty & was followed by Brother Brown
at the close of the meeting we went one mile & spent the night with Mr Charles J Peas
On Sunday we Travled 3 miles & Preached at the House of Mr Joseph Hendersons in
Green County Mr Henderson and family were believing and vary friendly, they father &
son both signed the petition to the Governor, they all bid us God speed
We travelled 20 miles & spent the night with Samuel Vaughn being near the State Line
for the night to await the light of day, we heard the barking of a dog and soon the Jingling of a cowbell we took
each of us a fire brand in our hand and we soon arived at a House occupied by a Mr Williams who was
in Jackson County during the mobings of the Saints. He & his family was in one room of an old log
cabbin about 12 feet square & one bed in the room, upon which lay his wife & children & several small
dogs He lay streached out upon the bare floor with his feet to a small fire there was no door to
the House but a ragged quilt Hung up in the door way I removed the blanket looked in & saw evry
thing people & dogs in a sound sleep I spoak 3 times & no one stired or answered I then steped to
the man & put my hand upon his shoulder & shook him to wake him up the moment he felt the
wait of my hand upon his shoulder he leaped to his feet & began to run around his room leaping
as high as He could evry stept in great Fright, I told him not to be alarmed that we were
friends & travelers & would not hurt him and asked the privilege to stay in his house over night
when He came to his senses he gave us permission to stop with him & lie upon the bare floor as He
did which we excepted off. He said the cause of his being Frightened was that a few evenings
before he had shot a large panther which stood in his door & he thought that his mate had lit upon
him. I asked him for sumthing to Eat as we had travelled 60 miles without Eating He said He had
nothing cooked to eat he lived by his rifle would have to hunt game for his breakfast so we
lay down upon the bare floor vary hungry & weary but we were vary thankful for that
plase for it soon began to rain & we had a vary hard rainynight but we slept sound most
of the night finding it still raining when we awoke This was in Polk County
we arose this morning still Hungry & started in the rain upon our Journey we travled 12 miles
to a house which was the nearest one to whare we staid last night, this House was occupied
by one Mr Cornor He was also From Jackson County & was acquainted with the mobing
of the Saints He was an Enemy nevertheless he asked us to take sum breakfast as He knew
we were Hungry we ate a vary harty meal while he sat & swore at us vary severely
because we were mormons. when we stoped Eating we thanked him for our food for we felt
thankful for it as we had 72 miles without Eating we then went our way crossed a river
& travelled 18 miles & spent the night with Mr William Crisp in Polk County we preached
the gospel to him & family He seemed quite satisfied with it
we again crossed the river & travelled 15 miles & spent the night with Col Robert
Pollan who received us vary kindly we preached the gospel to him
We travled to Mr Nathan Turners in Green County whare we spent the night we gave out
an Appointment for Preaching on the morrow at Mr Turners house
I preached at Mr Turners house the first time that I ever attempted to preach to a public congregation
there was quite a snow storm during the time I had good liberty & was followed by Brother Brown
at the close of the meeting we went one mile & spent the night with Mr Charles J Peas
On Sunday we Travled 3 miles & Preached at the House of Mr Joseph Hendersons in
Green County Mr Henderson and family were believing and vary friendly, they father &
son both signed the petition to the Governor, they all bid us God speed
"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 45, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,