Day in the Life

Sep 2, 1877

Journal Entry

September 02, 1877 ~ Sunday

Sept 2, 1877
Keys crossed A crown Sunday This was the greatest day in some respects that
the Latter Day Saints Ever saw. The funeral of President Brigham
was attended to this day in the New Tabernacle
18000 people by actual count passed through the Tabernacle
to visit the Body of President Young and several thousand
were not counted. It is estimated that 25000 took there
last fare well of the honored dead. The Tabernacle was
handsomely decorated. Each column with the organ
the stands and the whole front of the platform tastefull
draped in Black. Ten of the Twelve Apostles with John
W. Young
& D. H. Wells councillors to president were
Present O Pratt & J F Smith in England. G. Q. Cannon
By request of the family conducted the ceremonies
Precisely at 12 oclok the choir of 220 voices sang
Hark from afar a funeral knell Prayer was then
offered By F D Richards. Then the choir sang "Thou
dost not weep to weep alone." President D H Wells then
spoke a few minutes followed By Elder Wilford Woodruff
some 15 Minuts then By Erastus Snow 20 Minuts. Then
George Q Cannon read President Young wishes to be
carried out in his funeral, Then spoke to the people
some 10 Minuts followed By Elder John Taylor who
made the closing remarks Elder Orson Hyde dismissed
The procession was then formed and the corps carried
and Deposited in the vault & Elder W Woodruff then
Dedicated the ground the vault and the body unto the Lord
The History of all this with the speeches is published in
the Deseret News weekly of Sept 5, 1877


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
803 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
705 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
820 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4149 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions


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Discourse 1877-09-02
was offered by ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF. O God, our Eternal Father, we present ourselves before thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to say that we have committed to this tomb the tabernacle of thy servant Pres- ident Brigham Young, and before closing our labors and services and duties towards him, we wish to ded- icate unto thee this vault, with all its contents and surroundings. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by authority of the holy priest- hood and apostleship, we dedicate this ground and this vault with all the materials of which it is com- posed, that it may be holy unto the Lord our God. We dedicate this coffin, and the box which contains it, that it may be holy unto the Lord our God. We also dedicate the body itself, the tabernacle of thy servant, unto the Lord our God, that it may be holy unto thee. And we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that this body may sleep here in peace a few days, until the time shall come when by the power of God and the keys of the resurrection, it shall come forth clothed with glory, immortality and eternal lives, with crowns, kingdoms, principalities and pow- ers, as they have been and will be appointed unto him. Yes, our Fa- ther, this same tabernacle, which has borne the burden and heat of the day, which has borne testi- mony through its life of the estab- lishment of the kingdom of God, preached the gospel of Christ and performed its work faithfully, this mortal body which has suffered pain and sickness, persecution and death, may then arise in glory and power to attain to its throne, cloth- ed in glory and immortality, in connection with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the prophets, and all the holy men who shall then judge the inhabitants of the earth, even those who have lived in his day and generation, to whom he has been faithful in bearing testi- mony of thy word and work. All these things, our Father, we dedicate to thee and thy safe keep- ing in the name of Jesus Christ, and pray that we, with him, may be prepared in the morning of the first resurrection, and that we may be with him in the family organiz- ation that shall be organized in the celestial world, and that we may be prepared to receive those keys and blessings which have been promised through the priesthood and gospel of the Son of God. We dedicate all pertaining unto this place, this burial ground and all its surroundings unto the Lord our God. We thank thee, our Father, that thou hast revealed unto us that power and principle of the resur- rection by which the pain, the sting and power of death are all taken away. For all these things, our Father, we praise thee; and pray that this dedication, in all its parts, may be acceptable in thy sight, and that these blessings may rest down upon the family, the wives, sons and daughters of thy servant Brigham, which mercies and favors we ask, dedicating all unto thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. The followers and thousands of spectators then passed by and view- ed the coffin in its last resting place after the family had taken their final farewell and, "in a new tomb,
Discourse 1877-09-02
ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF. We have lying before us the earth- ly tabernacle of President Brigham Young. His voice is hushed in death, and all Israel has to bow and submit to the mind and will of God. Israel will never again hear his voice until after the resurrection. I have no desire to occupy the time of this assembly, in eulogizing the life of President Young. His works and words are recorded in heaven, and they are recorded here on the earth; and that is sufficient. Let those of us who remain a few days study the counsels, the ser- mons and principles which have been revealed unto us through the mouth of this prophet of God. It will be but a few days until a great many of us who are in this assemb- ly will follow him. It seems as though Joseph was with anxious to have him, on the other side of the vail, almost all the men that labored with him and stood shoulder to shoulder with him in the flesh. I do not suppose there was ever a man breathed the breath of life who, in the short space of forty-five years, has done so much towards the establishment of the government and kingdom of God, as our beloved President. His life has been before many of you for several years, and to some from the commencement of his labors in this church. He felt the weight of this dispensation resting upon him; he certainly has been true and faithful unto death, and he is prepared to receive a crown of life. About all I wish to do in my re- marks is to exhort this great body of people who hold the holy priest- hood, that during the few remain- ing days of our earthly life we con- tinue, faithfully, the work that is now left us to do. "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord." [Job 1:21] The great desire of President Young in the last year of his life, as well as previously, was that before he passed away he might erect Temples to the name of the Lord, in that way and man- ner that men bearing the holy priesthood in the flesh could enter into those temples and perform their missions, for the redemption of the dead. This has been plainly manifested to all who have been much in his company. I rejoice that he lived long enough to enter into one Temple and attend to its dedication, and to commence the work of others. And I would say to this people, let us go to and finish these Temples, that we may continue the work required of us. I trust we will realize the import- ance of the great and serious res- ponsibilities resting upon us who are engaged in the work which comprehends all others; it being the great and last dispensation of the fulness of times; that we, like our leader, may be diligent, day and night, in striving to carry out the counsels given to us. I feel to thank God in my spirit that our beloved President has had the privilege, when his work was finished, of laying down his body in peace, at home, surrounded by his family and friends; instead of suffering martyrdom as did our for- mer President, and as did nearly all of the ancient Apostles. This to me is certainly very consoling. And I would repeat, Let us accom- plish the work laid upon us by our beloved leader, so that when our time is ended, we can go hence and be welcomed into the society of Brigham, of Joseph, George A., Brother Kimball and the host of Elders who have dwelt in the flesh and proven faithful and true, feel- ing satisfied with our labors. It is said that "blessings brighten as they take their flight." I have often felt in listening to the glorious principles of President Young, that the people here heard him so much that they hardly prized the beauty and the extent of the results and virtues of his teachings. Brethren let us give these things our serious attention and remember them and carry them out in our lives. Let us keep the commandments, striv- ing in all earnestmess to be true and faithful to the end of our work, so that we may share the joys of those men whose names brighten the pages of our history. I would say to the bereaved fam- ily, may God comfort you and bless you and give you increasedly of his Spirit. Your husband and fa- ther has gone to prepare the way for his family who must sooner or later follow after him. If you, as his wives, his sons and daughters keep his sayings, you will be pre- pared to meet him in the morning of the resurrection, numbered among the faithful and worthy ones. And to my brethren and sisters who have heard his voice for these many years: Let us not forget the precious words of truth and wisdom he has taught us. We are living in a time of important changes. If ever a man could have been saved from dying through prayer, President Brigham Young could. But it was not in the power of man to keep him here. I believe Bro. Geo. A. Smith was kept from dying through the prayers of his brethren and the saints, several months after he was called away. But when the Lord calls we must go. When we received word in St. George of the sickness of President Young, we stopped all business, and went into the Temple remaining mostly for two days and nights en- gaged in supplicating Almighty God for his recovery, until the time of his death. Having finished his work he had to go; and he is now beyond the power of pain and sor- row, sickness and death. He has been true and faithful to the end, and therefore all is well with him. That God may bless us all, and help us to realize the responsibility we are under to him, to our fellow- man and to each other, to the liv- ing and to the dead, is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's vision of Signers of Declaration of Independence; proxy baptisms for 100 Eminent Men and 68 Eminent Women under Wilford's direction.
Majority of endowments completed for Eminent Men and Women; some sealings also completed.
Wilford publicly shares his vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Sep 2, 1877