Oct 6 1877
I received 2 letters No 12, I wrote No 19.
I met in general conference this Morning with all the
Quorum of the Twelve John Taylor presiding. All the Authorities
of the Church in this country were present. Prayer by Joseph
Young. G. Q. Cannon said it was the intention to have read
the report of all the stakes but the report of all the stakes was not
handed in but He would read what He had. Elder Woodruff
gave An account of his labors in St George from the time
of the dedication of the Temple up till the time He left
From the 9 Jan till the 20 Sept 1877 1877
we Baptized For the living 395 For the Dead 23989
gave Endowments for the Living Males 424, Females 520,
Dead Males 4204 Females 6448 Ordinations For the dead
7 High Priest, Living Elders 264, Dead 4085
sealing of Females to Males Living 356, Dead 3352
sealing of children to parents Living 174, Dead 94
Adoptions Living 25 Dead 28. Second Anointings
Living 179, Dead 130. Elder E Snow then addressed the
Meeting Followed by G. Q. Cannon. Afternoon The
Authorities of the Church were presented Begining with the
Twelve Apostles with John Taylor as their president all
these votes were put to Each Quorum separately and each
body Rose to their feet and raised their right hand and
all the Authorities were presented in this way through
all the Quorums then put to the whole Assembly it was A
vary soleumn occasion and oppressive scene
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