Day in the Life

Sep 16, 1877

Journal Entry

September 16, 1877 ~ Sunday

16. ^Sunday^ I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle and spoke
to a large congregation of Saints & Gentiles
and talked vary plain 45 Minuts followed By G Q.
20 Minuts at the close D H Wells, the
Twelve Apostles with Gen T L Kane and Many

others took cars & rode to Ogden spent the night
with F. D. Richards 40 Mils
we held a council in the Evening about laying the
cornor stones of the Temple


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Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
803 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
820 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions
Kane, Thomas Leiper
27 Jan 1822 - 26 Dec 1883


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Discourse 1877-09-16
AFTERNOON, . (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.) NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL—THIRTY YEARS PROGRESS IN THE MOUNTAINS—THE GOSPEL UNCHANGABLE—JOSEPH INSPIRED—PRESI- DENT YOUNG'S WORK—WORK OF THE TWELVE—LABORS IN ST. GEORGE TEMPLE—GATHERING OF THE SPIRITS OF THE DEAD. It is with much pleasure and sa- tisfaction I again stand before the Saints of God in this Tabernacle. A year nearly has passed since I en- joyed this privilege, my labors hav- ing been directed elsewhere. What- ever I may say to you depends en- tirely upon the dictation of the Holy Spirit. And I may say that we all need the inspiration of the Almighty to dictate us, whether we preach or listen, and not only in our public gatherings but in all of our labors connected with the building up of the kingdom of God, yes, just as much as the Saints of God did in every past age and dispensation. I can truly say as the Apostle Paul said, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." [Romans 1:16] I am not ashamed of what the world is pleased to call "Mormonism;" I am not ashamed of any revelation that God has given unto the Latter-day Saints, through the mouth of modern Prophets; I am not ashamed to acknowledge my- self a firm believer in the literal ful- filment of the Bible, as well as every communication of God to man, al- though I am well aware that the Scriptures have been more or less spiritualized by the whole Christian world, especially during the last hundred years. I believe that holy men of old wrote and spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and that they meant what they said and said what they meant, and that the Apostle Paul spoke truly when he said, "that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpre- tation." [2 Peter 1:20] The Lord has taught us in a modern revelation contained in this book, the "Doctrine and Cove- nants," that it matters not whether he speaks from heaven by his own voice, or by the ministration of an- gels, or by the mouth of his servants when they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost, it is all the same the mind and will of God; and although the heavens and earth pass away, my words would not fall unfulfilled. [Doctrine and Covenants 1:38] I desire more particularly to ad- dress myself, this afternoon, to the Latter-day Saints; and at the same time if any of the strangers present can receive any benefit from my re-


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's vision of Signers of Declaration of Independence; proxy baptisms for 100 Eminent Men and 68 Eminent Women under Wilford's direction.
Majority of endowments completed for Eminent Men and Women; some sealings also completed.
Wilford publicly shares his vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Sep 16, 1877